Friday, December 20, 2019


I.                   INTRODUCTION

Isabella Augusta, Lady Gregory (15 March 1852 – 22 May 1932), bornIsabella Augusta Persse, was an Irishdramatist, folklorist and theatre manager. With William Butler Yeatsand Edward Martyn, she co-founded the Irish Literary Theatre and theAbbey Theatre, and wrote numerous short works for both companies. Lady Gregory produced a number of books of retellings of stories taken from Irish mythology. Born into a class that identified closely with British rule, her conversion to cultural nationalism,
 as evidenced by her writings, was emblematic of many of the political struggles to occur in Ireland during .her .lifetime. not Gregory is m   ainly remembered for her work behind theIrish Literary Revival. Her home atCoole Park, County Galway, served as an important meeting place for leading Revival figures, and her early work as a member of the board of the Abbey was at least as important for the theatre's development as her creative writings. Lady Gregory's motto was taken fromAristotle: "To think like a wise man, but to express oneself like the common people."

            Lady Gregory’s The Rising of the Moon is a political play dealing with the relation between England and Ireland. Here we find Ireland trying to free itself from the English rule. The English has dominated over Ireland for a long period of time. In this play we find that the characters are torn between duty and patriotism and are ultimately united together as Irishmen through the folklore, myths and songs which they share as a nation. The thought of being the citizen of a country is considered as more important over one’s feelings of duty towards a foreign nation.

II.                CONTENT

1.      PLOT


Three police (Sergeant, Policeman B and Policeman X) enter to the quay in a seaport town. They bring lantern and placard about the wanted man.

Rising Action

A man that admits as a poor ballad singer come to the quay and the sergeant asks him to stay because he has information about the wanted man.


Finally sergeant knows that the man is the one that he is looking for. When his comrade came he is doubt whether he will release the man or not

Falling Action

When the policeman B come, the sergeant let the man keeps hiding behind the barrel because the man has the same common feeling when he is the man’s age.


The sergeant regrets what he did because he lost the reward.

2.      DIALOGUE

1.      To characterize : In this play, there is a dialogue that highlight the characterization of the characters. For example, the characterization of Sergeant is described by the dialogue below:

Policeman B                      : Did any one come this way?

Sergeant (after a pause)    : No one --->          Irresponsible

Policeman B : Well, we’ll leave you the lantern anyhow (Hands it to him)

Sergeant       : I don’t want it. Bring it with you.  --->        Brave

Sergeant       : It’s a pity! It’s a pity. You deceived me. You deceived me well-->

easily fooled.

Sergeant       : Indeed it’s a hard thing to be in the force, out at night and no thanks for it, for all the danger we’re in. And it’s little we get but abuse from the people, and no choice but to obey our orders, and never asked when a man is sent into danger, if you are a married man with a family. -> Seeks for acknowledgement.

2.      To speculate. In this play, there is a dialogue that increases the level of curiosity of the readers about what the sergeant will do after he knows that the man is the one he looks for, whether the man will be arrested or not.

Man : You needn’t ask who I am; that placard will tell you. (points to placard.)

Sergeant : You are the man I am looking for.

3.      To reminisce. In this play, there is a dialogue that reminds the reader to something in the real world. The man mentions the name Granuaile in the story. Granuaile is nicknamed of Grace O’Malley who is a well-known historical figure in 16th century in Irish folklore.

Man : you won’t betray me . . . the friend of Granuaile. (slips behind barrel).

3.      CONFLICT

The conflict in this story is  ‘Vacillitation of the sergeant to save the man or not’.

The kinds of the conflict:

The conflict is internal conflict because the conflict happens between the sergeant and his mind whether he is going to save.



He is an irresponsible but brave policeman. Furthermore, he is easily fooled and he really seeks for acknowledgment. It can be seen from the dialogue.

Policeman B:   Did any one come this way?

Sergeant (after a pause):         No one  ----> Irresponsible

Policeman B : Well, we’ll leave you the lantern anyhow (Hands it to him)

Sergeant       : I don’t want it. Bring it with you. ----> Brave

Sergeant       : It’s a pity! It’s a pity. You deceived me. You deceived me well

easily fooled.

Sergeant       : Indeed it’s a hard thing to be in the force, out at night and no thanks for it, for all the danger we’re in. And it’s little we get but abuse from the people, and no choice but to obey our orders, and never asked when a man is sent into danger, if you are a married man with a family. -> Seeks for acknowledgement.

Kinds of Character

1.      From the role in the story, Sergeant is a major character, because his role is dominant in this story. From the beginning until the end of the story, it is talking about his conflict.

2.      From the personal traits, Sergeant is a round character. In this story, he shows his good and bad side. The good side is when he hides and lets the man to go.While, the bad side is because he lies to Policeman B and X.

3.      From the possibility to change, he is a Dynamic character. At the beginning he seems really consistent that he wants to arrest the man but at the end he let the man go.

The man

He is a brave man because he can escape from the gaol and he is a smart man because he can deceive the sergeant well.

Sergeant (reading it) : Dark hair-dark eyes, smooth face, height over five feet five- there’s not much to take hold of in that – It’s a pity I had no chance if seeing him before he broke out of gaol.

Sergeant       : It’s a pity! It’s a pity. You deceived me. You deceived me well .

Kinds of character

1.      From the role of the story, the man is a major character. From the beginning until the end of the story, it is talking about his conflict with the Surgeant.

2.      From the personal traits, he is Flat character. From the beginning until the ends, his personality remains the same. Because the story only emphasizes his ability to deceive the Sergeant from the beginnng until the end of the story.

3.      From the possibility to change, he is a Static character. Because he is keen to deceive the Sergeant from the beginning until the end.

Policeman B

He is an obidient policeman because  he obey whatever the surgeant say. Moreover, he is care about the Sergeant when he suggests the surgeant to accept the lantern when he left him.

Sergeant  : ........ Well, hurry on, you have plenty of oher places to placard yet, and come back here then to placard yet, and come back here then to me. You can take the lantern. Don’t be too long now. It’s very lonesome here with nothing but the moon.

Policemen B : It’s a pity we can’t stop with you. The Government should have brought more police into the town, with him in gaol, and at assizes time too. Well, good luck to your watch. (They go out) -> Obidient

1.      From the role of the story, he is a minor character. Because his role in this story is not dominant.

2.      From the personal traits, he is Flar character. His characterization is simple, because the characterization of him is obidient.

3.      From the possibility to change, he is Simple character. Because from the beginning until the end of the story he keeps obey the Surgeant’s commands.

Policeman X

He is an obidient man and he really respects the Segeant.

Policemen X : Better ask him. (Calls to Segeant). Will this be a good place for a placard? (No answer).

1.      From the role of the story, he is a minor character. Because his role in this story is not dominant.

2.      From the personal traits, he is Flar character. His characterization is simple, because the characterization of him is obidient.

3.      From the possibility to change, he is Simple character. Because from the beginning until the end of the story he keeps obey the Surgeant’s commands.

5.      SETTING

a.       The Place: Quay in Seaport town

The Time:        At Night

Scene: Side of a quay in seaport town. Some posts and chains.A large barrel. Enter the policemen. Moonlight.

b.      The function of the story: As background, because there is no relation between the setting and the story. The story tells about the conflict of sergeant and the man which is not related to the setting.

6.      THEME

Responsibility should not easily be distracted by feeling.

7.      SYMBOL

1.      Granuaile   : The mother of Ireland

2.      The moon  : Ireland

III.           Conclusion

The Dialogue functions of The rising of the moon are To characterize , In this play, there is a dialogue that highlight the characterization of the characters, To speculate. In this play, there is a dialogue that increases the level of curiosity of the readers about what the sergeant will do after he knows that the man is the one he looks for, whether the man will be arrested or not andTo reminisce. In this play, there is a dialogue that reminds the reader to something in the real world. The conflict of the rising of the moon is The struggle of the sergeant to save the man or not. There are four characters in this story Seargant, The man, Policeman B and Policeman X. The setting of this story is Quay in Seaport and The time is at night. The function of setting in this story is As background, because there is no relation between the setting and the story. The story tells about the conflict of sergeant and the man which is not related to the setting. The Theme of this story is responsibility should not easily be distracted by feeling and the last is about the symbols of this story areGranuaile  : The mother of Ireland and The moon: Ireland.

The Rising of The Moon tells the inconsistence of Sergeant in holding his responsibility as a policeman. He betrays the country by letting the man who they are looking for go only because the man has the same nationality as him. Which is the Sergeant and the man come from Ireland, but the Sergeant works in British army. In our opinion, this story is interesting to be read because not only it gives different po

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