Friday, October 12, 2018

[10/12, 12:55] 777pranav2010: Respected Principal, Teachers and My Dear Friends!

First of all, I would like to welcome you all to the occasion of our farewell day. I have been given this opportunity to host the program today. Well, this is a very emotional moment for all of us as we are getting promoted to a new life on the one hand; whereas on the other hand we are also leaving behind our most favourite place, i.e. our school where we spent the most significant growing years of our lives.

I would like to utilise this moment to thank all our teachers who prepared us for the world outside. Our teachers have been an epitome of strength and a great pillar of support to all of us. They have been as strict as father and as loving as mother, equally caring like a friend, a strict disciplinarian and yet always so approachable. Our teachers are wonderful human beings because they have accepted all of us with all the weaknesses and have worked upon us to overcome those weaknesses.

I still remember, I joined this school in Standard V, when I used to be the shy and introvert person. I faced difficulties in speaking in public and today, I am standing here to deliver the farewell speech. This is all because of the great and loving teachers I came across in this school. They never left any stone unturned to change my personality and attitude. Needless to say, they have worked on me even more to prepare me for the outside world. A teacher is essentially a mentor and a role model for the student. The student believes in the teachers and every word they say. They are noble and selfless people coz they accept each of their student wholeheartedly without any bias and favouritism.

My parents always say, that school period is the golden period in everyone’s life and I realize it now when I stand amidst all my favourite teachers and fellow friends to bid goodbye for a newer world.

I would especially take out some moment from this event to thank Ma’m X and Sir A for being my guide always and showing me the right direction and path to walk on. It was more difficult for me than the other students to accomplish the projects and tasks you assigned to us. You both have spent extra hours and shown special care to me in order to prepare me for the ‘real world’. I still remember the day in Class XI, when I had given up and lost all hopes; both of you encouraged me in your own special way and shared examples of great people who failed in the beginning and later became famous people.

You taught us to be persistent and chase the dream without compromising on small issues; that was one of several lessons I have learnt from all of you. I am sure, all my friends would like to share the word of gratitude with our loving teachers, as we have always been very grateful to all of you.

I thank all the teachers, Principal and all other staff on behalf of the fellow students and myself.

Thank you for being an indispensable part of our lives!
[10/12, 12:56] 777pranav2010: Good morning to all. It is a pleasure seeing you all gathered here.

Today, through my speech I would like share a token of thanks to all the teachers that have been a part of my life.

Each teacher deserves tremendous love, care, affection and respect. We all should acknowledge the importance of presence of a teacher in our lives. They have made us capable of who we are today, they have built our character and have made us realize the path towards our dreams and towards the ultimate success. Our teachers have enabled us to identify the things that are good for us, they have helped us in knowing which path should we choose for.

Teachers are the strongest pillars on which all these educational institutions are built. It is a great achievement on being a teacher. You as individuals teach so many students and add on to the upliftment of the society by improving the literacy rate of the country. Teachers are a perfect blend of theoretical (educational) and practical (life) learning.

Thank you teachers for being the most essential inspirational source that has enabled us to be the person of dignity. You have built our character and have showcased us the path of success. You have try inspired each one of us to have dreams and have a focused approach in achieving these dreams and goals.

You as teachers have helped us brighten our future and made a person of true character because of the guidance that you have given us throughout our journey. You have nurtured us with the education and all the motivational learning. You as teachers have the power to mold the generations and make them understand the value of everything. Teachers tend to have a great emotional impact on the students due to which the learning effect from teachers is more intact and effective.

Thank you teachers for all the time that you spent on the students. Each of your small effort has made us capable of leading a great life today. Words are few but feelings are limitless to express our gratitude towards your efforts. You as teachers nurture so many children and work towards inspiring and motivating them for their own self. Presence of teacher is one’s life makes it more meaningful and drives his or her intentions on to the right path.

Though a single day has been dedicated or announced to praise the efforts of teachers; bit I would like to say you all that this entity ‘Teacher’ deserves the round of applause and appreciation every second. They are the ones who built the nation’s literacy gap and nurture the great citizens of the country.

Thank you teachers for existing in our lives and making it meaningful. You have been the parent at school. Your presence in our lives has shaped our future for the betterment of our and the overall country. Thank you for each and every thing that you have done.

Thank you! And, also a big thank to the entire audience for hearing me and also sharing your views. Thank you!
[10/12, 12:56] 777pranav2010: Hello everyone,

A very very warm good evening to everybody present here. Hope you all are doing well!

While coming through the passage from my seat to entering this room, I got the entire three year’s journey of mine flashed back in just those three minutes. Tears, smile, goosebumps, everything came all together in those minutes. From my interview day to the joining day to the appraisal day, to the promotion day so on, everything, every special moment touched me and got locked within to stay in forever.

Thank you management, my colleagues, and everybody present here for sharing your experience that you had with me and saying such kind words for me and wishing me good luck for future.

I feel glad that each management personnel has always been there as a support for the decisions, initiatives and actions proposed or taken by me. Thank you my teammates, for being there; you have always put in your best to execute what I dreamt of. I am overwhelmed to witness this great journey of working in this exceptional company that enabled me to know my strengths and further gave me the opportunities to boost them; this company has helped me grow not only in monetary ways but as a good human being as well as a well-informed individual.

How can I forget to let go my special thanks for the one who every moment precisely focussed on grooming me in these three years. Yes ma’am, it’s you! My boss, my mentor, my first support, and my inspiration in life and work in one frame. Thank you for trusting me and empowering me to believe in my decisions. Each word of yours has made me take a step ahead.

I have read many surveys that say; when an employee leaves the organization it is 60-70% because of the boss. Blah! I disown that statement on the basis of the wonderful incredible experience that I had with you. Ma’am, you have helped me to be the person I am today. Your leadership and support have been the reason for my progress.

Anyways, you all won’t believe that despite speaking so much, I am still short of words to express what I feel for each one of you present here. My journey, experience and happiness in this company would have been incomplete without you people. It is sad to take this farewell from you, but anyways, life goes on!

It’s true that I have regrets leaving such a wonderful company, but I know that was all of you to see me grow and progress in life. Please forgive for any lapses I have done and please remember me for the good deeds I have done.

I wish the company all the best for its coming times. There are great heights to reach and many new renowned platforms on which our company has to reach. You will be missed!

Thank you, thank you so much for this experience and exposure of my life.

Good Bye! Stay connected.
[10/12, 12:56] 777pranav2010: Respected Teachers and Dear Students – I welcome you all to the monthly speech giving ceremony of our institute!

I feel extremely elated at the fact that our institute has successfully completed 5 years and since then my association with this place is going strong. I wish many more such years of continued success and growth and hope we continue to nurture the youth of our country with knowledge and right values. Today, as one of the senior faculty members of this institute, I am here to host this ceremony and deliver a succinct speech on discipline for all my students given the fact that it has become the need of the hour as in present times our youth is somewhat living an erratic lifestyle and are flouting rules and codes of behavior.

We should always remember that time is money and if we will destroy time then time will destroy us! So discipline is required in every walk of life no matter we are a student or not. Discipline is the very essence of our lives and if we do away with it then certainly negative impact on our future prospects would follow. Though whiling away time will give you temporary pleasure, but in the end it will result in only a painful experience. It, therefore, becomes important to discipline our lives right from the beginning and make it a basis of conducting our lives.

In fact, discipline is required not only at all stages of life, but in every sphere of life too. For instance, an army cannot imagine its existence without it and so enforces strict discipline in their department and divisions with zero toleration policy. An educational institute too cannot function without it; this is the reason why fixed hours are allocated to both the teachers and students and each one is made to follow the suite so that the rules and regulation of the institution are kept intact. Likewise, in corporate, courts, auditoriums, including even the small private firms discipline has to be maintained in order to preserve the sanctity of the place. In hospitals, the visitors are allowed only at the designated hours beyond which no visitors are entertained. Even for a small thing as paying your electricity bill or the telephone bill or buying a movie ticket for that matter, you will have to stand in a queue and get your work done.

When it comes to our personal lives, we cannot afford complete luxury and some sort of discipline has to be maintained for a stable and meaningful life. For instance, if you succumb to temptation and over eat things, your stomach will get upset. Similarly, if you watch television till late night, you will start feeling unwell the next morning. If you do not discipline yourself in your studies and distract yourself, then you’re not likely to fare well in your exams.

So in a nutshell, life is best enjoyed when discipline is observed. Nothing gives satisfaction in life when the very essence of living life is missing and our existence becomes mere animal-like. In the end, I would just request our students to not let anyone impose rules in your life; rather observe self-discipline, systematize yourself and reap the fruits of benefits out of it.

Thank You!
[10/12, 12:57] 777pranav2010: Good Morning Respected Principal, Respected Teachers and My Dear Students!

As we all know that from today onwards the new session will start and there will be new classrooms, new students and of course new studies and I wish you all good luck for your new journeys. Before the regular day began, I would like to address some of the issues that were seen constantly during the whole last year and it needs a solution so that it would not happen this year. The problem is regarding the lack of discipline among students that projects a bad image in front of the outsiders and creates issues for teachers and other staff. It has become very necessary to teach students discipline strictly.

As your sports trainer, it’s my duty to teach you the lesson of discipline because in sports discipline is a necessity. First of all, education is all about learning discipline and gaining knowledge. Discipline is all about the respect and it means the respect towards rules and regulation or the respect towards a person. If there is no discipline then there will be no respect.

In school principal, teachers and the whole staff deserve respect and when you are outside of the school then your neighbors and everyone else deserves respect. The first step to discipline is to learn to obey other people and rules and regulations of the place where you go. Discipline also means to behave in a good manner such as following the proper dress routine of the school daily because it is seemed many times that there are many students who does not wear school uniform properly and does not get their nails cut etc. All these problems are the cause of lack of discipline.

The biggest problem that came out from the lack of discipline is truancy. Many children miss their school for no clear reason and without the permission of teachers. It is the responsibility of parents to make sure that their child is attending school regularly or not. Lack of attendance is a sign of unorganized family or of their bad conditions.

There should be some rules and regulations for the students who are lacking in attendance and a good behavior in the school. On an unjustified absence of the student in the school, the fine will be charged. Penalty should be charged for the bad behavior such as suspension etc.

Punishments and penalty is not only the solution of this problem but it needs students to understand the value of discipline in their lives because it is the only thing that will help them to focus on their future goals. Without a proper disciplined life it is quite impossible to achieve success. Having fun with your friends and family is also important but it does not mean to neglect your responsibility towards school because in life, everything is important but discipline is must.

On this note, I would like to conclude my speech and I wish you all a great day ahead!

Thank you!
[10/12, 12:57] 777pranav2010: Good Morning everybody!

A very warm welcome to you all! Hope you all are doing well and are happy to grace this occasion.

We all are gathered here to talk about the most beautiful and wonderful personality we all have or had in our lives – ‘Mother’, ‘Mom’, ‘Maa’, ‘Amaa’,  the words for this most beautiful soul sound similar across most languages and evoke similar connotations of love and warmth. She is the one who is no less than God for her child. Perhaps the physical presence of God was not feasible everywhere because of which He created this idol called ‘Mom’. I identify her as the Goddess of Multitasking, you say a thing or just give it a thought and she does that. From cooking to earning and from pampering to scolding us for our wrongs, she plays her part with utmost love and affection.

Our mother is the creator of our existence, she is the one who has enabled us to feel what exactly life is, she made us alive and has produced virtues within us. Isn’t it?

I believe that she is the string that attaches the entire family together, she motivates us and builds our strength and does everything that has today made us capable of facing this world with dignity, confidence and power.

Mother is the one who frames us, the one who builds us both physically and mentally and empowers us to face the world. She is the sunshine for every child and is always the first person whom we think of in our happy and not so happy times. She is the first thought that comes to our mind when we are unwell, when we are sad, when we are not able to achieve something or when we reach the greatest height of success.

Let’s ask ourselves, isn’t it she the one who flashes before our mind when we feel scared by a thought or lie sick in our bed. Yes! She is the one. From waking up early every morning to packing up our lunch, to those lunch time calls for confirming that we had our lunch or not, it is our mom who tracks us, who tracks our wellbeing. I thank all the mothers for their existence, as they made us who we are today.

Somebody has articulated it well and has said, “Behind every successful man, there is a woman”. I abide by this quote and have no second thought that this woman can be none other than the ‘Mother’. She is the one whose prayers are focussed just for her kids because it is only the Mother who carries the entire world in her and has been blessed with the power to nurture a complete life in her womb that too with intense love and care.

To conclude, I will like all of you to always treat your mom with love and respect. Always be grateful to her as you owe this life to her. Each one of us has this responsibility of respecting and looking after her. You may call it her love or sacrifice, but she is the only one who has made our existence worthwhile.

Love you, Maa!

Thank You!
[10/12, 12:58] 777pranav2010: Hon’ble Chief Guest, Hon’ble Vice President, Respected Principal, Respected Teachers, Respected Staffs of the Administration Department and my Dear Fellow Students,

Like every year, we have gathered here on the 15th of August to celebrate our Independence that we achieved many years ago in 1947. I am greatly honoured to have got the privilege of welcoming you all to this auspicious occasion. While we all are aware how we have achieved our Independence, there are very few who know about our country, the real India.

I have been given this big responsibility to welcome you all and deliver few lines about our great country. India is the seventh largest in terms of area and second most populous country in the world. It is situated in South Asia and was publicly confirmed as Republic of India after its freedom from the British Raj.

India is amongst the prominent countries of the world and every Indian should know about its history, culture, struggle, religious importance and several other important aspects.

Geographically, it is the land of conventions in several ways. It provides all types of climate, from extreme cold to extreme heat throughout the year. The hilly areas in the North and other Northern parts are equally cold as some parts of Europe. South region in India is highly hot and West is extremely humid.

The country is rich in cultural heritage and is a repository of diverse cultures. Indian civilization has stretched over to five thousand years and provides the most exclusive facet in the form of unity in diversity.

India believes in secularism and everyone here is allowed to follow self religious belief. Different religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Jainism, Christianity and Sikhism are practiced here. There are 22 officially recognized languages spoken and various dialects followed here. Diversity can be noticed not just in regard to language, religious belief, racial compositions, etc but also in prototype of living, occupational quest, lifestyles, legacy, inheritance and progression of practices and rituals relevant to birth, marriage, etc.

India has witnessed sharp economic and social differences over past several years, yet the national unity and uprightness have been maintained. It is this blend which has transformed India into an exclusive assortment of cultures.

India has also acclaimed vast recognition in the field of education, music, dance, instruments, arts, drama, theatres, etc. This not only makes India rich in heritage and culture, but also opens up the scope and opportunity for employment and learning. In fact, several foreigners come to India to pursue higher studies or find job opportunities for themselves.

Extremely famous for its historical monuments, caves, mountains and hills, etc, India is considered as a tourist hub too. People from across the world visit India to explore the country and spend their holidays.

While rich culture is the highlight of the country, India is also quite self sufficient in military forces, science and technology. The country is a unique blend of modernity as well as tradition; and it is our duty and responsibility to preserve the culture and beauty of our country and bring fame to it by our deeds.
[10/12, 12:58] 777pranav2010: Respected teachers and my dear friends,

Good morning to one and all.

We all think. And we all communicate. But how do we do it? We do it through words, not just words but words in a particular language which others understand.

Though it is easy to communicate in our mother tongue; that alone is not enough in today’s world. We need to consider the fact that people speaking different languages mingle with us almost on a daily basis. There are people from other states in India as well as a few people from other countries who have come here to find work or just visit our place. Communicating with all of them requires a common language.

It is here that English language and the knowledge of it becomes an advantage. English may not be the most spoken language in the world, but it is the official language in many countries in the world.

Along with that we find people moving out to other countries to work. And English is the most used language for business communication in the world. It is also not surprising that more than 50% of content in the internet is in English.

Moreover, the best books and films in the world are produced in English. Sometimes, popular and best-selling books in other languages are translated into English to reach a world-wide audience. I am sure you might have watched a film in Chinese and understood it because of sub-titles produced in English.

All these facts prove the importance of English language. It gives us access to business communication, the world of knowledge and also the world of entertainment.

The language itself is constantly in a state of change. It has borrowed words from all cultures and civilizations it has come into touch with. You will find words in English which has its roots in Greek, Latin, Sanskrit, Hindi, French, German etc. So the ability of the language to grow and expand is one important highlight of the English language. It is a truly colourful language and an international language as well!

As a concluding thought, let us consider our opportunities for higher education. It is an established fact that English is the language that gives us access to Science; especially the fields of Engineering, Medicine, and Information Technology. Or think about a Post Graduate in Management and the distinct advantage he or she enjoys if able to communicate well in English! Thus English is the language that is used in higher studies and research.

Finally, let me ask you a question? Would each one of you like to have a job—not just a job but a good career ahead? If the answer is yes, why not make yourselves employable at the highest and the best spheres of work by mastering the English language?

Thank you.
[10/12, 12:58] 777pranav2010: Since the beginning of life on this planet, the atmosphere has functioned as an acceptor of emitted wastes. When the convenience and comforts of man is increasing, he has to upset the delicate balance of nature. By causing pollution man has subjected the whole human race to slow death.

Air pollution is of two types. Gaseous pollution and particulate pollution-gases like carbon monoxide, oxides of sulphur, oxides of nitrogen and hydrogen fluoride. Carbon monoxide is released from automobile exhausts chants and industrial process, reduces the Oxygen carrying capacity of the blood. These pollution mainly because of the de-forestation. Oust fume, mist smokes cause particulate pollution. Air pollution levels reach their peak during the winter due to temperature inversion. During the month cold air remains stagnant at the ground level, trapping the pollutants below it. This triggers a number of allergies, asthma and lung infections.

Another important threat to mankind is noise pollution. In our country anything to announce necessitates the use of loudspeaker. Churches, temples and mosques use loud speakers every morning and evening. Too much noise hurts the ear and causes strain.

Water too has been polluted. The use of pesticides is the main cause of water pollution. We must protect our crops, but when we use strong pesticides we are poisoning our food as well as water. The major part of the pesticides we use flow in to the canals and rivers. Fertilizers too pollute our water. Even the fish from the sea has been found poisonous. They became poisonous by the deposits of a new substance the pesticides formed.

In India people seems to believe that once some waste has been emptied in to flowing water a stream, canal or river, it has been properly and safely deposited of. Drainage canals opening in to rivers are a common feature of our towns and cities. All the factories produce chemical wastes which are poisonous, which is in some cases allowed to flow in to rivers. Even the waste buried may find its way in to a river.

What can be do about this problem? Study and control are the two ways to solve it. We must lead to the reduction of smoke from the factories and making poisonous gases harmless. Chemical wastes should be made non-toxic. Control the use of pesticides and fertilizers. Loud speakers must be banned. Further deforestation is stopped.

In this bid to simplify his life, man has gone against Mother Nature. It is high time to pay need to this situation, else this monster of pollution will destroy us.

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