Monday, July 15, 2019

Sherpa sing
11 lesson cherry tree
Midsummer night dreamHow to creat blog
11 th english text11 th2019 english text book book2019Being neighbourly
Std. XI - Prose - 1.1 Being Neighborly - Analysis

Brief story

It’s a snowy day, and Jo decided to go out and dig paths in the snow. The Marches’ house – a small, brown, shabby dwelling which lost its summer greenery. It was separated by a low hedge from Mr. Laurence’s large stone mansion. She saw Laurie sitting near one of the windows on the second floor. Jo felt sorry for the poor lonely boy. She threw a snowball at the window, grabbing Laurie’s attention. Laurie admitted that he had been sick with a cold, and he invited Jo to come over. Jo arrived soon after with an armful of offerings for Laurie: a plate of blanc- mange (a kind of custard) from Meg and kittens from Beth. Jo straightened up Laurie’s quarters, and offered to read out loud to Laurie. Laurie begged her to talk to him, and Jo told him about her family. Laurie revealed that he sometimes spied on the March family, but Jo saw that he only did it because he was orphaned (his parents died when he was young, so he was now with his grandfather) and felt lonesome. Laurie stepped out momentarily to see his doctor, and while he had gone Mr. Laurence, Laurie’s Grandpa came in and surprised Jo. Jo told him that she felt Laurie needed to spend more time around kids of his own age. Mr. Laurence invited Jo to tea. As he saw Jo and Laurie chatter, Mr. Laurence realized that there might be some truth to what Jo had told him. Jo revealed that Laurie said he’d been grateful for the “medicine” Mrs. March had sent over, and Meg remarked that Laurie was paying Jo a compliment. Jo is flustered, and chides Meg for being sentimental when all she wanted to do was befriend Laurie. Mrs. March gave Jo permission to invite Laurie over to their house.
1) Josephine March:- The protagonist of the novel and second oldest March sister. Jo, who wants to be a writer, is based on Louisa May Alcott herself, which makes the story semi- autobiographical. Jo has a temper and a quick tongue, although she works hard to control both. She is a tomboy and reacts with impatience to many limitations placed on women and girls.
2) Meg March:- The oldest March sister. She is responsible and kind. She has a small weakness for luxury and leisure but the greater part of her is she is gentle, loving and morally vigorous.
3) Beth March:- The third March daughter. Beth is very quiet and very virtuous. She does nothing but tries to please others. She adores music and plays the piano very well.
4) Amy March:- The youngest March girl. Amy is an artist who adores visual beauty and has a weakness for pretty possessions. She is given to fits of temper and vanity but she does attempts to improve herself.
5) Laurie Laurence:- The rich boy who lives next door to the March family. Laurie, whose real name is Theodore Laurence. He is charming, clever and has a good heart.
6) Mr. Laurence:- Laurie's grandfather and the Marches' next - door neighbour. He seems gruff but he is loving and kind.
7) Marmee:- The March girls' mother. Marmee is the moral role model for her girls. She counsels them through all of their problems and works hard. Her husband is at war.
8) Mr.March:- The March girls' father and Marmee's husband. He serves in the Union army as a chaplain.
9) The Hummels:- A family that lives near the Marches. The Hummels are poor and in bad health.
10) Aunt March:- A rich widow and one of the March girl's aunts. Although irritated and difficult, she loves her nieces and wants the best for them.
An icebreaker is an activity, game or event that is used to welcome and warm up the conversation among participants in a meeting, training class, team building session, or another event. Any event that requires people to comfortably interact with each other and a facilitator is an opportunity to use an icebreaker. It is a kind of preparation activity. It relates the learners to the theme of the topic.

Textual Activities.

Activity :-
i) Complete the web diagram
Friendship to me means:-
1) Get moral support in difficulties.
2) Ready to sacrifice anything.
3) Relation beyond gives and gains.
4) Place to open your heart.
5) Sharing the secrets, happiness and sorrow.
6) Caring and sharing.
7) Ready to help every other in need.
8) Having long conversation.
9) Giving and receiving gifts.
10) Making lots of fun.
11) Accepting each other with vices and virtues.
12) Giving support to each other.
13) Caring each other.
14) Enjoying every moment.
15) Keeping in touch with each other.
ii) Complete the statement
If you see someone lonely or sad you will:-
1) I will help him in difficult times.
2) I will co-operate him in difficult situations.
3) I will be courteous to him.
4) I will overcome his sorrows by walking hand in hand.
5) I will give solution on any distress that the person is suffering from. I will remind him karma i.e. duty which we need to face.
6) I will befriend him or her and start topics in such a way that he / she will feel home.
7) I will ask him what wrong was happen with him.
8) I will talk with him and try to understand his problem.
9) I will offer him or her tea or snacks.
10) I will tell good jokes.
11) I will comfort him or her.
12) I will spend time with him or her.
13) I will try to make him or her forget his or her sorrow.
14) I will cheer him or her up.
15) I will never make him or her feel lonely.
1) Pussy cat- easy going, lazy or inactive person
2) groves- small group of trees
3) hedge- a row of bushes
4) frolicked- overplayed, behaved in a playful way
5) Society- Company of friends (companions)
6) scandalizing- teasing, to cause somebody to feel shocked by doing unusual things
7) croaked out as hoarsely as a raven- uttered a low hoarse sound like raven bird
8) a little gentleman- small aged polite person or boy of etiquettes
9) colored up- changes in colour that shows how you are feeling from the face
10) To wait on- to serve the needs of someone
11) good breeding- good manners, polite and socially correct behaviour
12) pranced- to move about with quick, high steps
13) wicked- morally bad, evil, here mischievous
14) affair- situation, behaviour
A1. i) Jo’s decision to make friends with the lonely boy next door proves to be good one. Elaborate. You may begin with ‘Jo was a bold, friendly and warm person---------
Answer:- Jo was a bold, friendly and warm person. She knew that the next door boy Laurie was lonely and wanted to enjoy the fun with the persons of his age. So she had taken appropriate steps and met the lonely boy. She changed the life of the boy and he became neighbourly with others.
ii) Read the extract ‘Being Neighborly’ and complete the following statements:
a) To Jo the fine house seemed like a kind of enchanted palace, full of splendors and delights which no one enjoyed.
b) Jo swept a path around the garden for Beth to walk in when the sun came out and her broken limbs dolls needed air.
c) Jo entered the old stone house carrying blanc – mange surrounded by a garland of green leaves ant the scarlet flowers.
d) In order to tide the room, Jo needed to place the objects in a right place.
iii) Bring out the contrast between the two houses with the help of the following points.
House of March
House of Laurence
1) Old, brown house
a) Stately stone mansion

2) Robbed of the vines
b) Well-kept grounds
3) Children played all around
c) Lonely and lifeless – no children playing
4) Loving and friendlier
d) No motherly face smiled at the window
A2. The traits of the characters you meet in the extract are jumbled. Sort them out and write them in the appropriate columns.
(Shy, bold, guff, friendly, withdrawn, perceptive, empathetic, playful, lonely, happy, gentlemanly, frank, mature, dull, sharp, adventurous)




















A3.(i) Write down in your own words the way Laurie confirmed the names of the March sisters.
Answer:- Laurie described the rosy girl as Beth who stayed at home most of the time and sometimes went out with a little basket. He recognized the pretty girl as Meg while the curly – haired one as Amy. In this way Laurie confirmed the names of the March sisters.
(ii) Give a brief account of the interaction between Grandpa and Jo.
Answer:- Jo expressed her thoughts about Grandpa that he had kind eyes, tremendous will but he was not as handsome as her grandfather. She did not know that Laurie’s Grandpa was hearing her words. Grandpa thanked her hearing her expressions about him. She blushed and felt uncomfortable about what she had said about Grandpa. But Grandpa accepted her remarks and made her comfortable with soft words. He enquired about her presence with his grandson Laurie. She claimed that he needed to become friendlier with neighbours so he would never remain alone. Grandpa accepted her thinking.
A4. (i) Find proverbs, maxims and Idioms related to ‘friendship’.
(a) For example: Birds of a feather flock together.
(b) A friend in need is a friend indeed.
(c) A friend in court is better than a penny in purse.
(d) Isn’t it pleasure to receive a friend from afar?
(e) A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody.
(ii) The extract deals with the atmosphere of two homes. Collect the words associated with-
(a) Home:- Old, brown house, bare and shabby, Stately stone mansion, big coach house, enchanted place, as dull as tombs etc.
(b) Library:- A fellow can’t live on books, lined with books, distracting little cabinets full of coins and curiosities, sleepy hollow chairs, queer tables, bronzes, open fireplace etc.
(c) Garden:- Groves, lawns, robbed of the vines, low hedge etc.
A5. Change into indirect speech.
(a) “Do you like your school?” asked the boy.
“Don’t go to school; I’m a business man – girl. I mean,” answered Jo.
Answer:- The boy wanted to know whether she (Jo) liked school. To which , Jo answered rather emphatically that she did not go to school. She further added that she was a businessman, jovially corrected the gender.
(b) Jo flourished her broom as she called out….. “How do you do? Are you sack?”
Laurie opened the window and croaked out as hoarsely as a raven………
“Better, thank you. I’ ve had a bad cold and been shut up a week.
Answer:- Jo flourished her broom as she called how he (Laurie) was. She further inquired whether he was sick. Laurie opened the window and croaked out as hoarsely as a raven and giving thanks he confirmed her that he was feeling better. He further added he had been suffering from cold and had been shut himself up a week.
(c) “The pretty one is Meg and the curly – haired is Amy, I believe?” – Laurie.
“How did you find that out” –Jo
Answer:-Laurie confirmed that the pretty one was Meg and the curly – haired was Amy.
Jo (surprisingly) asked (him) how he had found that out.
(d) “I’m not afraid of anything,” returning Jo, with a toss of the head.
“I don’t believe you are!” exclaimed the boy.
Answer:- Returning Jo, with a toss of the head assured that she was not afraid of anything.
The boy exclaimed that he didn’t believe she was afraid of anything.Monday, 12 August 20193.2 - Where have all the birds gone?
Activity No. 1

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1.3 The Call of the Soil
A Scent of Rice
Ice Breakers
Activity:- Discuss the following with your partner and complete the following sentences. One is done for you.
(a) Before eating apples brought from the market, I wash and peel them off.
(b) In a farmers’ market, we find vegetables and fruits.
(c) Food adulteration means adding small quantity of non – nutritious substances intentionally to improve the appearance, texture or storage properties of the food.
(d) Organic food is grown by using natural materials, methods and conditions.
(e) Organic fertilizer means the fertilizers derived from animal matter or wastes, human excreta, vegetable matter (e.g.compost and crop residues)
Activity:- Complete the following web diagram :
Rice varieties available at my Grocer’s shop
Complete the following web diagram:

Activity:- Find out from your grandparents or parents the names of vegetables and fruits they had eaten in their childhood and mention how the vegetables and fruits are different from the ones today.

Name of the vegetables or fruit





Oval, heart shaped

Green – yellow



C - shape

Green - yellow


Lady’s finger




Activity:- You might have learnt about organic farming. Make groups and discuss the difference between conventional farming and organic farming and write it down.

Sr. No.

Conventional Farming

Organic Farming


Produce larger quantities of food

Produce lesser quantities of food


Less manual labour

More manual labour


Extra use of chemicals and pesticides may affect eco system

More ecological and good for health

Activity :- 1) Guess the meaning of the word ‘lush’ in this context.
Answer:- Meaning of the word ‘lush’:- rich, prolific or luxuriant
Activity :-2) Find words related to agriculture.
Answer:- Words related to agriculture:- green pods, crop, farmer, sowing, seeds, plough, farming, tractor, yield, chemical sprays, fertilizers, hybrid and desi variety, rice, moong etc.
Activity :-3) The write disagreed with Moru Dada because-------
Answer:- He did not want to spray some pesticides on the plants to give a higher yield. He did not think that it was essential to use such chemicals.
Activity :-4) The writer wanted to grow the traditional variety of rice because----1)------2)-----
1) The traditional varieties were quite strong and resisted pests.
2) They did not need very high inputs of fertilizers.
Activity :-5) The writer almost gave up hope of finding the desi variety of rice because----
Answer:- Most of the farmers in and around the village of Peth had switched over to hybrids. The younger generation of farmers considered planting desi variety as crazy thing. Writer’s visits to the villages around searching for a good traditional variety also did not give any results so the he almost gave up hope of finding the desi variety of rice.
Activity :-6) Mention the varieties of rice from the passage.
Answer:- 1) Kasbai 2) Basmati
Activity :-7) List ways in which the Government officer cooperated with the author.
1) Gave the names of a number of latest hybrid varieties.
2) Offered to give the writer some of the latest varieties free of cost for a trial.
3) Asked not to believe on the words of the villagers.
Activity :- 8) Find synonyms for ‘insipid’.
Answer:- tasteless or flavourless.
(A1) (i) Read the extract and state whether the following statements are true or false. Correct the false statements.
(a) Growing in abundance is more important than the quality of the crop.
Answer:- False : Quality should be given more important.
(b) The author wanted to grow the desi variety of rice.
Answer:- True
(c) The author did not succeed in finding Kasbai.
Answer:- False : The author finally succeeded in finding Kasbai at Asarvari village.
(d) The aroma of the ‘desi’ rice would spread around the village.
Answer:- True
(e) Newer hybrid crops have a great appetite for chemicals.
Answer:- True
(f) The author is an example of ‘reverse migration’.
Answer:- True
Activity:- Complete the flow chart. Consider this as an example of
Discovery of Kasbai rice.

Activity :- Read the text and fill in the blanks. One is done for you.
(a) The author wanted to grow organic moong.
(b) Moru Dada wanted to spray pesticides on the moong crop.
(c) Baban’s father and some elders mentioned the name ofKasbai, the desi rice variety.
(d) “Hybrids need more water, fertilizers and pesticides”, said Devu Handa.
(e) The author bought 10 kilos of rice from an Adivasi woman who lived in remote hills.
Sunday, 28 July 2019
1.2 On to the Summit: We Reach the Top
Ice Breakers:-
Discuss with your partner and complete the web of different activities related to climbing.
Different activities related to climbing:-
1) Horse trekking
2) Hot air ballooning
3) Parachuting
4) Paragliding
5) Mountain hiking or trekking
6) Caving
7) Mountaineering
8) Hill walking
9) Scuba Diving
10) Skiing
11) Canyoning
12) Waterfall rappelling
13) Glacier climbing
14) Bouldering
15) Ice climbing
There are certain prerequisites for Mountaineering. With reference to the following points, develop a short dialogue between you and your friend about mountaineering.
Points:- Time, Distance, Equipment, Training, Clothes, Mental and physical fitness
I :- Hi Rahul! How are you?
Rahul :- Hello! I am fine Tushar. Do you know about mountaineering?
I :- Yes. I collected some information about it from internet.
Rahul:- I too got some information from newspapers and books.
I :- Good. Mountaineering is not an easy task. It needs a lot of time to become expert.
Rahul :- Yeah. The distance is also important. Initially we can’t cover too much distance on mountains because we don’t have its habit.
I :- For mountaineering few things like rope, axe, water tumbler, sleeping bags, string, oxygen cylinder, food packets, medicines etc. are essential.
Rahul :- There is need of proper training for security of the mountaineer. We also have to decide in which season we should go for climbing.
I :- Yes. It’s true. We need to take proper clothes for the mountaineering. Our clothes should help us in the climbing. They should not be too loose. They should not become a problem during our journey.
Rahul :- Mountaineering is also the test of mental and physical fitness. We should pay attention on it also.
I :- Yes. We have much information now. OK. Good bye.
Rahul :- Good bye.
Activity :-
Develop a dialogue between you and your friend about mountaineering

Answer -
I: Hi, Raghu, What's up?

Raghu: Hi, Dilip, I have a good news.
I: What's it tell me.

Raghu: I have joined a mountaineering training session.
I: Wow, that's really great. Raghu tell me something about it
Raghu: I had wonderful experience in the first week of the class itself.
I: Come to the point Raghu don't beat around the bush.
Raghu: Ok dear, I was taken for an expedition to climb the Zippy point at, Khandala.
I: Zippy point, that's too high.
Raghu: So what? Distance and time does not matter for a mountaineer. The more the distance and time more the fun.
I: (astonished): what...?
Raghu: They provide all guidance and trained us. We need to wear special clothes and carry certain equipment along with us.
I: Was it not heavy with all these things for climbing?
Raghu: No, as we are trained for physical fitness and mental endurance. I too felt the same before undertaking the expedition but once I started the journey nothing could stop me as my goal of reaching the destination was pulling me towards it.
I: Hats off to you and your determination.

(Written By Prof. Sheela Narsimhan - Jr. College English Teachers' Group - 2 Member)
Give reasons for the rope being called a symbol.
Rope is used to climb safely. It connects each mountaineer with other and gives message that they are attached firmly. Rope is the symbol of working unitedly. It converts the individuals into a team. It tides them together. So it is a symbol and it is the symbol of unity.
Discuss with your partner the various hazards and risks that a mountaineer / trekker has to face in an expedition.
Answer -
Various hazards and risks that a mountaineer has to face in expedition.
1) Face snowy and stormy wind (blizzard)
2) To keep safe from falling rocks, falling ice and boulders.
3) To protect from high altitude sickness.
4) To carry wounds caused due to sliding or falling down.
5) To avoid snow bite during stay or journey.
6) Unable to Keep in touch with base camp to gain help
7) Loose the right path and trap in unknown place.
8) Keep the body safe from insects, reptiles and other wild creatures.
9) Survive in insufficient or low oxygen area.
10) Tolerate hunger and remain thirsty in critical situations.
11) Sunburn
12) Dehydration
13) Co relation in using rope
14) Problem of companions’ injury
15) Tiredness
A1. Summarize to the class in your own words the highly risky and dangerous journey of Tenzing and Hillary from the base to the top of Mt. Everest.
Answer:- The journey of Tenzing and Hillary was really risky and dangerous. One hour of steady going, they had to pass up a steep line of rocks. They had to climb the snow – covered slope. It caused slanting up and down. By the help of rope, they went over the dangerous ground. They were thirsty and tired. But finally they reached the top of the Everest.
(i) Complete the web highlighting the feelings/emotions of Tenzing after reaching the summit.
Tenzing’s feelings / emotions after reaching the summit:-
1) Gratitude to God.
2) Placed offerings to God on top.
3) Adjusted flags on summit to show win of man over Everest.
4) Embraced each other to express joy.
5) Red scarf made Tenzing felt that his friend Lambert was with him.
6) Exhilarated for completing the task
(ii) Glance through the text again and explain the qualities of Tenzing Norgay.
Pick lines that show his unique qualities. One is done for you.






I told colonel Hunt that I was carrying the Indian flag with me and I would like it to on the top with other flags.



My first thought -----gratitude to God



I was wearing a red scarf -------I remembered him.



The tea smelled kerosene --- enjoy it whatever the smell

(iii) Write down the significance of the following in the context of 'On to the Summit' :
(i) Red Scarf
(ii) husiar
(iii) Kerosene flavoured tea
(iv) Ice axe
(v) Anchor
1) Red scarf:- It felt Tenzing that his friend who had given it was with him.
2) Husiar:- Means caution. Climbing down needed to be cautious or it might result in the accident.
3) Kerosene flavoured tea :- It was the tea provided by Noyce who in a hurry he brought Kerosene mixed tea to welcome them.
4) Ice axe:- It is a multipurpose hiking and climbing tool used by mountaineers.
5) Anchor:- The person follows other climbing person has a difficult job both climbing up and down. He connects the other person. It makes the climbing persons remain fixed to any place. Such person is called anchor.
(A3) (i) Add suitable suffixes (-tion,- ly, -ment, -ous) and prefixes (un, il, im) to
the words given below. One is done for you.























airtight, untighten

tightly, tighten




clearly, clearance

















(ii) By filling appropriate letters in the blank spaces, you will get a past participle from it. Use the word as adjective in your own sentence. One is done for you.
(a) s _ _ n _ d
Word- signed.
1) The advocate took all the signed documents to the court.
2) He must submit the signed photo copy of the documents.
(b) p_ _ z _ d
Word- Prized.
1) The pen I lost was prized one.
2) M. S. Dhoni’s prized collection includes an Audi car.
(c) f_ _ t_ e n e_
Word- Flattened.
1) You can draw rangoli on flattened soil.
2) The boxer was flattened in the 7th round.
(d) b _ i_e_
Word- Boiled.
1) We used to drink boiled water.
2) I like to eat boiled eggs.
(iii) Spot the error. One is done for you.
I was not afraid for die that day.
Correct Sentence- I was not afraid to die that day.
(a) Tenzing and Hillary made an pact at the office of P M of Nepal.
Answer:- Tenzing and Hillary made a pact at the office of P M of Nepal.
(b) I has to bring my ice axe down with me.
Answer:- I have to bring my ice axe down with me.
(c) Tenzing have spent a night with Camp Eight.
Answer:- Tenzing has spent a night at Camp Eight.
(d) Pact was signed from Tenzing and Hillary.
Answer:- Pact was signed by Tenzing and Hillary.
(e) I and Hillary were in no mood of talking.
Answer:- Hillary and I were in no mood for talking.
(A4) When Tenzing and Hillary reached the summit, Tenzing in utter joy said, “We have done it.” In this sentence the subject (we) is the doer of the action while it (achieving the feat) is the subject. The verb of passive voice is formed by using the correct form of the verb ‘to be’ + past participle of the main verb. Construct the sentences accordingly.
Now carefully go through the changes in both the sentences and do the changes accordingly in the remaining sentences.
We have done it.
It has been done by us.
(a) We made a pact.
Answer:- A pact was made by us.
(b) I offered silent prayer in my heart.
Answer:- Silent prayer was offered in my heart by me.
(c) Colonel Hunt gave me three flags.
Answer:- I was given three flags by colonel
Three flags were given to me by colonel.
(d) I was carrying the Indian flag.
Answer:- The Indian flag was being carried by me.
(e) I took photographs of Tenzing holding aloft the flags.
Answer:- Photographs of Tenzing holding aloft the flags were taken by me.
(f) I remembered him.
Answer:- He was remembered by me.
(g) We spent the night at Camp Eight.
Answer:- The night was spent at Camp Eight by us.
Activity:- Comparisons
Look at the sentences given below. Find out which one is correct. If the sentence is wrong give reasons.
a. Sunita is the quieter of four sisters.
Answer- Wrong sentence. Reason:- It’s a superlative degree and needs the third form or superlative form of adjective (i.e. quietest)
b. Sunita is the quietest of the four sisters.
Answer- Correct sentence.
c. Anil’s computer is more new than mine.
Answer- Wrong sentence. Reason:-The wrong second form of adjective is used.
d. Anil’s computer is newer than mine.
Answer- Correct sentence.
e. I have the wonderfullest mother in the world
Answer- Wrong sentence. Reason:- The wrong third form of adjective is used.
f. I have the most wonderful mother in the world.
Answer- Correct sentence.
g. Aditi is more carefuller than Mary.
Answer- Wrong sentence. Reason:- The wrong second form of adjective is used.
h. Aditi is more careful than Mary.
Answer- Correct sentence.
When we compare two nouns, we use comparative adjectives. When we compare more than two nouns, we use superlative adjectives.
a. Milind is taller than John.
b. Zakir is the tallest of the three brothers.
Activity:- Look at the following sentences and observe the changes in the three sentences. Discuss the changes and note your responses:
a. Atul is not as bright as Milind in studies.
b. The dining room is brighter than the kitchen.
c. Anne is the brightest girl in class.
In the first sentence the first form or base form of the adjective is used so it is the sentence having positive degree.
In the second sentence the second form or comparative form of adjective is used so it is the sentence having comparative degree.
In the third sentence the third form or superlative form of adjective is used so it is the sentence having superlative degree.
Activity:- Make a list of adjectives in three different forms of comparison. Use different texts to find these.
Degree forms –
1) Positive + er and est
















2) Positive ending ‘Y’ + ier and iest













3) Positive ending ‘e’ + r and st
















4) Positive + double the consonant with er and est



















5) Positive + more / less and most / lest


More/ Less beautiful

Most/Lest Beautiful


More/ Less qualified

Most/Lest qualified


More / Less prompt

Most / Lest prompt


More / Less proper

Most / Lest proper

6) Separate words –













Activity:- Fill in the blanks with comparative, superlative and positive forms of the correct adjectives in the brackets.
a. You are very naughty. You are---------------- your brother. (clever)
Answer- You are very naughty. You are cleverer than your brother.
You are very naughty. You are not so clever as your brother.
b. The tiger is the----------------- animal in the zoo. (dangerous)
Answer- The tiger is the most dangerous animal in the zoo.
c. This is------------------- road in town. (busy)
Answer- This is the busiest road in town.
d. My new house is----------------- the one I used to live in. (big)
Answer- My new house is bigger than the one I used to live in.
e. He is the-------------------- boy in class. (forgetful)
Answer- He is the most forgetful boy in class.

Sunday, 28 July 2019

Std. XI (Prose) - 1.2 On To The Summit: We Reach the Top - Analysis

1.2 On to the Summit: We Reach the Top

Ice Breakers:-


Discuss with your partner and complete the web of different activities related to climbing.


Different activities related to climbing:-

1) Horse trekking

2) Hot air ballooning

3) Parachuting

4) Paragliding

5) Mountain hiking or trekking

6) Caving

7) Mountaineering

8) Hill walking

9) Scuba Diving

10) Skiing

11) Canyoning

12) Waterfall rappelling

13) Glacier climbing

14) Bouldering

15) Ice climbing


There are certain prerequisites for Mountaineering. With reference to the following points, develop a short dialogue between you and your friend about mountaineering.

Points:- Time, Distance, Equipment, Training, Clothes, Mental and physical fitness


I :- Hi Rahul! How are you?

Rahul :- Hello! I am fine Tushar. Do you know about mountaineering?

I :- Yes. I collected some information about it from internet.

Rahul:- I too got some information from newspapers and books.

I :- Good. Mountaineering is not an easy task. It needs a lot of time to become expert.

Rahul :- Yeah. The distance is also important. Initially we can’t cover too much distance on mountains because we don’t have its habit.

I :- For mountaineering few things like rope, axe, water tumbler, sleeping bags, string, oxygen cylinder, food packets, medicines etc. are essential.

Rahul :- There is need of proper training for security of the mountaineer. We also have to decide in which season we should go for climbing.

I :- Yes. It’s true. We need to take proper clothes for the mountaineering. Our clothes should help us in the climbing. They should not be too loose. They should not become a problem during our journey.

Rahul :- Mountaineering is also the test of mental and physical fitness. We should pay attention on it also.

I :- Yes. We have much information now. OK. Good bye.

Rahul :- Good bye.


Activity :-

Develop a dialogue between you and your friend about mountaineering

Answer -

I: Hi, Raghu, What's up?

Raghu: Hi, Dilip, I have a good news.

I: What's it tell me.

Raghu: I have joined a mountaineering training session.

I: Wow, that's really great. Raghu tell me something about it

Raghu: I had wonderful experience in the first week of the class itself.

I: Come to the point Raghu don't beat around the bush.

Raghu: Ok dear, I was taken for an expedition to climb the Zippy point at, Khandala.

I: Zippy point, that's too high.

Raghu: So what? Distance and time does not matter for a mountaineer. The more the distance and time more the fun.

I: (astonished): what...?

Raghu: They provide all guidance and trained us. We need to wear special clothes and carry certain equipment along with us.

I: Was it not heavy with all these things for climbing?

Raghu: No, as we are trained for physical fitness and mental endurance. I too felt the same before undertaking the expedition but once I started the journey nothing could stop me as my goal of reaching the destination was pulling me towards it.

I: Hats off to you and your determination.

(Written By Prof. Sheela Narsimhan - Jr. College English Teachers' Group - 2 Member)


Give reasons for the rope being called a symbol.

Rope is used to climb safely. It connects each mountaineer with other and gives message that they are attached firmly. Rope is the symbol of working unitedly. It converts the individuals into a team. It tides them together. So it is a symbol and it is the symbol of unity.


Discuss with your partner the various hazards and risks that a mountaineer / trekker has to face in an expedition.

Answer -

Various hazards and risks that a mountaineer has to face in expedition.

1) Face snowy and stormy wind (blizzard)

2) To keep safe from falling rocks, falling ice and boulders.

3) To protect from high altitude sickness.

4) To carry wounds caused due to sliding or falling down.

5) To avoid snow bite during stay or journey.

6) Unable to Keep in touch with base camp to gain help

7) Loose the right path and trap in unknown place.

8) Keep the body safe from insects, reptiles and other wild creatures.

9) Survive in insufficient or low oxygen area.

10) Tolerate hunger and remain thirsty in critical situations.

11) Sunburn

12) Dehydration

13) Co relation in using rope

14) Problem of companions’ injury

15) Tiredness


A1. Summarize to the class in your own words the highly risky and dangerous journey of Tenzing and Hillary from the base to the top of Mt. Everest.

Answer:- The journey of Tenzing and Hillary was really risky and dangerous. One hour of steady going, they had to pass up a steep line of rocks. They had to climb the snow – covered slope. It caused slanting up and down. By the help of rope, they went over the dangerous ground. They were thirsty and tired. But finally they reached the top of the Everest.


(i) Complete the web highlighting the feelings/emotions of Tenzing after reaching the summit.

Tenzing’s feelings / emotions after reaching the summit:-


1) Gratitude to God.

2) Placed offerings to God on top.

3) Adjusted flags on summit to show win of man over Everest.

4) Embraced each other to express joy.

5) Red scarf made Tenzing felt that his friend Lambert was with him.

6) Exhilarated for completing the task

(ii) Glance through the text again and explain the qualities of Tenzing Norgay.

Pick lines that show his unique qualities. One is done for you.







I told colonel Hunt that I was carrying the Indian flag with me and I would like it to on the top with other flags.



My first thought -----gratitude to God



I was wearing a red scarf -------I remembered him.



The tea smelled kerosene --- enjoy it whatever the smell

(iii) Write down the significance of the following in the context of 'On to the Summit' :

(i) Red Scarf

(ii) husiar

(iii) Kerosene flavoured tea

(iv) Ice axe

(v) Anchor


1) Red scarf:- It felt Tenzing that his friend who had given it was with him.

2) Husiar:- Means caution. Climbing down needed to be cautious or it might result in the accident.

3) Kerosene flavoured tea :- It was the tea provided by Noyce who in a hurry he brought Kerosene mixed tea to welcome them.

4) Ice axe:- It is a multipurpose hiking and climbing tool used by mountaineers.

5) Anchor:- The person follows other climbing person has a difficult job both climbing up and down. He connects the other person. It makes the climbing persons remain fixed to any place. Such person is called anchor.

(A3) (i) Add suitable suffixes (-tion,- ly, -ment, -ous) and prefixes (un, il, im) to

the words given below. One is done for you.
























airtight, untighten

tightly, tighten




clearly, clearance

















(ii) By filling appropriate letters in the blank spaces, you will get a past participle from it. Use the word as adjective in your own sentence. One is done for you.

(a) s _ _ n _ d

Word- signed.

1) The advocate took all the signed documents to the court.

2) He must submit the signed photo copy of the documents.

(b) p_ _ z _ d

Word- Prized.

1) The pen I lost was prized one.

2) M. S. Dhoni’s prized collection includes an Audi car.

(c) f_ _ t_ e n e_

Word- Flattened.

1) You can draw rangoli on flattened soil.

2) The boxer was flattened in the 7th round.

(d) b _ i_e_

Word- Boiled.

1) We used to drink boiled water.

2) I like to eat boiled eggs.

(iii) Spot the error. One is done for you.

I was not afraid for die that day.

Correct Sentence- I was not afraid to die that day.

(a) Tenzing and Hillary made an pact at the office of P M of Nepal.

Answer:- Tenzing and Hillary made a pact at the office of P M of Nepal.

(b) I has to bring my ice axe down with me.

Answer:- I have to bring my ice axe down with me.

(c) Tenzing have spent a night with Camp Eight.

Answer:- Tenzing has spent a night at Camp Eight.

(d) Pact was signed from Tenzing and Hillary.

Answer:- Pact was signed by Tenzing and Hillary.

(e) I and Hillary were in no mood of talking.

Answer:- Hillary and I were in no mood for talking.

(A4) When Tenzing and Hillary reached the summit, Tenzing in utter joy said, “We have done it.” In this sentence the subject (we) is the doer of the action while it (achieving the feat) is the subject. The verb of passive voice is formed by using the correct form of the verb ‘to be’ + past participle of the main verb. Construct the sentences accordingly.

Now carefully go through the changes in both the sentences and do the changes accordingly in the remaining sentences.

We have done it.

It has been done by us.

(a) We made a pact.

Answer:- A pact was made by us.

(b) I offered silent prayer in my heart.

Answer:- Silent prayer was offered in my heart by me.

(c) Colonel Hunt gave me three flags.

Answer:- I was given three flags by colonel

Three flags were given to me by colonel.

(d) I was carrying the Indian flag.

Answer:- The Indian flag was being carried by me.

(e) I took photographs of Tenzing holding aloft the flags.

Answer:- Photographs of Tenzing holding aloft the flags were taken by me.

(f) I remembered him.

Answer:- He was remembered by me.

(g) We spent the night at Camp Eight.

Answer:- The night was spent at Camp Eight by us.

Activity:- Comparisons

Look at the sentences given below. Find out which one is correct. If the sentence is wrong give reasons.

a. Sunita is the quieter of four sisters.

Answer- Wrong sentence. Reason:- It’s a superlative degree and needs the third form or superlative form of adjective (i.e. quietest)

b. Sunita is the quietest of the four sisters.

Answer- Correct sentence.

c. Anil’s computer is more new than mine.

Answer- Wrong sentence. Reason:-The wrong second form of adjective is used.

d. Anil’s computer is newer than mine.

Answer- Correct sentence.

e. I have the wonderfullest mother in the world

Answer- Wrong sentence. Reason:- The wrong third form of adjective is used.

f. I have the most wonderful mother in the world.

Answer- Correct sentence.

g. Aditi is more carefuller than Mary.

Answer- Wrong sentence. Reason:- The wrong second form of adjective is used.

h. Aditi is more careful than Mary.

Answer- Correct sentence.

When we compare two nouns, we use comparative adjectives. When we compare more than two nouns, we use superlative adjectives.


a. Milind is taller than John.

b. Zakir is the tallest of the three brothers.

Activity:- Look at the following sentences and observe the changes in the three sentences. Discuss the changes and note your responses:


a. Atul is not as bright as Milind in studies.

b. The dining room is brighter than the kitchen.

c. Anne is the brightest girl in class.


In the first sentence the first form or base form of the adjective is used so it is the sentence having positive degree.

In the second sentence the second form or comparative form of adjective is used so it is the sentence having comparative degree.

In the third sentence the third form or superlative form of adjective is used so it is the sentence having superlative degree.

Activity:- Make a list of adjectives in three different forms of comparison. Use different texts to find these.

Degree forms –

1) Positive + er and est
















2) Positive ending ‘Y’ + ier and iest













3) Positive ending ‘e’ + r and st
















4) Positive + double the consonant with er and est



















5) Positive + more / less and most / lest


More/ Less beautiful

Most/Lest Beautiful


More/ Less qualified

Most/Lest qualified


More / Less prompt

Most / Lest prompt


More / Less proper

Most / Lest proper

6) Separate words –













Activity:- Fill in the blanks with comparative, superlative and positive forms of the correct adjectives in the brackets.

a. You are very naughty. You are---------------- your brother. (clever)

Answer- You are very naughty. You are cleverer than your brother.


You are very naughty. You are not so clever as your brother.

b. The tiger is the----------------- animal in the zoo. (dangerous)

Answer- The tiger is the most dangerous animal in the zoo.

c. This is------------------- road in town. (busy)

Answer- This is the busiest road in town.

d. My new house is----------------- the one I used to live in. (big)

Answer- My new house is bigger than the one I used to live in.

e. He is the-------------------- boy in class. (forgetful)

Answer- He is the most forgetful boy in class.
1.3 The Call of the Soil
A Scent of Rice
Ice Breakers
Activity:- Discuss the following with your partner and complete the following sentences. One is done for you.
(a) Before eating apples brought from the market, I wash and peel them off.
(b) In a farmers’ market, we find vegetables and fruits.
(c) Food adulteration means adding small quantity of non – nutritious substances intentionally to improve the appearance, texture or storage properties of the food.
(d) Organic food is grown by using natural materials, methods and conditions.
(e) Organic fertilizer means the fertilizers derived from animal matter or wastes, human excreta, vegetable matter (e.g.compost and crop residues)

Activity:- Complete the following web diagram :
Rice varieties available at my Grocer’s shop
Complete the following web diagram:

Activity:- Find out from your grandparents or parents the names of vegetables and fruits they had eaten in their childhood and mention how the vegetables and fruits are different from the ones today.

Name of the vegetables or fruit

Oval, heart shaped
Green – yellow

C - shape
Green - yellow

Lady’s finger

Activity:- You might have learnt about organic farming. Make groups and discuss the difference between conventional farming and organic farming and write it down.

Sr. No.
Conventional Farming
Organic Farming

Produce larger quantities of food
Produce lesser quantities of food

Less manual labour
More manual labour

Extra use of chemicals and pesticides may affect eco system
More ecological and good for health

Activity :- 1) Guess the meaning of the word ‘lush’ in this context.
Answer:- Meaning of the word ‘lush’:- rich, prolific or luxuriant

Activity :-2) Find words related to agriculture.
Answer:- Words related to agriculture:- green pods, crop, farmer, sowing, seeds, plough, farming, tractor, yield, chemical sprays, fertilizers, hybrid and desi variety, rice, moong etc.

Activity :-3) The write disagreed with Moru Dada because-------
Answer:- He did not want to spray some pesticides on the plants to give a higher yield. He did not think that it was essential to use such chemicals.

Activity :-4) The writer wanted to grow the traditional variety of rice because----1)------2)-----
1) The traditional varieties were quite strong and resisted pests.
2) They did not need very high inputs of fertilizers.

Activity :-5) The writer almost gave up hope of finding the desi variety of rice because----
Answer:- Most of the farmers in and around the village of Peth had switched over to hybrids. The younger generation of farmers considered planting desi variety as crazy thing. Writer’s visits to the villages around searching for a good traditional variety also did not give any results so the he almost gave up hope of finding the desi variety of rice.

Activity :-6) Mention the varieties of rice from the passage.
Answer:- 1) Kasbai 2) Basmati

Activity :-7) List ways in which the Government officer cooperated with the author.
1) Gave the names of a number of latest hybrid varieties.
2) Offered to give the writer some of the latest varieties free of cost for a trial.
3) Asked not to believe on the words of the villagers.

Activity :- 8) Find synonyms for ‘insipid’.
Answer:- tasteless or flavourless.

(A1) (i) Read the extract and state whether the following statements are true or false. Correct the false statements.
(a) Growing in abundance is more important than the quality of the crop.
Answer:- False : Quality should be given more important.

(b) The author wanted to grow the desi variety of rice.
Answer:- True

(c) The author did not succeed in finding Kasbai.
Answer:- False : The author finally succeeded in finding Kasbai at Asarvari village.

(d) The aroma of the ‘desi’ rice would spread around the village.
Answer:- True

(e) Newer hybrid crops have a great appetite for chemicals.
Answer:- True

(f) The author is an example of ‘reverse migration’.
Answer:- True

Activity:- Complete the flow chart. Consider this as an example of
Discovery of Kasbai rice.

Activity :- Read the text and fill in the blanks. One is done for you.
(a) The author wanted to grow organic moong.

(b) Moru Dada wanted to spray pesticides on the moong crop.

(c) Baban’s father and some elders mentioned the name ofKasbai, the desi rice variety.

(d) “Hybrids need more water, fertilizers and pesticides”, said Devu Handa.

(e) The author bought 10 kilos of rice from an Adivasi woman who lived in remote hills.

Std. XI - Prose - 1.1 Being Neighborly - Analysis

PDF of Activity on 3.2 - Where have all the birds gone?

Std. XI (Prose) 1.3 The Call of the Soil- A scent of Rice - Analysis

Std. XI (Prose) - 1.2 On To The Summit: We Reach the Top - Analysis

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