Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Practise question paper collection

Std.XI Activity Sheet - First Term Exam 2017

Std. 11th       Sub-English                 Marks-50

                                                   Activit⇠y Sheet                                                              
Q.1 (A) Read the first activity. Read the extract and then do all the activities.                         (12)
A1.Global Understanding                                                                                                                  (2)
Q. Read the following statements and write down two correct statements that show the clear picture of the behaviour of the narrator and her elder sister.
1)They loved each other very much
2) They frequently quarreled to each other.
3) They did not tolerate each other.
4)They always went to see the films together.
            My sister and I shared a typical sisterly relationship: we couldn’t stand each other. Or, to be honest, she couldn’t stand me. I hero – worshipped her. Her taste was the epitome of glamour, her personality the definition of cool. My clothes were mysteriously inclined to look like hers, and even my words tended to mimic those I heard from home. Many times, I even wanted to literally follow my sister, whimpering every time I was barred from attending movies with her. Needless to say, I was a brat and an annoyance to her. Any sort of conversation we had usually degraded to fighting, and try as I might, my sister had an extra six years worth of insulting vocabulary (which meant she usually won). After a while, I stopped trying to impress her and learned to be totally indifferent; perhaps the silent treatment would get more approval. I was wrong. We soon fell into a sad pattern – I avoided her, she ignored me, and deep inside, it hurt. So that’s how it was between us. Indifferent or hostile, she was only a sister in name. I truly believed that we would forever be apart, two housemates without conversation, two strangers without warmth. And nothing more.
A2.Interpretation                                                                                                                                (2)
Q. Complete the following sentences.
1) The elder sister of the narrator won the quarrel because--------------------------------------
2) It means that the elder sister is ---------------------------------------------------------------------
A 3. Guessing                                                                                                                                       (2)
The narrator became an annoyance to her elder sister. Its reasons were as follows
(Give answer in two sentences)
A4.Vocabulary.                                                                                                                                                                                                         (2)
 Match the words in ‘A’ with its meanings in ‘B’
                                                                A                                                             B
1) Epitome                                          a) inclined
2) Tended                                           b) showing no interest
3) Hostile                                             c) perfect example
4) Indifferent                                     d) aggressive
A5.Personal Response.                                                                                                                       (2)
Q. Imagine that you have made a quarrel with your brother. If you know it’s your mistake, you sort out the matter by ----------------------------- (Complete it giving your own views in two lines)
A6. Grammar
            Do as directed.                                                                                                                        (2)
1)      I was wrong.                (Make affirmative sentence without changing the meaning)
2)      My sister and I shared a typical sisterly relationship (Make exclamatory sentence)
(B) Grammar
       Rewrite in the ways instructed.                                                                                                 (3)
1)      If you do not study hard, you will fail.   (Rewrite using unless)
2)      She lives --------Laxminagar--------Chalisgaon. (Use appropriate prepositions)
3)      He said to her, “You help me every time.” (Make indirect speech)
Q.2. (A) Read the first activity. Read the extract and then do all the activities.                                            (12)
A 1. State the following statements are true or false. Correct the wrong statements -               (2)
a)         The Problem of begging in India is very short.
b)         The Family breakdown is one of the reasons of begging
c)         The society must be able to make the best use of all its resources.
d)         The handicapped persons cannot become an asset to the society.
The problem of begging in India is a large one. It is also a symptom of a number of complex evils. The most common cause of begging is the lack of work opportunities in villages so that people are driven to crowd into large towns for work. They seek employment as road workers, porters, casual and domestic servants. Those who fail to make a living in these ways, tend to resort to begging to make an income. Unskilled persons do not get work so start begging.
            Other reasons for resorting to begging are: family breakdown leading to truancy by the children, the death or desertion of a husband, the use of disfigured children to gain some income for their guardians and the poverty. It prevents a person from making a decent living. Somehow, a society must be able to make the best use of all its resources, both material and human. All persons who are able to do work must be given a chance to have a suitable occupation, and those who are handicapped must be helped to become an asset to society.

A2. Interpretation                                                                                                                            (2)
The family breakdown leads due to ------------------------------ or---------------------------------
So the children have to gain-------------------------------------and it increases--------------------
(Complete the statements and rewrite again)
A3. Guessing                                                                                                                                      (2)

      Complete the following web giving reasons of begging.

Reasons of Begging



A 4. Vocabulary-                                                                                                                            (2)                   Give synonyms of the following words from the passage.
a) chances                                                             b) big
c) respectable                                                       d) appropriate
A 5. Personal Response-
                  When I see any beggar I feel------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                    (Complete the statement giving your feelings)                                           (2)
A 6.Grammar                        
                  Do as directed.                                                                                                                (2)
1)   The problem of begging in India is a large one.(Make negative sentence)
2)   It prevents a person from making a decent living.(Use infinitive)
B) Write a brief summary of the above extract with the help of the points given bellow. Suggest a suitable title for it.                                                                                                                         (3)
                  Problem of begging-----------Its reasons----------Ways to overcome the problem of begging
Q.3. Read the given extract and do the activities that follow.                                                      (8)
Constantly dressed in modern dresses,
taking yesterday as a very old hag,
I am destined to pull on
among the latest waves of style.
                       It has been long, long since
                       I have
                       left my friendship behind in the village
                       and come here.
Ages past
I feel this day
on the smiles of my lips
the lipstick of sham
painted bright
                       There is motion but colourless is life
                       In this lane of din
                       set up abolishing solitude,
                       I have built a wall of enigma
                       around my own house
                       against the pure affection of friendship:
                       ‘Entrance Prohibited’
                       I have painted
                       on my door.
A1. Factual Understanding.                                                                                                             (2)
Q. Pick up two lines from the extract that refer to city life.                                     
A2. Poetic Device                                                                                                                              (2)
Q. Find out one example of repetition and antithesis from the extract. Explain them.          
A3. Personal Response.                                                                                                                    (2)
Q. Do you think that the speaker has permanently settled in the city? Justify your answer.
A4. Poetic creativity.                                                                                                                        (2)
            Use the following words appropriately in the blank places to make a meaningful poem.
trend, friend, discount, count.
In busy city streets, I have no-----------------
To have no real friend is the latest----------------
There are many who have no friends to ---------------
Is it because trust is not available on---------------------
Q. 4. Read the following extract and do the activities that follow it.                                           (4)
                  That all changed the minute I walked into Mr. Kaplan’s social studies class. Young and handsome, he was leaning against the chalkboard with his hands stuffed in his jeans, as if he hadn’t a care in the world. But his steely blue eyes, shaded by a swath of sandy blond hair, said otherwise. This cool teacher in his Calvin Klein jeans and tan V – neck sweater had a look that said, Don’t mess with me. Definitely interested and a bit intimidated, I decided there and then to behave myself.
                    ‘Good morning,’ he greeted us, then pushed away from the board and began to walk the aisles between desks. “My name is Mr. Kaplan, and we are all about to embark on a journey.”
   Feeling a flatter in my stomach, I wondered if I might be sick, then realized it was excitement. Smiling to myself, as Mr. Kaplan returned to his desk, I felt a spark of hope that maybe this class would be fun.
               Suddenly, Mr. Kaplan jumped on his desk.
               “Listen to me,” he demanded, as if we could do anything else. “This is not about school. It is about learning and the joy it can give, if you let it.”
A1. Choose two most appropriate statements from the following and write them.                      (2)
1)      Mr. Kaplan was a young and handsome student.
2)      Mr. Kaplan was a confident person.
3)      The narrator wondered seeing the behaviour of Mr. Kaplan.
4)      The students already knew about joy of learning.
A2. Convert the extract into a dialogue between the narrator and Mr. Kaplan                           (2)
                                       (Use the following hints)
Narrator :           Good morning Sir!
Mr. Kaplan :       ------------------------------
Narrator :           You are looking handsome sir.
Mr. Kaplan :       Oh, ----------------------------. I like to wear---------------------   and ------------------.
                           Don’t you think it’s good outfit?
Narrator :           It’s -----------------------.Which subject will you teach sir?
Mr. Kaplan :       -----------------------------------------
Narrator :           I don’t like to learn such subjects.
Mr. Kaplan :       Well, don’t say like that. You will learn joy of----------------------.
Q5. Writing Skill
(A) Letter writing.                                                                                                                                (4)
1. Write a letter to the Municipal authority of your area complaining about the inconvenience caused by prolonged road repair work going on in your locality.
               Use the following information-
    Area name – Bhadgaon Road, Laxmi Nagar, Chalisgaon. Road is in under construiction from many days.    
    Heap of building material beside the road. Regular traffic jam. Water spread on the road. No outlet
f   or  running water through drainage. No alternative road for travelling. Wastage of time to go ahead.
2. Write a letter to the Principal of your college to get the bona fide certificate.                        (4)
               Use the following information-
Name – Kiran Patil, Std.XI Div. A, Stream- Science, Date of birth- 15/06/1991. Register No. 2090.
Need of bona fide certificate to get travelling concession.
(B) Appeal Writing
1. Imagine that you are the president of Young India Club, Pune. Prepare a handout for inspiring people to participate ‘Swaccha Bharat Abiyan’.Use the following points-                                  (4)
1)      Use slogans 2) Give programme, venue and time 3) Declare gifts4) Add your own points
(B) News writing.                                                                                                                      (4)
2. Read the following intro and prepare a headline, dateline and a continuing paragraph.               

Five persons were killed and two others seriously injured when a speeding jeep hit a bus carrying forty passengers near Chalisgaon last night. The accident took place due to the breakdown of jeep

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