Friday, December 20, 2019

Note Making

Styles of Note Making

Suppose you are in a class and the teacher is teaching a very important concept. It is difficult for us to remember everything taught in the class in the same order. Also in our daily lives, it is not possible to memorize everything. To overcome this difficulty, one notes down important details. These notes help us in the time of need. The noting down of useful concepts and points is the basis of what one says note making. In this section, we will study note making and note making format.

Mechanics of Linear Note Making

Let’s say you have to go to the market to buy some groceries, vegetables, and meet your friends on the same day. Apart from this, you have to borrow and lend some money as well on the same day. You may or may not remember all the tasks, in such a scenario note making process comes handy. In this section, we will study how to write notes and the mechanics of linear note making.
How to Write Notes

Note Making is a process of writing down important details from a source. When the available information is vast, there is a need for briefing down the details. It helps to go through a lot of information in less time. A person should write notes in a specific format. There are two formats in which one can write notes. They are

Linear Note Making, and

Non-Linear Note Making

Linear Note Making

It is the simplest form of note making and is used by most of the people it is one of the most common form of note making. Notes presented here is in a very structured manner i.e., one line after the other. Here, a person writes a note in the form heading, subheading, and points. It also includes keywords, indention, and abbreviations.

Browse more Topics under Note Making

Intro, Advantages and Strategies of Note Making

Styles of Note Making

Steps to Comprehend and Summarize Text

Non-Linear Note Making

Here, one can write notes as the diagrammatical representations of ideas and details. It includes mind maps, tree diagrams, tables, and flow charts. It quickly helps us go through the details much quickly and clearly. There is no fixed format for it.

Mechanics of Linear Note Making

In linear note making, you write notes in a downward direction. This order is the same as the one in which a person receives information. One can write notes in the form of headings and subheading using numbers. We can also use letters, roman numerals or pointers. Let us discuss the various ways in which one must write notes in the linear format.


Heading / Title

It shows the topic or the heading of the note. The heading should be very clear and brief in order to have a clear idea of the notes made. It gives the main idea of the passage.


As the name suggests, a subheading is a subdivision of the main topic. One can use as many subheadings as he or she wants. It is like the heading to the subsections of the passage.


Below subheading, there are some points which are the part of the main topics.


One can add more headings below the points for showing the category, types, advantages, etc.


It refers to the proper alignment and spacing in the written matter. Indentation means shifting from the margin. It indicates the subheadings, points, sub-points, sub-subheadings, etc. clearly. Indentation offers a well-defined structure for a note. It makes it readable and increases the objectives of the content.


When a person writes a note, he or she uses some keys to save time. It has the various codes, symbols or the abbreviation for the clear understanding in the note making format.

I. Abbreviations

These are used in order to save time and space when you write notes. Their use makes it easier to read. An abbreviation can be made by

Using the beginnings of words

Info. – Information

Stat. – Statistics

Max. – Maximum

Min. – Minimum

Using the beginnings of words with the last letter

Dept. – department

Govt. – government

Prodn. – Production

Omitting Vowels

Prblm. – Problem

Wrd. – word

Schl. – school

Using the first and the last letter of a word

Mt – mount

Mr – Mister

Shortening the suffix at the end of the word

Productn – Production

Distributn – Distribution

II. Symbols

You may also use some commonly used symbols when you write notes. These symbols save a lot of time and easy to understand.

SymbolMeaningSymbolMeaning→leads to←caused by↑increase↓decrease>greater than<less than=equal to∴therefore@at the rate of (or rate)%percent100hundrede.g.examplei.e.,that isviz.namely&and/or

III. Acronyms

They are words consisting of the first letters of each word in the name of something.

AcronymMeaningAcronymMeaningCBSECentral Board of Secondary EducationNCERTNational Council of Educational Research and TrainingCMChief MinisterPMPrime MinisterUNOUnited Nations OrganizationUNESCOUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural OrganizationWHOWorld Health OrganizationCODCash On DeliveryFIFOFirst In First OutPTOPlease Turn OverDOBDate of BirthSUVSports Utility VehicleHRHuman ResourcesPRPublic RelationsCEOChief Executive OfficerCFOChief Financial OfficerUKUnited KingdomUSAThe United States of America

Summarizing the Notes

When you write notes, you don’t write the whole passage or the content. Instead, you summarize the content and tries to note down the main idea or the information from the whole content. While making the summary, all the important points must be added.

Solved Example for You

Problem: Provide a suitable title and make a note of the paragraph in any format.

Conversation is indeed the most easily teachable of all arts. All you need to do in order to become a good conversationalist is to find a subject that interests you and your listeners. There are, for example, numberless hobbies to talk about. But the important thing is that you must talk about other fellow’s hobby rather than yours’. Talk to your friends about the things that interest them, and you will get a reputation for good fellowship, and a brilliant mind. There is nothing that pleases people so much as your interest in their interest.

It is just as important to know what subjects to avoid and what subjects to select for good conversation. If you don’t want to be set down as a bore, be careful to avoid certain unpleasant subjects. Avoid talking about yourself, unless you are asked to do so. People are interested in their own problems not in yours.

To be a good conversationalist you must know not only what to say, but how also to say it. Be mentally quick and witty. Finally, try to avoid mannerism in your conversation. Don’t click your tongue, or roll your eyes or use your hands excessively as you speak.

Solution: The note for the above passage is

The Art of Conversation (The Title for the passage)

Convn. – most easily tchble. art

Reqd. intrstng. subject – hobbies

Talk abt. other fellow’s hobby

Winning reptn. as good convn’list.

Good frndship.

Brlnt. Mind.

Fit subj. for convn.

What subj. to select/ avoid?

Avoid unpleasant subj.

Avoid talking abt. self

Qualities of a good convn’list.

What to say & how to say

Mentally quick & witty

Avoid mannerisms

Note Making

Note Making is a way of recording important details from a source. This source can be any book, article, meeting or any oral discussion. In note making, the writer records the essence of the information. It helps us to understand and clarify thinking. Note making saves a lot of time by going through the notes made. One can get a glimpse of a lot of information from a short note.

Advantages of Note Making

A note making is a skill which improves by practicing. There are some advantages of note making. Let us get to know some of them.

It has great importance in exams or in academic writing

It is an organization of main points for future use

Note making helps in keeping the information handy whenever we require

It helps in recollecting and recalling the past events said or heard

It helps in concentrating, understanding and provides a permanent record

Note making format helps a writer to go through bulky documents quicker

It helps in understanding a material if the notes are in own words

It distinguishes between main points and details

 Here we will learn why and how to make a note.

Note Making Format

There is a fixed note making format. One needs to follow this note making format in order to have a clear and unambiguous understanding from it. The note making format has-


It shows the title or the heading of note.


As the name suggests, a subheading is a subdivision of the main topic. One can use as many subheadings as he or she wants.


Below subheading, there are some points which are the part of the main topics.


One can add more headings below the points for showing the category, types, advantages, etc.

Key or Keywords

The key portion of the note shows the various codes, symbols or the abbreviation used. It helps to get a clear understanding of the keys used in the note making format.

The Procedure of Note Making

Read the passage provided

Underline the important sentences. It helps to make headings and subheadings

Make a rough note first so as to get an idea

Organize them in logical order or sequence for the final note

Use the appropriate note making format

Do not change the idea or the message of the passage

Points to Remember for Note Making Format

Avoid using long sentences as heading or title

Never lose the main idea of the passage

Ignore information which is less important

Be brief, clear, and specific

Use logical sequencing

Use proper indention

Leave no spaces to avoid confusion

Do not include your own version or understandings

Use abbreviations

Make your note more memorable by adding colors, drawings, and symbols

What are the Mechanics of linear note making?

Note Making Format

A note making involves the selection, analysis, summarization, and organization of information. There are different note making format. Let us make ourselves familiar with them.

Split – page Format (A narrative note making format method)

In this method, the page is divided into two columns. The first column had the standard notes. The second column will have a summary. This is the most common note making format to note down lecture notes.

Diagram / Pattern format (A visual note making format method)

In this method, the information is presented by a diagram. The main topic is linked together by related ideas. This method is visually more appealing and easy to understand.

Mind Map (A visual note making method)

In this method, the main points and all the related points are presented through a map. It contains text and images both. For a clear understanding, the information is linked in the proper sequence.

Outline Format (A visual note making format method)

In this method, the information is presented as an outline. Proper titles and subtitles are numbered accordingly for this outline.

Question and Prompt Format (A visual note making format method)

In this method, the main points are highlighted as a series of questions and appropriate answers. It helps in revising the note in an easy way.

Solved Example for You

Problem: A person really wants to remember the information the speaker is providing. What should he need to do?

Listen for non – verbal clues

Listen for verbal clues

Write down the important details

None of the above

Solution:  3. Write down the important details.

Problem: Why is it important to take notes?

Helps you remember

Improves your concentration level

Helps you prepare for tests

All of the above

Solution: 4. All of the above.

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