Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Sample Activity Sheet on Drama Genre
Q. 5 (A) Complete the activities given below
A1. State whether the following statements are true or false. 2
1. A one act play is a shortened drama.
2. The action in one act play occurs at one place.
3. Conflict is the body of drama.
4. A theme is a central idea around which the plot revolves.
A2. Odd one out . Find out which one is odd . 2
1. Plot, setting, stage, language .
2. Romantic comedy, Classical Comedy, Sentimental comedy , tragic comedy.
3. Thomas Kyd , Charlie Chaplin, Shakespeare, Christopher Morlow .
4. The Doll’s House, Ghosts, Oscar Wild, An Enemy of the People.
(B)Write answers of the following activities in about 50 words.
A1. Throw light on the dialogues used in the ‘The Rising of the Moon’. 2
A2. State about the life of the singer appeared in the ‘The Rising of the Moon’. 2
(C)Write answers of the following activities in about 50 words.
A1. A Midsummer-Night’s Dream is not a one act play. Justify. 2
A2 State the theme of ‘A Midsummer-Night’s Dream’. 2
(D)Write answers of the following activities in about 50 words.
A1. Describe conflict in ‘An Enemy of the people’. 2
A2. Draw a character sketch of Dr. Stockmann 2

Answer Key
1. A one act play is a shortened drama. False
2. The action in one act play occurs at one place. True
3. Conflict is the body of drama.False
4. A theme is a central idea around which the plot revolves.True
A2. Odd one out . Find out which one is odd .
1. Plot, setting, humour, language. Humour Plot ,setting and language are the features of drama.
2. Romantic comedy, Classical Comedy, Sentimental comedy , tragic comedy. Tragic Comedy Romantic comedy, Classical Comedy, Sentimental comedy are the types of comedy drama.
3. Thomas Kyd , Charlie Chaplin, Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe . Charlie Chaplin Thomas Kyd , Shakespeare, Christopher Morlow were the dramatist of Elizabethan era.
4. The Doll’s House, Ghosts, Oscar Wild, An Enemy of the People. Oscar Wild The Doll’s House, Ghosts, An Enemy of the People are the dramas .
B. A1 The dialogues used in 'The Rising of the Moon' are short but effective. They give us enjoyment. They add beauty to the main story. They enhance the impact of the one act play. Some effective dialogues are "Back to the town is it?" "You would be as wise as myself" and "Nothing was known for certain."
A2. The singer is a poor man. He sings on the streets and fairs for livelihood. He walked through the hills to view rocks and streams.An Irish patriot has disguised as singer.
(C) A1. A Midsummer-Night’s Dream is not a one act play.It is a drama written by William Shakespeare. It is not confined to one place.The action takes place in the palace, Queen's cottage and in different parts of the woods. There are many characters in it . These elements prove that it is not a one act play.
A2. The dominant theme in 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' is love. The drama shows how people tend to fall in love with a beautiful person. The attraction towards beauty appear to be love.The real love is much more than mere physical attraction.
(D) A1 Conflict in ‘An Enemy of the people’ is a significant element. It deals with the extent to which individual's desires and beliefs are compromised by society. The protagonist wants to expose the corruption. but he was warned of terrible consequences. He was declared as the enemy of the people b his own brother.
A2. Dr. Stockmann is the main character of the play. He is a medial officer by profession. He suspects that the bath water is contaminated. He proves it with clinical tests. He was against the corruption. He wanted to fight for the social cause. He believes in 'what is convenient is not always right

Compering for Prize Distribution Ceremony

Imagine that you are a compere of a ‘Prize Distribution Ceremony’ of your college. Write a script of the same.

1. Introduction – A brief introduction of the programme / function / show.

Good morning to one and all present here. We are gathered here for ………. . The guests have arrived here. Let’s welcome them with a thunder of applause.
2. Lighting the lamp
I call upon the honourable chief guest ……. And the Principal of our college ........to light the lamp and garland the photos of Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, Savitribai Fule and Fatima Sheikh.
I request all the dignitaries to take their respective seats on the stage. Please come over here sirs.

3. Welcome song
Now I request Mrs. ………. Madam and her team to recite the welcome song.

4. Welcome speech – Welcome of all guests. Felicitation – felicitation of the guests (the principal, vice principal etc.)
I request honourable Prinicipal ….. to welcome the chief guest honourable ……. with bouquet and book, also felicitate with shawl and shreefal.
I urge the vice Principal ….. to welcome The Principal by offering bouquet . ……… Thank you.

5. Main events
Now I request the honourable principal …… to deliver an introductory speech on the occasion.
Thank you sir for apprising us with achievement of our college.
Now the Prize Time .
1. I request the honourable chief guest to confer the award of sports.
I call upon SushilKumar and team to receive the trophy for cricket .

Mohan Kusale and team for Kabbadi.

Suhas Aswale and team for volleyball

2. I request honourable principal to confer award for cultural events and academic events.
I call upon Juhi and team to accept the trophy for group dance .

Manish Vasake for Individual dance.
Shruti Thamke for student of the year.

3. I request honourable chief guest ….. to guide us with his mesmerising speech.
Thank you sir for this guidance.

6. Vote of thanks
I call upon Suraj Nahate to propose vote of thanks.

text book

Figures Of Speech

A)  Alliteration

   1.And after I set- back you offer no excuse.
      Repeatation of a sound 'a'

   2. 'If you Crave not for praise when you       win'.
     Repetition of the sound of 'w'

   3. While you Raise yourself in those of  others.
  Repeatation of the sound of 'Y'

4)That the virtue and success do not go side by side.

(reputation of the sound of  'S')

5) We went on our way and we said goodbye.
  ( repetition of the sound of 'w')

6) God's still small voice came to me and said
     Repetition of the sound of 'S')

7) She stood quietly not to spoil the surprise reputation of the sound of 'S'.

8) I celebrate the virtues and vices

(repetition of the sound of 'v'

 9) what are you and what am I and we go on deciding
( repetition of the sound of 'w')

10) The truth of Badri movie by on credit

(reputation of the sound of TH)

11) 'or settle like sterile clouds'
      Repeatation of the sound of 'S'

12) 'my father told the tenants to leave'

 repeatation of sound of 'T'

13) ' who lived in the houses surrounding our house on the hill '

repetition of sound of 'h'

14) ' only our own house remained and the tree

repetition of sound ' O '

15) ' Its trunk had a circumference of 50 feet'
 repeatation of the sound of 'f'
16)  from 30 feet or more so first they cut the branches

reputation of the sound of 't'

17)  'where there are no trees except the one'

 repetition of the sound of ' T'

18)' it's shafts are laid on a sinking sand .'
repetition of the sound of 'S'.

19) ' It is not gold its kingdoms Grand go down in battle shock.'

 repeatation of the sound of 'G'

20) 'stand fast and suffer long .'

repeatation of the sound of 'S'

21) 'on my winding way to the world's fair.'

 repeatation of the sound of ' w'

22) 'Just like a golden flower faded.'

 repeatation of the sound of 'F'

23)'A moonlight message'

Repeatation of the sound of young 'm'

24) 'peace is indeed a pregnant woman.'

reputation of the sound of ' p'.

25).'....... the snow sprinkled trial.'

 repetition of the sound of 'S'.

26) '.......Playing eye tricks with its tail.'

 repetition of the sound of the 't.'

27) one that is Fur free.'

 repeatation of the sound of 'f'.
28)) foot path in a forest of pine. '

Repetition of sound of 'f'.

29) 'The wind caressing our Crown'.
 Repetition  of the sound of 'c'.

 30)' No more natural goods.'

repetition of the sound of 'b.'

B) Antithesis 

1) if you do not get lowered in your own eyes
while you Raise yourself in those of others
   'lowered' and 'raised 'are contradictory words .

2) if you Crave not for praise when you win
and look not for sympathy for when you lose

('win' and' lose' are contradictory words)

3) if you have the will to live and the courage to die
( ' Live 'and 'Die 'are contradictory words)

4) young and old
     (opposite ideas are Express in the same line))

5)'  all dogs pass leaving them in the dark '

striking a opposition or contrast of words is used for emphasis 'न

6) ' one by one The structures were demolished only our own house remained.'

 demolished and remained are contradictory words '

7)' we watched in terror and fascination this slaughter.'

Terror and fascination are contradictory words.

8) 'it's shafts are laid on sinking sand,
not on a binding Rock .'

'sinking sand' and 'abinding Rock' are two contradictory ideas.'

9)'their glory to decay.'

' glory' and 'decay' are two contradictory ideas in the same line.

10) 'But God has struck its luster down in ashes at his feet.'

 'luster' and 'ashes' are two contradictory ideas.

 11) Brave men who work while others sleep.'

' work' and 'sleep' are two contradictory ideas.

12) 'we used to watch the valley play Hide and Seek.'

Hide and Seek are the contrasting ideas.
13) 'only thinking in the present not learning from the past.'

 14)'no more natural than the over processed food we eat.'


C)   Metaphor

 1) you are beacon-light  light for people far and wide

( ' you' is implicitly compared with a 'beacon light')

2) with the fleeting passage of  runners or of a shy hotel for travellers

3) ' the old woman once were continents '

here there is an implicit comparison between old woman and continents

4) leaving only their maps .

here there is an implicit comparison between old woman and maps both can show you the way.

5) whose roots lay deeper than all our lives

 there is an implicit comparison between the roots and the length of the lives

6) 'soon afterwards we left Baroda for Bombay
 Where there are no trees except the one
 which grows and seethes in one's dream, its aerial roots
 looking for ground to strike'

 The Banyan tree and its roots are implicitly compared.

7) 'peace is a woman.'

peace is implicitly compared to a woman .

8)'peace is indeed a pregnant woman.'

 peace is implicitly compared to a pregnant woman.

D) climax

1)  the feeble the braggarts the      unfinished
     The words are arranged in ascending order of importance.

2) ' until they were robbed their laurels their medals their titles their names '

The words are arranged in the ascending orders of importance

E)      Simile

 1) 'trembling like waves '

trembling of the old woman is compared to the movement of the Waves

2)'or settle like  sterile clouds '

the old women waiting hopelessly at the post office are compared to the sterile clouds which have nothing to give

3)' they Whisper like drizzles'

 the weak whispers of the old women are compared to the drizzle of rain

4)'they shiver like December Nights'

the shivering of the old woman is compared to the cold December night

5)' but the huge Banyan trees to like a problem  '
here the The Banyan tree and problem are compared

6) 'she had such a wonderful face just like a golden flower.'

 Face is directly compared to a golden flower.

F)      Paradox

1)  I celebrate the virtues and vices

( it is an example of paradox because we cannot celebrate vices)
2) We heroes and poor devils the feeblethe braggarts the unfinished and capable of everything impossible as long as it is not seen or heard

G)      Use of symbols
   1)  Who overwhelm the refrigerators

( hear refrigerator symbolise the things which we have proud)

  2)   manufacturers in indivisible granaries

( granaries symbolise the ordinary monotonous workplaces of the middle class person)

 H)   Transferred epithet

OR OF shy hotel for travellers

( the epithet shy is transferred from the Travellers to the hotel)

I)    Personification

  1) ' they do not fear death they         died long ago '

The Abstract idea like death is given the human quality of arousing fear in the old woman

2) ' It's morning Dew tickling our feet.'

 the morning Dew is given the human quality of tickling someone.

3)  'we use to watch the valley play Hide and Seek.'

 the valley is given human quality.

4)'  the wind caressing our crown.'

J)   Onomatopoeia

1) ' they Whisper like drizzle

   ' Whisper '  is a word indicating sound

 K)   Imagery 

1) old women once were continents they had Deep Woods in them lakes ,mountains ,volcanoes even ranging gulf.

L)   Metonymy

1) 'it is not gold .'

Here gold stand for wealth.

2) '  is it the sword?'

here sword stand for military might.

3) 'Ah ,that bright crown.'

Here bright Crown stand for a proud king.

M)    Conversational tone

1) ' what makes a Nation's pillars high and its Foundation strong?'

N)    Extended metaphor

O)     Rhetorical questions

1) Is it sword?

2) Is it Pride?

P)   Hyperbole 

1) 'she told me her baby was killed in Auschwitz her daughter in Hiroshima and her sons in Vietnam Ireland ,Israel ,Palestine, Lebanon ,Bosnia, Rwanda, Kosovo and Chechnya.'

 Ideas have been exaggerated.

2) A thousand candles then lit in her starry Eyes.'

 Exaggeration of the idea in the words thousand candles.

Q) Repetition

1) ' fifty with axes Chopped and Chopped.'

the reputation of the word Chopped Lays emphasis on the activity.

2)'.....beasts roam , far from town.'

R) Inversion

While dealing with a stranger common courtesy you use
But the children you love you seem to abuse

The correct push order of the words should be
You common courtesy while dealing

Formal E-mail Writing
An email written for business communication or professional use is a formal email. The email written for any government department, school authority, company or any officers are the formal emails. Use of polite and formal words, the reason for writing mail, clarity, proper greeting and closing are some of the features of the formal email.
Write an email .
You are the college representative and your Principal has assigned you the task of writing an email to the Divisional Officer , Satpuda Mountain Ranges , Nagpur , seeking permission for the mountaineering expedition to be organized by your college.
Subject : Regarding permission for the                            mountaineering
Respected Sir,
I am Manoj Bhaye a college representative of Mahatma Gandhi College of Science Chandrapur. Our college has planned some outdoor and adventurous activities. Mountaineering is one of them. The principal has assigned me the task of getting permission for it.
 As a college representative, I request you to grant us permission for the mountaineering on the Satpuda Mountain Ranges. A batch of 20 students will be the participants. We have basic knowledge of the mountaineering. The participants are capable of mountaineering. We all meet the requirements for the expedition. We will be abide by the rules and regulations.
Kindly do the necessary and grant us permission for mountaineering expedition.
Thanking you,
Manoj Bhaye
Class : Std 11th
Mahatma Gandhi College of Science
Chandrapur (MS)
Attachment : 1. a list of students 2. Their fitness certificates
Thursday, 17 October 2019
Compering for Prize Distribution Ceremony
Imagine that you are a compere of a ‘Prize Distribution Ceremony’ of your college. Write a script of the same.
1. Introduction – A brief introduction of the programme / function / show. 
Good morning to one and all present here. We are gathered here for ………. . The guests have arrived here. Let’s welcome them with a thunder of applause.
2. Lighting the lamp
I call upon the honourable chief guest ……. And the Principal of our college ........to light the lamp and garland the photos of Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, Savitribai Fule and Fatima Sheikh.
I request all the dignitaries to take their respective seats on the stage. Please come over here sirs. 
3. Welcome song
Now I request Mrs. ………. Madam and her team to recite the welcome song. 
4. Welcome speech – Welcome of all guests. Felicitation – felicitation of the guests (the principal, vice principal etc.)
I request honourable Prinicipal ….. to welcome the chief guest honourable ……. with bouquet and book, also felicitate with shawl and shreefal.
I urge the vice Principal ….. to welcome The Principal by offering bouquet . ……… Thank you.

5. Main events
Now I request the honourable principal …… to deliver an introductory speech on the occasion.
Thank you sir for apprising us with achievement of our college.
Now the Prize Time .
1. I request the honourable chief guest to confer the award of sports.
I call upon SushilKumar and team to receive the trophy for cricket .
Mohan Kusale and team for Kabbadi.
Suhas Aswale and team for volleyball
2. I request honourable principal to confer award for cultural events and academic events.
I call upon Juhi and team to accept the trophy for group dance .
Manish Vasake for Individual dance.
Shruti Thamke for student of the year. 
3. I request honourable chief guest ….. to guide us with his mesmerising speech.
Thank you sir for this guidance. 
6. Vote of thanks
I call upon Suraj Nahate to propose vote of thanks.
Expansion of Ideas
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If winter comes, can spring be far behind?
If winter comes, can spring be far behind? is a quote of a great nature poet P. B. Shelley. The quote means spring, a symbol of life and joy follows the winter, a symbol of death. It is symbolic of life. As there is cycle of seasons in nature, the life is a web of sorrow and happiness. Pain is not permanent. It is followed by gain of happiness. It makes us optimistic. It gives rise to hopefulness.
    The poet was undergoing a bad patch in poetry. Good poetry wasn't coming of his way. But he didn't give in. He strongly believed in his strength. He was hopeful of good poetry soon. Everyone of us has tough times in life. We should remember that there will be a good time sooner or later. Yuvraj Singh was diagnosed with cancer. He got treatment and came out with a new vigour to play cricket.
    Every cloud has silver lining.  One should have positive attitude towards life. If you think you can, you can. If you think you can't, you can't. Morning follows night. There is light after darkness.

Eat to live not live to eat'
'Eat to live not live to eat' is an idiom. It stands as an advice of doctor to obese.It is an advice for everyone of us in the age of fast food. Eat to live means eating for survival and to energize the body. Live to eat means taking interest only in food. It is giving more importance to the tongue and belly than to the whole body.
In the world of busy life schedule no one has much time to take care of health. One should not forget that 'Health is Wealth'
Those who live to eat fall prey to innumerable diseases. To much eating or eating all the time gives a shelter to disease. In the school and college students eat fast food. Such food is tasty so they keep eating as if they live to eat. Parents also bring such food at home. Nowadays going to restaurants for weekend,birthdays and anniversaries have become a status symbol. People are taking more interest in eating than jogging. They eat after morning walk; they eat before going to office; they eat during office hours and they eat while reaching home. After reaching they set out with family to eat. Their days are filled with eating and eating.
This practice is not healthy. So we should eat to fuel the body. Breakfast, lunch and dinner is a wise way to be healthy. The food we consume should have nutrients. Increase in diseases like obesity,cardiac arrest, blood pressure, sugar level, hypertension etc. is the effect of too much eating. To live a happy and healthy life we should remember the doctor's advice
'Eat to live not live to eat'. 
Expansion of Idea 
A bad workman blames his tools.*
One who fails in his efforts /work gives excuses. He/she assumes other things responsible for the failure. Instead of taking responsibility of uncompleted work some people find fault with the equipment. They blame the equipment for the their failure. They do not accept their fault.
My friend was repairing a cell phone. He put all the efforts. After a while he handed the phone to the owner. The phone persisted the same problem. When the owner complained, he told him that the cell phone was outdated. It was beyond repair. He suggested to buy a new one. The owner went to another repair store and got his phone repaired. Here it means that my friend had little knowledge of phone repairing and he could not repair it. But he blamed the cell phone itself.

On many occasions people consider them skilled and expert. In spite of their failure they blame on other or equipment. They blame always others for their unfinished work. It means such persons are bad workmen and they blame the tools they are using.

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