Monday, July 2, 2018

Hsc इंग्लिश [6/26, 19:17] ‪+91 90289 76600‬: _*Why 'yes' to plastic & 'No' to paper*_ It's a very wrong notion that Plastic is hazardous and we should not use Plastic. Plastic has made our lives convenient with any food item, vegetables, water, medicines, garments, stationary, jewelery, toothpaste, shampoo, washing powder, food grains, vegetable oils, milk, fruits & many more available items anytime anywhere. It has given employment & livelihood to lakhs of people which always is a concern for any Government. It has _*replaced paper*_ and thus SAVED a lot of trees from being cut, _which is very much essential to stop global warming._ Plastic waste of course is a concern only when it is not collected and recycled/ reused. All Plastic MUST BE recycled and reused. It is our responsibility to throw this Plastic or any wastage in correctly earmarked Dustbins so it can be sent for recycling. WE need to change OUR DAILY habits and not ban Plastic. We can also generate electricity from any plastic waste with hardly 1% residue. Where as _*thousands of trees & lakhs of litres of water is used to manufacture paper*_. This contaminated water is then disposed off in rivers & seas thus polluting the marine environment. Plastic is made out of a byproduct left after processing of crude oil which is extracted from the sea. So why 'No' to Plastic?? Iron ore used for making metal is depleting our land. _*Paper is taking away our trees & pushing us towards global warming*_. So when we say BAN Plastic ...... are we talking of actually saving our environment?? Whom should we blame? A civilian who doesn't throw the thrash in the earmarked Dustbin? Or the Municipal Corporation who has not developed an efficient system to collect & recycle plastic waste & pass their inability & failure to Plastic users? Shouldn't these Politicians stop playing with the common man's life and get UNNECESSARY political mileage ? The Mobile phone has made our lives easy but at the same time it is taking away our mental peace. Whilst it keeps us all connected (more than we need to be sometimes) It has made for distance in so many relationships. It is also generating tons of e-waste which is not recyclable. Should we ban the use & sale of mobiles?? Cars, bikes, trucks all emit a lot of Co2. So should we ban cars and stop manufacturing all vehicles? Air-conditioners emit lots of hot air, so should we ban Air-conditioners ? Lots of hazardous chemicals are used for agriculture which causes cancer. Can't we ban them and go for organic farming immediately ? I can give you many such examples which we should ban immediately. SO Should we Ban Plastic??? Do we want to revert back to the18th century ??? _*Should we not correct our slovenly habits rather than banning all products & gadgets*_ ?? Can't we make rational use of all our resources so we make our next generations life better by being RESPONSIBLE & CONSIDERATE beings 1st ? Now can you think of replacing Plastic with Paper??? Think.... Circulate this post so it reaches the BMC, the CM & the Authorities concerned who blame Plastic in order to hide their inabilities & make the people suffer unnecessarily. 😙 [6/26, 20:04] ‪+91 77210 19914‬: : How Not To Teach English [6/27, 20:08] ‪+91 94218 13483‬: *1.1 The Person I Am Looking For* If you do not get lowered in your own eyes While you raise yourself in those of others If you do not give in to gossips and lies Rather heed them not, saying, ‘Who bothers?’ You may be the person I am looking for. *Read the above stanza as following to facilitate the learning.* Students will learn by themselves. This method focuses on learning by students. Here teachers are expected to play the role of facilitator. *You may be the person I am looking for.* *If you do not get lowered in your own eyes* *While you raise yourself in those of others* *You may be the person I am looking for*. *If you do not give in to gossips and lies* *Rather heed them not, saying, ‘Who bothers?’* Let's facilitate. 'You' stands for readers/ people. 'I' stands the poet. Let the students try to understand the poem with this pattern. Tell the students to copy the last line of the first stanza and then the first and the second lines. Tell them to read these lines together and try to guess the meaning. Thereafter students will copy the last line of the first stanza and the third and the fourth lines. Tell them to read those lines together and comprehend. Ask them what they learned. Follow the pattern for the complete poem. Give them simple activities like reading the last word of each line. Ask them to find similarity and difference in them. Elicit the literary term for such words ending with similar sound. Ask them to compare the last lines of each stanza. [6/28, 17:15] ‪+91 98507 37199‬: *Here are ten rules about silent letters;* 1- k is often silent before "n" >>> know, knife, knee, know. 2- W is often silent before "r" >>> write, wrong, wrap, wrist. 3-G is often silent before "n" >>> foreign,sign, design, gnaw. 4- p is often silent before "s" >>> psychology, psalm, psychiatry. 5- l is often silent before "k" >>> folk, walk, talk. 6- b is often silent after m >>> plumb, climb, comb. 7- n is often silent after "m" >>> column, autumn, damn, solemn. 8- t is often silent after "s" >>> listen, fasten, castle, wrestle. 9- u is often silent before "i" or "e" >>> build, biscuit, guess, guide. 10- d is often silent between two consonants >>> wednesday, handsome, sandwich. [6/30, 10:13] ‪+91 70389 85344‬: *Collective nouns - Things* A range of mountains (पहाड़ों की एक पर्वत श्रेणी) A hail of bullets (गोलियों की  बौछाड़) A list of names (नामों की एक सूची) A hedge of bushes (झाड़ियों का बाड़ा) An album of photographs (फोटों का एक अलबम) An anthology of poems (कविताओं का एक संकलन) An archipelago of islands (द्वीपसमूह) A bale of cotton (कपास की एक गांठ) [6/30, 14:00] ‪+91 70389 85344‬: ⭕Important words of⭕ ✔Antonyms : 50 Words 1. Inevitable- Avoidable 2. Exceptional- Common 3. Permanent- Temporary 4. Dim- Luminous 5. Reckless- Careful6. Explicit- Ambiguous 7. Incredible- Believable 8. Repel- Attract 9. Rapidly- Slowly 10. Meticulous- Careless 11. Barbarous- Civilized 12. Successor- Predecessor 13. Urban- Rural 14. Conclusive- Indecisive 15. Terminate-Begin 16. Niggardly- Lavishly 17. Advanced- Receded 18. Enlightened- Ignorant 19. Moderate- Extreme 20. Superficial- Thorough 21. Scorn- Admiration 22. Trivial- Serious 23. Loquacious- Reserved 24. Confiscate- Release 25. Often- Rarely 26. Eminent- Notorious 27. Embark upon- Conclude 28. Diffidence- Boldness 29. Paucity- Plenty 30. Triggered- Choked 31. Fastidious- Adjustable 32. Grandiose- Simple 33. Bleak- Bright 34. Insolent- Humble 35. Lurid- Mild 36. Unscrupulous- Conscientious 37. Melodious- Tuneless 38. Contaminate- Purify 39. Frugal- Extravagant 40. Falling off- Improvement 41. Genial- Unkind 42. Shallow- Deep 43. Immune- Vulnerable 44. Veneration- Disrespect 45. Yield to- Resist 46. Concur- Disagree 47. Vague- Precise 48. Humility- Pride 49. Extol- Censure 50. Takes off- Lands [6/30, 21:32] ‪+91 98507 37199‬: *Suburbs by Pablo Neruda* The beginning of the poem gives us an image of the narrator's middle-class brother, to whom a pool in the garden, the refrigerator in his house are the ultimate status symbols. It's about these little things which give middle class people a sense of something missing in their lives.. Figurative language is used to explain the kind of silly things people do when they aspire to present themselves as better than they are. The next part is also about living that lie, that we can afford that pool, even if only on credit, but it reveals some of the real truth lurking behind, which could be that those who commit the worst excesses stem from the poorest origins, which they promptly and conveniently forget once elevated to a position of (some sort of) power (maybe). The next part suggests we are all heroes in our own minds; no-one cares to admit they are as normal and subservient, and truly powerless, as their neighbour. Many seek refuge in dreams and distractions, some of which they might guiltily enact, like the tryst in a hotel. It's about a desire amongst the less well off for some betterment, improvement of their lot, social climbing, and wanting their fair share, but ultimately, all socially disadvantaged people suffer the same fate, which is to be ignored, because each one is invisible when they all look the same, and in truth, they are all the same once stripped of their pretensions. It's a bit like saying, 'I want to be like you whom I admire; look at my pool, I am like you; but hey, now you have lost your power and prestige, you're not like me after all; and I'm not like you either; hey, I'm actually better than you, and I always was. The middle class people don't dream big. They accept their reality that they must live like other ordinary people and give themselves satisfaction that those big hot shot people are just like them when they are robbed from their titles, medals, their big family names. The poem, refers to the upper class and the middle class, urges for equality, reveals the Communist mindset of the poet, Pablo Neruda. [7/1, 07:36] ‪+91 98507 37199‬: *Dialogue writing* [7/1, 12:32] ‪+91 94218 13483‬: [7/1, 13:02] ‪+91 98507 37199‬: *Activity No. 1- Who was the happiest of them all* [7/2, 00:13] ‪+91 70389 85344‬: 🙇🏻‍♀ 🙇🏻‍♀ 🙇🏻‍♀ 🙇🏻‍♀🙇🏻‍♀ 📚 📚 📚 📚 📚 📚 *NOUN* 📚 Important things about *NOUNS*👇👇👇 🙇🏻‍♀🙇‍♀🙇🏻‍♀ 1. *A noun has two numbers.*👇 *Singular and Plural*👇 Example Examples Book books City cities Fly flies Leaf leaves Knife knives Emotion emotions Target targets Thought thoughts Worry worries 🙇‍♀🙇🏻‍♀🙇‍♀ 2. *A noun is replaced by Pronouns.*👇 I met Ramji. *He* was reading a story book. *His* brother's name is Shyamaji. Sudha is very intelligent. *She* is preparing for the IAS. *Her* college is in Shanti Nagar. 🙇‍♀🙇🏻‍♀🙇‍♀ 3. *A noun can be the subject or the object in a sentence.* *India* is an Asian country. *Chanakya* was a great economist. *Cows* give milk. *Lion* is considered the king of the jungle. We are learning *English.* Indians speak more than twenty *languages*. There is a very big *banyan tree.* 🙇🏻‍♀🙇‍♀🙇🏻‍♀ 4. *Nouns are found in five types*👇👇 Common noun Proper noun Collective noun Material noun Abstract noun 🙇‍♀🙇🏻‍♀🙇‍♀ 5. *Nouns are also divided in the following two types*👇👇 *Countable noun* As- animal, book, elephant, city *Uncountable noun* As- water, petrol, oil, food, rice, dust 🙇🏻‍♀🙇‍♀🙇🏻‍♀ 6. *Nouns are again divided in the two different groups*👇👇 Concrete noun Nonconcrete noun 🙇‍♀🙇🏻‍♀🙇‍♀ 7. *There are many nouns which function as verb too.*👇 Name, cut, note, notice, mind, round, answer, question, seal, water, etc. 8. *The grammatical term "Gender" too belongs to the part of speech "NOUN"*👇 *Types of Genders*👇 Masculine Gender Feminine Gender Neuter Gender Common Gender 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀 [7/2, 07:51] ‪+91 98507 37199‬: *Vocabulary Activity* Take away the first letter of each word in the group to get new words. (दिलेल्या शब्दातील पहिले अक्षर गाळून नवीन शब्द बनवा.) *(1) hair -- air* *(2) hear -- ear* *(3) hour -- our* *(4) clip -- lip* *(5) clock -- lock* *(6) dear -- ear* *(7) flight -- light* *(8) nice -- ice* *(9) narrow -- arrow* *(10) wheat -- heat* *(11) gold -- old* *(12) bright -- right* *(13) broad -- road* *(14) hare -- are* *(15) hand -- and* *(16) boil -- oil* *(17) cold -- old* *(18) fair -- air* *(19) bear -- ear* *(20) fold -- old* *(21) bone -- one* *(22) cart -- art* *(23) train -- rain* *(24) year -- ear* *(25) tall -- all* *(26) then hen* *(27) fair -- air* *(28) near -- ear* *(29) seat -- eat* *(30) twig -- wig* *(31) box -- ox* *(32) pink -- ink* *(33) fan -- an* *(34) rice -- ice* *(35) tray -- ray* *(36) soil -- oil* *(37) broom -- room.* [7/2, 10:12] ‪+91 98507 37199‬: *Activity No 2 on Who was the happiest of them all?* [7/2, 10:32] ‪+91 98507 37199‬: *Click on the link and solve the test based on use of collective nouns.*

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