Saturday, July 4, 2020

[4/25, 12:11] Raut pramod: Good morning good morning student today we would like to introduce the next topic from our textbook really  it is a very important when we learn something different that what is about the writing skill it should be the explain here in the next topic so let's start I am Pramod Raut today we are going to deal with another new interesting topic which is the comes in our syllabus in the the last year also that is a expansion of ideas I know that you are thinking about this topic but it's tricky but don't worry we make it really very easy for you today but let's begin with this topic first of all we should understand what are expansion of Idea Idea means what expansion of Ideas simply means elaborate the idea now let me tell what do you mean by elaborate the idea explain in detail and what do you mean by the word idea that's the main question isn't it in your examination the topic that you will be get elaborate it going to an idea and an idea can be basically text-based topic it can also a slogan it could be a proverb and it could be and it could be it could be a reflective thoughts of and then we think about some topic now whatever your Idea first we have to learn how it develop so how to develop Idea or to begin with start with the meaning of idea given to you in 5 to 6 lines that means the first paragraph is the introductory para you will be going to explain the name but in short that is about 5 to 6 line maximum that is our per paragraph second paragraph on which should include examples in details in it now what do you mean by examples detail it is nothing but you can just give a short example of life of famous people give some incident in their life or something famous that happened to them and then you can connect the incident or whatever you return to the meaning of the particular proper and that how you can get about into the 12 lines in which you elaborate the meaning if not that you can also get the current National and international events or incident so that you can get actually elaborate that you can impress your teacher that showing him that saying I am touch with what was happening right now and I can use that the material to really explain some tricky Idea or so these are the two things you do you in your second Noida now see in Sweden Second One Less come with at last in that it is a conclusion when it comes to the conclusion remember that right you are conclusion in the second or third line and don't make any new. There just summarise the whole thing now once you have do with your third that we consider the top it done but I don't have a lot of questions in your mind is not eat you must be so let's first have a look at how to deal with the most important thing in the expansion will be call them to clear to the accident area that is the meaning of proverb and when we start to talk about the meaning of the proverb is the percentage then we face that will be learn by some idea for what is about the key and the second area or II para of the centre that means with examples in detail the second challenge is to Q the concern material for your second para which is the not date for the most likely think you to deal with I know that AC the key areas systematically 1st ki the meaning of the proverb that is the first ki remember that there is the two way best way to deal with keyboards method and second method is the moral story now let's understand each intertex every proverb has the keywords in a to convey the meaning of the problem proverb for example that to the search the keyboard you need all examples take the example handsome is as handsome does nice flower easily but we don't have heard it before but we really don't know the meaning how now what do you mean by that all of the state the state number one pic up the keyboard in this proverb now look at the proverb properly and explain you will receive the important for that is the handsome and done now actually we achieve the first day now look at the second state think the word related to the each key word for what is our the first Shiva handsome but when we think about handsome with think about the good looking experience beautiful whatever comes in your mind related to this particular point to the keep keyword is the score between our idea does means something or with the person now let's more I hate we need to go to the September 3rd what state number 3rd now you get the four ideas of the meaning through this labour and therefore you use all those first create the introduction the idea of a person more important than to look one should not be que importance of the appearance of persons if you go to the need this word you can write something like does it means that does go the neutron this keyword
[4/25, 12:13] Raut pramod: Friday, April 24, 2020
 सुप्रभात सुप्रभात विद्यार्थी, आज आपण आपल्या पाठ्यपुस्तकातून पुढील विषयाची ओळख करुन देऊ इच्छितो. जेव्हा आपण काहीतरी वेगळे शिकतो तेव्हा लेखनाच्या कौशल्याबद्दलचे स्पष्टीकरण पुढील विषयावर दिले पाहिजे जेणेकरुन मी सुरू करूया प्रमोद राऊत आज आम्ही आणखी एक नवीन मनोरंजक विषय हाताळणार आहोत जो गेल्या वर्षात आमच्या अभ्यासक्रमात आला आहे जो कल्पनांचा विस्तार आहे हे मला ठाऊक आहे की आपण या विषयाबद्दल विचार करीत आहात परंतु ते अवघड आहे परंतु काळजी करू नका आम्ही आज आपल्यासाठी खरोखर हे सोपे बनविते पण प्रथम या विषयासह आपण विचार करू या की आयडिया आयडियाचा विस्तार काय आहे हे समजून घेतले पाहिजे म्हणजे कल्पनांचा विस्तार म्हणजे काय कल्पना विस्तृत करणे आता मला कल्पना सांगूया की विस्ताराने आपला अर्थ काय आहे ते समजावून सांगा. तपशील आणि आपणास या शब्दाच्या कल्पनांनी काय म्हणायचे आहे की 'मुख्य प्रश्न आहेटी आपल्या परीक्षेत या विषयावर आपणास विस्तृत कल्पना येईल आणि ती एखाद्या कल्पनांकडे जाईल आणि ती कल्पना ही मूलत: मजकूर-आधारित विषय असू शकते, ही एक घोषणा असू शकते आणि ती असू शकते आणि कदाचित असेही असू शकते चे प्रतिबिंबित विचार आणि मग आम्ही आता कोणत्या विषयावर विचार करतो की आपल्या विचारात प्रथम जे काही आहे ते विकसित कसे करावे ते कसे जाणून घ्यावे लागेल, आयडिया कशी विकसित करावी किंवा प्रथम para ते lines ओळींमध्ये आपल्याला दिलेल्या कल्पनांच्या अर्थाने सुरुवात करावी. आपण परिचय स्पष्ट करणार आहात तो परिचय परिच्छेद आहे परंतु थोडक्यात म्हणजे आमच्या परिच्छेदाच्या दुसर्‍या परिच्छेदात जास्तीत जास्त 5 ते 6 ओळ जास्तीत जास्त आहे ज्यावर आता त्यातील तपशीलांची उदाहरणे समाविष्ट केली पाहिजेत आता उदाहरणाचा अर्थ काय म्हणायचे आहे ते काहीच नाही परंतु आपण फक्त प्रसिद्ध लोकांच्या जीवनाचे एक लहान उदाहरण देऊ शकता की त्यांच्या जीवनात काही घटना किंवा काही प्रसिद्ध घडलेत्यांच्याशी आणि नंतर आपण त्या घटनेशी किंवा जे काही आपण परत येऊ शकता त्या विशिष्ट गोष्टीच्या अर्थाशी आणि आपण ज्या १२ ओळींमध्ये आपण अर्थ स्पष्ट केला आहे त्यामध्ये कसे प्रवेश करू शकता हे आपल्याला सध्याच्या राष्ट्रीय आणि आंतरराष्ट्रीय कार्यक्रमांमध्ये देखील मिळू शकेल अशा प्रकारे कनेक्ट करू शकता. किंवा घटना जेणेकरुन आपण आपल्या शिक्षकांना प्रभावित करू शकाल की आपण सध्या जे घडत आहे त्याचा मी संपर्क करीत आहे असे दर्शवित आहे आणि मी त्या सामग्रीचा उपयोग काही अवघड कल्पनांना खरोखर स्पष्ट करण्यासाठी करतो किंवा म्हणून या दोन गोष्टी आपण आहात आपण आता आपल्या दुस No्या नोएडामध्ये स्वीडनमध्ये पाहू शकता का दुसरे एक शेवटचे निष्कर्ष आहे की जेव्हा ते निष्कर्षाप्रत येते तेव्हा लक्षात ठेवा की आपण दुसर्‍या किंवा तिसर्‍या ओळीत निष्कर्ष काढला आहे आणि नवीन बनवू नका.एकदा आपण आपल्या तृतीय गोष्टी केल्यावर आता संपूर्ण गोष्ट सारांश सांगा की ती पूर्ण केल्याबद्दल आम्ही विचार करतो परंतु आपल्या मनात बरेच प्रश्न नाहीत आपल्या मनात खाणे नाही आपण तसे होऊ द्या. 'प्रथम विस्तारामधील सर्वात महत्वाची गोष्ट कशी पार पाडता येईल याकडे एक नजर टाकून सांगा की ते अपघाताच्या क्षेत्राचे स्पष्टीकरण देण्यास सांगतील ज्याला म्हणीचा अर्थ आहे आणि जेव्हा आपण त्या म्हणीचा अर्थ सांगू लागतो तेव्हा टक्केवारी नंतर आपला चेहरा जो की च्या आणि दुसर्‍या क्षेत्राच्या किंवा केंद्राच्या दुसर्‍या पॅराबद्दल काय आहे याविषयी काही कल्पनांनी शिकला जाईल ज्याचे उदाहरणासह तपशीलवारपणे दुसरे आव्हान आहे आपल्या दुसर्‍या पॅरासाठी संबंधित चिंतेची सामग्री Q म्हणजे ती तारीख नाही बहुधा तुम्हाला वाटते की आपण सामोरे जावे मला हे माहित आहे की एसी की महत्त्वाची क्षेत्रे पद्धतशीरपणे पहिली की या प्रवचनाचा अर्थ की कीबोर्डची पद्धत हाताळण्याचा सर्वात चांगला मार्ग आहे आणि दुसरी पद्धत म्हणजे नैतिक कथा आता द्या. 'प्रत्येक प्रवचनेला समजाच्या उक्तीचा अर्थ सांगण्यासाठी प्रत्येक म्हणीत कीवर्ड असतात उदाहरणार्थ आपण कीबोर्ड शोधण्यासाठी सर्व उदाहरणांची आवश्यकता आहे उदाहरणार्थ सुंदर देखण्यासारखे छान सुंदर आहे परंतु आम्ही ते ऐकले नाही आधी पण आम्ही खरोखर डॉन 'टी या अर्थाचा कसा अर्थ आहे हे आपणास काय म्हणायचे आहे याचा अर्थ असा की आता राज्य क्रमांक एकने या म्हणीतील कीबोर्ड उचलला आहे आणि आता त्या म्हणी योग्यप्रकारे पहा आणि स्पष्ट करा की आपण त्यास महत्त्वाचे प्राप्त होईल कारण ते देखणा आणि आता पूर्ण झाले आहे आम्ही पहिला दिवस साध्य करा आता दुसर्‍या अवस्थेत पहा, आपला पहिला शिव देखणा कोणता आहे यासंबंधी प्रत्येक मुख्य शब्दाशी संबंधित शब्द विचार करा परंतु जेव्हा आपण आपल्या मनामध्ये जे काही येत असेल त्या दिसायला सुंदर दिसणा experience्या अनुभवाबद्दल विचारपूर्वक सुंदर विचार करतो तेव्हा कीवर्डकडे लक्ष देणे म्हणजे आमच्या कल्पनेतील स्कोअर म्हणजे काहीतरी आहे किंवा त्या व्यक्तीबरोबर आता द्या 'मला जास्त आवडत नाही की 3 सप्टेंबर रोजी कोणत्या राज्य क्रमांक 3 ला जाणे आवश्यक आहे आता या श्रमातून तुम्हाला अर्थाच्या चार कल्पना मिळतात आणि म्हणूनच तुम्ही त्या सर्वांचा परिचय वापरुन एखाद्या व्यक्तीची कल्पना निर्माण करण्यापेक्षा अधिक महत्त्वाची कल्पना निर्माण केली पाहिजे. या शब्दाची गरज भासल्यास व्यक्तींच्या स्वरूपाचे महत्त्व असू नका तर आपण असे काहीतरी लिहू शकता म्हणजे याचा अर्थ न्यूट्रॉन हा कीवर्ड आहे
येथे 24 एप्रिल, 2020 कोणत्याही टिप्पण्या नाहीत दुवे
[4/25, 16:37] Raut pramod: [4/25, 16:27] +91 80802 66163: चला मैं मनचला
खुशनुमा और उमंगभरी दुनिया है
मिट्टी से लिपटी राह पर
मंझीलं हैं वहाँ  जहाँ  मैं चलू
चला मैं मनचला
चला मैं मनचला
 इक़बाल  खुद करे, नसीब खुद लिखे
ना ख़लिश, ना गिला
ना कागज, ना कातिब ,ना क़िताब
ना दिवारों से आरा घर
 ना होगा विलंब तो करे आरंभ
 चले मिट्टी से लिपटी  राह पर
  बाहो में जोश, मन लिये संतोष 
 बैठे रहे करे निंदा मेरी
 चला  मैं मनचला
चला मैं मनचला
खोजू  सृष्टि में छिपे अजम, अटलं और जल के रहस्योंकी जो मेरे समीप है
और न चलू में उन ग्रहो, चांद और तारो के भ्रमण में
 अंतरिक्ष की खोज है ना मेरी 
वो सलामत उन्हें जो  खोजना चाहते हैं, उड़ना जानते है
वो चलें मनचले
चला मैं मनचला
लिये अतित का बोझ है लजिज जो
उसमें लदे है  नज़्म , जख्म, कुछ लोग,
कुछ अजिज, कुछ अपने,कुछ पराये
मानो यकिंन मेरा, ये सामान में ना छोड ,
 ना तोड़ सकूं, चाहुं फिर भी
हर मोड़ पर मैं उसे ना हटा पाऊं, 
 ना मिटा पाऊं  यह न हों पाता मुझसे
 बोझ अतित का बड चला है हर मोड़ पे,
और मैं हर मोड़ पर उसमें इजाफा करते हुए चला है
चला में मनचला

Respected members, The above poetry is my adaption of the classic of 'Song of the Open Road' by Walt Whitman. This is the part of our new 12th portion. The actual one is too long with 15 stanzas, yet I have done the.f first part which is there In the text. This poem is a kind of dramatic monologue, as it gives a rousing call of freedom and fraternity.  It is in a way divided into 3 parts:
1) Poet's keen interest for sight and sound.
2) His vision for limitless possibilities
3) Call for companions. 
I tried my best to attend all the essence and thoughts of the poetry and the zeal of Mr. Whitman as looking into the free space to prosper. I am very well aware of my little experience of translation work and mediocre skills. But still I thought of to venture into it as Albert Camus said once, 'Idleness is fatal only to the mediocre'. So please do read this and let me know how I have done it.
[4/25, 16:35] +91 80802 66163: Original poet: Walt Whitman.
Poem: Song of the open road.
Translated by: Sameer Khasnis from Shri TP Bhatia college of Science kandivali
[4/25, 16:44] Raut pramod:
[4/25, 16:59] Raut pramod:
[4/25, 16:59] Raut pramod: [4/19, 16:51] Raut pramod: ज्या विद्यार्थ्यांना अजून ई-मेल केला नाही त्यांनी कृपया ई-मेल करावेत म्हजे त्यावर मोठ्या pdf लिंक सेंड करता येतील शिवाय ह्या लिंक वर सुद्धा महत्वाची माहिती उपलब्ध करून देत आहे
[4/19, 17:27] Raut pramod: Grammer practise test
[4/25, 16:59] Raut pramod:
[4/25, 17:04] Raut pramod: [4/25, 16:58] Pise saheb:
[4/25, 16:58] Pise saheb: 54 मुली आणि122 मूल असे दोन स्वतंत्र whtup ग्रुप तयार केले असून19 एप्रिल पासून इंग्लिश आणि इतर विषय अध्ययन सुरू आहे विध्यार्थ्यांना fliphtml text book उपलब्ध करून दिले आहेत सगळे pdf सेंड केलेत  लवकर zoom क्लास आयोजित करत आहे
[4/25, 16:58] Pise saheb:
[4/25, 16:58] Pise saheb:
[4/25, 16:59] Pise saheb: 👆श्री श्री विद्यालय औध👌👍💐💐💐
[4/25, 17:16] Raut pramod:
[4/25, 17:53] Raut pramod:
[4/25, 18:47] Raut pramod:

[4/25, 21:38] Raut pramod: pramod raut:
हिकडं सेंड करा  मराठी

[4/26, 11:40] Raut pramod: प्रा राऊत प्रमोद is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: pramod raut
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 979 0739 3654
Password: p5YU72
[4/26, 14:22] Raut pramod: *Brainstorming*


*(i)    Given below are some descriptions. Discuss them with your partner and find out one word for each of them. An example is given for you.*

(a)    The scientific study of the universe and the objects in it, including stars, planets, nebulae and galaxies
- Astronomy

(b)    The study of the movements of the planets, Sun, Moon, and Stars in the belief that these movements can have an influence on people's lives

(c)    A prediction of what will happen in the future

(d)    Scientific discipline that studies mental states and processes and behaviour in humans and other animals
[4/26, 14:22] Raut pramod: *A3) (i) In the story, the following characters reveal their qualities through words and actions. Pick out the words that describe them and write before the characters*

a) Astrologer   
b) Guru Nayak
c)Astrologer's wife

1)    shrewd   
2)    clever   
3)    suspicious   
4)    gullible
5)    arrogant   
6)    demanding   
7)    antagonistic   
8)    quarrelsome
9)    overconfident   
10)    manipulative   
11)    skeptical   
12)    mystical
13)    smart   
14)    caring   
15)    protective   
16)    sharp
17)    rational   
18)    mean   
19)    intuitive   
20)    aggressive
21)    worried   
22)    cunning   
23)    humanistic   
24)    impetuous
[4/26, 14:22] Raut pramod: *Next Brain storming activity*  

                                                          *(iv) Read the following sentences and find out True and False sentences. Correct the False sentences.*

(a) The astrologer gave a correct prediction to the client about his past that he was stabbed, thrown into a well and left for dead.

(b) When the astrologer came to know that the man whom he killed is alive he felt that he was relieved of his guilt.

(c) The astrologer tried to back out of the deal and talked about the client's past.

(d) The astrologer rescued himself from Guru Nayak's revenge.

(e) The moral of the story is that we must be responsible about what we have done and should not run away from our mistakes.
[4/26, 16:55] Raut pramod: *QUIZ: GENERAL ENGLISH*


*Just click the following link and participate in the quiz of identifying various types of nouns*
[4/26, 16:56] Raut pramod: 😊👁️😊👁️😊👁️😊👁️


_*English Online Test N - 4*_

*Class - 3 to 5 th*

*Sub -  General English*

         *- am, is, are* 

This online test is made for primary students. 😊 

Total questions - 15


Created by
Sandip R. Kulat 
Z. P. School, Nevhori
P. S. Akot, Z. P. Akola 

😊 *चाचणी सोडविल्यावर View score वर क्लिक करून गुण पाहावे.*
[4/26, 16:56] Raut pramod: 😊👁️😊👁️


_*English Online Test N - 5*_

*Class - 3 to 8 th*

*Sub -  General English*

         *- How many Or How much* 

खालील दिलेल्या लिंकला स्पर्श करून चाचणी सोडवा. 

Total questions - 15

Created by
Sandip R. Kulat 
Z. P. School, Nevhori
P. S. Akot, Z. P. Akola 

😊 *चाचणी सोडविल्यावर View score वर क्लिक करून गुण पाहावे.*
[4/26, 22:43] Raut pramod:
[4/28, 09:34] Raut pramod: प्रा राऊत प्रमोद is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: pramod raut
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 979 0739 3654
Password: p5YU72
[4/28, 19:08] Raut pramod: प्रा राऊत प्रमोद is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: pramod raut
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 979 0739 3654
Password: p5YU72
[4/28, 19:10] Raut pramod:
[4/30, 21:39] Raut pramod:
[4/30, 23:30] Raut pramod: Chemistry is important in day to day life. The air we breathe, the gold we wear, the food from plant to human being, the medicine, each and every matter on the earth is part of chemistry (part of single atom). Chemistry has a reputation for being a complicated and boring science, but for the most part, that reputation is undeserved. Fireworks and explosions are based on chemistry, so it's definitely not a boring science. Chemistry is the center of number of branches. Let's see the revised syllabus of this subject
Prof Snehal Patil
Numbers of opportunity’s are waiting for chemistry students like Thermo Chemistry , Organic Chemistry , Biochemistry , Materials Chemistry, Nuclear Chemistry, Chemistry teacher, chemical safety , chemical packaging course, Agriculture, forensic officer  . All these goals are achieve through B.Sc chemistry or chemical engineering. Also after the B.Sc chemistry those how want to go higher study they can go for  M.Sc and Ph.D in particular specific topics/subject are beneficial for research purpose.

New syllabus and paper pattern 

The new and updated curriculum is based on disciplinary approach with rigour and depth taking care that the syllabus is not heavy and at the same time it is compatible to the international level. There is a need to provide the sufficient conceptual background of chemistry which will help the students to appear for different common entrance test at the state level and the national level. This new syllabus will make them competent to meet the challenges of academic and professional courses like medicine, engineering, technology etc, after the +2 stage. The syllabus is comparable to the international level.

According  to the H.S.C board the new paper pattern implemented from academic year 2019-2020.Total weightage for chemistry paper is 100 Marks (70 Mark theory + 30 Mark practical) .In this theoretical paper total marks with options are for 98 Marks which is 100% . The learning objectives are divided according to the percentage and requirement knowledge 30%, understanding 42%, application + Skill 28%.

The broad objectives of new syllabus and paper pattern of chemistry at Higher secondary stage are to help the learners as following:
To promote understanding of basic facts and concepts in chemistry while retaining the excitement of chemistry.
To make students capable of studying chemistry in academic and professional courses (such as medicine, engineering, technology).
To expose the students to various emerging new areas of chemistry and apprise them with their relevance in their future studies and their applications in various spheres of chemical sciences and technology.
To get knowledge of various changes related to health, environment, weather, industries and agriculture.
Develop the problem solving skills in students.

How to study and what to study?

As with any of the sciences, there is a lot of new information to learn and memorize in chemistry. In fact, there is so much new information you'll be presented with as you begin to study chemistry that you'll get bogged down quickly if you get caught up trying to memorize all the details. First focus on gaining understanding of fundamental concepts. Once you have a sound understanding of the fundamentals, you can spend time memorizing the details. Also, as you master the fundamentals of chemistry and gain understanding of the concepts, you'll find it much easier to memorize everything else.
Focus on Basic concept/knowledge: 
Before start the study keep faith and confidence on yourself. Start to read the std. 8,9,10 science book which are help to clear your basic concepts.

References online courses/video:  
Also refer the online video channels along with that join online courses. A key to learning and studying chemistry is ‘Practice’. Completing practice problems solving equations, working formulas, etc. should be a core feature of your daily study routine. 
Use Flashcards:
Flashcards are nothing new, but they work. They are particularly useful for studying chemistry. Chemistry is full of scientific symbols, formulas and vocabulary that must be memorized and interpreted correctly. Flashcards are ideal for organizing and studying chemical symbols, formulas, and vocabulary including the periodic table of elements.
Make group of student for discussion:
Which help to solve problem also the clear the concepts with other helps.

Make interesting learning Model:
If your mind is creative then you can make your own learning model which help to boost your knowledge and help to other student to remembering concept.

Make your own poem/sentence to remembering periodic table (for groups and column
Make the  small meaning full sentence that make help to remember the element in particular in group or column
Quiz competition.
Arrange the quiz competition among the friends.

Practice number of MCQ’s.

-Try above methods and see the transformation in your chemistry knowledge.
[5/1, 08:11] Raut pramod: Exuberant good morning to one and all.
Honourable chairperson,my colleagues and my dear students,today we have gathered here to celebrate Maharashtra Day. This day is commemorated the formation of the state of Maharashtra from the division of Bombay on 1st May 1960.
  Before the formation of the state ofMaharashtra,our state(,the state of Bombay) was then bilingual means Gujarati and Marathi,these two languages were spoken.Mr.Morarji Desai was then the Chief Minister of Bombay state who was against the formation of separate Marathi speaking state means Maharashtra state including Bombay.In the mid of 1950s, *Sanyukta Maharashtra Samiti* was formed and the regional movement known as   *Sanyukta Maharashtra Andolan* started agitation, demanding the seperate Marathi speaking state  including Bombay city on 6th Feb 1956.Similarly  in1956,the Mahagujrat movement started agitation for the creation of seperate Gujarat speaking  state Gujrat out of Bombay state.The movement of Sanyukta Maharashtra Samiti became aggressive under the leaderships of Shankarrao Deo,Cromade Shripad Dange and so on.All workers, schools, colleges ,banks and offices participated in the strike.There were curfew orders everywhere.During that period,10,000 satyagrahis were arrested and 106 people died in police firing  in various places of Maharashtra.106 people became martyrs  in the movement.
  At last the sacrifice of those people didn't go in vain.The president Dr.Rajendra Prasad decided  about  the formation of Maharashtra state .At last our then Prime Minister, Pt.Jawaharlal Nehru declared Maharashtra as a state of Marathi speaking along with Mumbai (Bomhay)at Shivaji Park, Mumbai on 1stMay 1960.In this way Maharashtra state was formed on 1st May 1960 and Mr.Yashvantrao Chavan became the first Chief Minister of Maharashtra.So we celebrate this day as  the Maharashtra Day every year.In the memory of 106 Martyrs, *Hutatma Smarak* was built at Flora Fountain in Mumbai. I pay my homage to  all the martyrs and give full stop to my speech.
Jay Hind !Jay Maharashtra!
Thank you.
[5/1, 08:13] Raut pramod: *Speech on Maharashtra Day.(1st May)*👇
[5/1, 16:15] Raut pramod: प्रा राऊत प्रमोद is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: pramod raut
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 979 0739 3654
Password: p5YU72
[5/2, 15:01] Raut pramod:
[5/2, 15:02] Raut pramod: Dear students, 
 This  test is of 25 marks. Test timing is 30 minutes.
I will share the link of test on the group @ 12.00 noon.
 Click on the link and follow the steps.

1) Open as student log in .
2) enter your Name and surname 
3) Click the correct option. 
Don't  put any ful stop in the answer .
4) At the end submit the test .
5) You have to attempt all the questions. Then only it can be submitted. 
6) If you get any problem feel free to talk to me.
[5/2, 15:03] Raut pramod:
[5/2, 18:43] Raut pramod: ऑनलाईन चित्रकला स्पर्धा, 
 कोरोना संसर्गजन्य आजारा संदर्भात जनजागृती व्हावी या उद्देशाने चित्रकलेच्या व पोस्टर स्पर्धा आयोजित करण्यात आली आहे ऑनलाईन  स्पर्धेचे आयोजन केले आहे. 
 स्पर्धकांनी 20 मे पर्यंत आपली छायाचित्रे या स्पर्धेकरीता 16 ते18  वयोगटातील स्पर्धकांनी आपली कोरोना जनजागृती संदर्भातील रेखाचित्रे 9767622918 या क्रमांकावर  अथवा rbjr11sci@gmail. com या मेल वर पाठवावीत. असे आवाहन करत आहोत ही स्पर्धा मर्यादित आपल्या ज्यु कॉलेजमध्ये शिकणाऱ्या मुलांच्या साठी आयोजित करण्यात आली आहे स्पर्धेतील पहिल्या क्रमांकास आकर्षक भेटवस्तू देण्यात येणार आहे. तर प्रथम पाच विजेत्यांना प्रमाणपत्र देण्यात येणार आहे. कारण सध्या स्थितीत तुम्ही लॉकडवून मध्ये स्वतःच्या घरी आहेत शिवाय ऑनलाईन ई-मेल सेंड करणे आपल्या अभ्यासाचा एक भाग असून विद्यार्थ्यांना विनंती की तुम्ही तुमच्या संकल्पना वापरून  वर दिलेल्या covid19 ह्यावरील तुम्हाला सुचत असलेल्या संकल्पना चित्रित करून ते चित्र वर दिलेल्या क्रमांकावर पाठवायचे आहे शिवाय ते चित्र काढत असताना चा एक फोटो आणि चित्र तयार झाल्यावर वापरलेल्या साधनसामग्री सह एक फोटो आणि मुख्य तयार केलेले चित्र असे3 फोटो एकत्रित ई-मेल करा
[5/3, 12:15] Raut pramod: Revision test on earlier topics
[5/3, 12:15] Raut pramod: PUZZLE TIME

Fill in d blanks with parts of d body to complete d phrases...
for eg.  _______ bowl will be 'finger' bowl

1. ________ beans
2. ________ biting finish
3. ________ the line
4. ________ opener
5. ________ dive
6. ________ twister
7. Water ________ nut
8. ________ watch
9. Cut _____ competition
10. Bottle _______
11. Stiff upper_______
12. _______ dancer
13. _______ stool
14. _______ leather
15. _______ chair
16. _______ room
17. ______ & ______ above d others
18. _______some
19. Shake a _____
20. Aqua _____
[5/3, 12:15] Raut pramod: PUZZLE TIME

Fill in d blanks with parts of d body to complete d phrases...
for eg.  _______ bowl will be 'finger' bowl

1. ________ beans
2. ___neil_____ biting finish
3. __head______ the line
4. ___eye_____ opener
5. ________ dive
6. ___tongue_____ twister
7. Water ________ nut
8. ____hand____ watch
9. Cut __hair ___ competition
10. Bottle ___neck____
11. Stiff upper_______
12. _______ dancer
13. _______ stool
14. _______ leather
15. ___arm____ chair
16. _______ room
17. ______ & ______ above d others
18. _______some
19. Shake a _hand____
20. Aqua _____
[5/3, 12:15] Raut pramod: Study at home. Self Evaluation at home. Never lock down study.
At the end of the post test is given. Solve it.
[5/3, 12:15] Raut pramod: Study and test
[5/5, 07:01] Raut pramod: Speech on The World Students' Day.(15 th October)
March 28, 2020
Very good morning to one and all. Honourable President/chairperson, respected guests ,my colleagues and my dear students.Today ,we have gathered here to celebrate the World Students' Day.It is celebrated in honour of our former president Late APJ Abdul Kalam . In the year  2010, the United  Nations  declared the 15th October  as The World Students' Day on his 79th birthday. The day is commemorated on the birth anniversary of Abdul Kalam because he was a dedicated teacher and an aerospace scientist.He is called  the missile  man .
    On this occasion,I request everyone to take oath to follow the ways given by Dr. A P.J Abdul Kalam.This is the real tribute to him.It is our duty to complete his dream.He was a humble man who believed  youths to be one of modern India's greatest strengths .He has won the hearts of millions of children and grown ups.
    Being the students,you have to face many challenges in your learning. But keep in your mind that there are ways to overcome the obstacles. Follow some ways to overcome the challenges and hit your target. Some tips are there to shape you and a lesson for you to improve yourselves.
1) Manage your time well.
It means balancing your time well can be a big help in dong your school work.

2) Choose your friends wisely.
Some friends cause the distractions in the way of your learning.So choose friends wisely so that they May help you to vent out problems.
3) Have a positive  attitude.
Life can be really hard. but there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.So be positive.
4) Prepare yourselves.
Prepare yourselves to do your school work .Organize your schedule and have a to do list of school work.It helps to save your precious time.Give importance to time because Time and Tide waits for none*.
5)  Use of Mobile.
 Today,the most remarkable distraction in learning is mobile. We spend  most of our valuable time on the mobile.So you should use it for good cause and purpose.Avoid unnecessary use of mobile.
  While learning ,you may come across many challenges and difficulties but don't be nervous.Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam's life itself is the true inspiration to all.As a son of the  fisherman,he was born and brought up in very adverse circumstances.But by overcoming all the difficulties ,he became an aerospace scientist and also became  the 11th president of India from 2002 to 2007.
 His thoughts also motivate us.He says," Don't  take rest after your first victory because if you fail in the second,more lips are waiting to say that your first victory was just luck." He also says,"All birds find shelter during the rain but Eagle avoids rain by flying above the clouds.,"
 So if you want to be successful in your lives,you should keep Dr.Kalam as a role model before you and also follow his ways. Read his autobiography named Wings Of Fire and  keep his thoughts in your mind.
You should also serve our motherland as per your wishes  and capabilities.To serve the motherland means not only to become the soldiers and fight at the
borders but also  serve the mother India by doing the work which will be beneficial for the nation. Whatever work you have to do, do it honestly because Honesty is the  best  policy.As the students, You should study honestly and being the teachers we should also teach sincerely.Dr. Kalam dreamt that India would be the Superpower by the year 2020. Now the time has come to fulfill his dream. You today's youths are tomorrow's citizens and also the pillars of the nation. So, be the good citizens and serve the motherland .This will be the true tribute to Dr.Kalam. I also pay my homage to Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam and give full stop to my speech.
Thank you.🙏🙏
[5/5, 23:41] Raut pramod:
[5/8, 21:08] Raut pramod: *12 वी सायन्स नंतर काय करावे?*
*नेमकी कोणती शाखा निवडावी?*
*कॉलेज प्रवेश आणि करिअरच्या विविध संधी*

*12 वी नवीन अभ्यासक्रम (2020)*
*परिचय_ 12th New syllabus 2020 introduction*

*अभ्यास कसा करावा? शालेय व महाविद्यालयीन विद्यार्थ्यांसाठी उपयुक्त टिप्स*

*इयत्ता 12 वी (2020) युवकभारती मराठी _अभ्यासक्रम विश्लेषण*

*१० वी१२ वी ची नवीन(2020) पाठ्यपुस्तके येथे मोफत उपलब्ध  आहेत*

*यावर्षी (2020) 12 बोर्ड परीक्षेमध्ये एकही विद्यार्थी नापास दिसणार नाही*

*बारावी आर्ट्स उत्तीर्ण झाल्यानंतर कला शाखेतील बहुविध पर्याय आणि  व्यवसायाच्या संधी*
[5/12, 15:14] Raut pramod:
 *3.1 Writing Skills- Summary Writing By Prof.Sajjad Ahemad Khan*
📌Hope you like my efforts. 📌Do share your like,👍 comments. 
📌Don't forget to subscribe my You tube channel🔔 *Brilliant English Academy*  
An online free coaching class of English for (HSC)students. By 
*Prof.Sajjad Ahemad Khan*
📌Download the link here
[5/12, 19:19] Raut pramod: इ ११ वी पास झालेले आणि इयत्ता १२वी ची तयारी करणार्‍या विद्यार्थ्यांसाठी रसायनशास्त्र भाग -२ या विषयावरील मार्गदर्शन सत्र. 

रसायनशास्त्र भाग - २ अर्थात ऑर्गॅनिक केमिस्ट्री मधील सर्व प्रकरणांचा आढावा. सात प्रकरणांमध्ये आपण काय शिकणार आहोत यावर चर्चा. 

युट्युब :

दिनांक १३ मे २०२० पासुन इयत्ता १२ वी साठी  दररोज एक तास नियमीत मार्गदर्शन वर्ग सुरु होईल. वेळ: सकाळी १०.३० वा. ठिकाण: झुम मीटींग

[5/12, 22:16] Raut pramod: विद्यार्थी मित्र मैत्रिणींनो हळूहळू आपण १२वीच्या अभ्यासक्रमाकडे वळू या.                                       In the video given solutions of examples on Derivative of Composite Function for different forms are discussed.

Video on Theorem of Derivative of Composite Function, with link

For Video having Animated trick to solve the example

For Videos of Solution on derivative of Composite Function from Exercise 1.1

For revision of Derivative of XI Std.                                         For Sunday Special Talks, motivational Video, watch                                    1)                                                   2)                                             3)                       For further videos, SUBSCRIBE the Channel.
[5/13, 11:21] Raut pramod:
[5/13, 11:21] Raut pramod:
[5/13, 20:56] Raut pramod: *डिजिटल साक्षर यु ट्यूब व्हिडीओ चॅनेल* 
*(इंग्रजी , गणित , विज्ञान , समाजशास्त्र इत्यादी विषयांचे इयत्ता 5 वी 10 वी एकाच ठिकाणी संपूर्ण व्हिडीओ)*
*विषय :-*
  *विज्ञान विषय संपूर्ण तयारी*

इयत्ता 10 वी भाग 1 
(81 व्हिडीओ)

इयत्ता 10 वी विज्ञान भाग 2 
(48 व्हिडीओ)

इयत्ता 9 वी सामान्य विज्ञान 
( 197 व्हिडीओ)

इयत्ता 8 वी सामान्य विज्ञान 
(142 व्हिडीओ)

इयत्ता 7 वी सामान्य विज्ञान 
(160 व्हिडीओ)

इयत्ता 6 वी सामान्य विज्ञान 
(104 व्हिडीओ)

इयत्ता 5 वी परिसर अभ्यास 
(149 व्हिडीओ)

*गणित विषय संपूर्ण तयारी* 

10 वी गणित भाग 1 
41 व्हिडीओ

10 वी गणित भाग 2 
22 व्हिडीओ

9 वी गणित भाग 1 
46 व्हिडीओ

9 वी गणित भाग 2  
38 व्हिडीओ

8 वी गणित 
85 व्हिडीओ

7 वी गणित 
102 व्हिडीओ

6 वी गणित 
98 व्हिडीओ

5 वी गणित 
104 व्हिडीओ

*इंग्रजी विषय संपूर्ण तयारी*
9 वी इंग्रजी 
64 व्हिडीओ

8 वी इंग्रजी 
74 व्हिडीओ

7 वी इंग्रजी 
115 व्हिडिओ

6 वी इंग्रजी 
102 व्हिडीओ

5 वी इंग्रजी 
119 व्हिडीओ

*समाजशास्त्र विषय संपूर्ण तयारी*

*इयत्ता 9 वी* विषय - इतिहास 
55 व्हिडीओ

विषय - राज्यशास्त्र 
27 व्हिडीओ

 विषय - भूगोल 
55 व्हिडीओ

*इयत्ता 8 वी* विषय - इतिहास 
102 व्हिडीओ

विषय - ना. शास्त्र 
31 व्हिडीओ

विषय - भूगोल 
78 व्हिडीओ

*इयत्ता 7 वी*  विषय - इतिहास 
88 व्हिडीओ

विषय - ना शास्त्र 
29 व्हिडीओ

विषय - भूगोल 
72 व्हिडीओ

*इयत्ता 6 वी*  विषय - इतिहास 
63 व्हिडीओ

विषय - ना शास्त्र 
25 व्हिडीओ

54 व्हिडीओ

To be continued.....

#Stay Home  #Stay Safe

🔰 संकलन 🔰
*प्रदिप प्रभाकरराव पोलकर*
न्यू इंग्लिश स्कूल, एरंडोली.
    *Mob No 7588588704*
[5/15, 07:43] Raut pramod:
[5/15, 07:43] Raut pramod:
[5/15, 07:43] Raut pramod:
[5/15, 07:43] Raut pramod:
[5/15, 15:16] Raut pramod:
[5/15, 15:16] Raut pramod:
Online test on figures of speech ...Solve and give your suggestions...
[5/15, 15:16] Raut pramod:
Identify the future of speech....
[5/15, 21:42] Raut pramod:
[5/15, 21:42] Raut pramod:
[5/18, 11:20] Raut pramod: Enjoy studying in *LOCKDOWN* 
(For 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th std.)
interesting video lectures with Jokes & Sheroshayari.
*No Boring Only Scoring* 

*Letter Writing*

*Summary Writing*

*Interview Questions*

*Speech Writing*

*Expand the theme*

For more videos type on YouTube *'Dharmaraj Patil'*

Asst. Teacher,  Shailendra Education Society, Dahisar, Mumbai
[5/19, 08:31] Raut pramod: *Online Test No: 14*

Useful for Students and Teachers
*क्विझ सोडवा - नॉलेज वाढवा*
*Convert the Following Sentences into Simple Future Tense*

By: Dr. Sanjay Gaikwad
WhatsApp No: 9422716677
[5/19, 08:31] Raut pramod: *Watch my You tube videos.*

फिगर्स आॅफ स्पीच (शब्दालंकार) विषयी जाणून घेण्यासाठी पहा व चॅनेल सबस्क्राईब करा

*1) Figures of speech - Part 1*

*Click on the link*

*2) Figures of speech*
 *- Part 2*

*Click on the link*

*Figures of speech -*
 *Part 3*

*Figures of speech -*
 *Part 4*

*Please subscribe my channel*
[5/19, 08:31] Raut pramod:
 *3.1 Writing Skills- Summary Writing By Prof.Sajjad Ahemad Khan*
📌Hope you like my efforts. 📌Do share your like,👍 comments. 
📌Don't forget to subscribe my You tube channel🔔 *Brilliant English Academy*  
An online free coaching class of English for (HSC)students. By 
*Prof.Sajjad Ahemad Khan*
📌Download the link here
[5/19, 08:31] Raut pramod: *Online Test No: 17*


Useful for Students and Teachers

*क्विझ सोडवा - नॉलेज वाढवा*

*Convert the Following Sentences into Future Continuous Tense.*

By: Dr. Sanjay Gaikwad 9422716677
[5/19, 08:31] Raut pramod:
Online test on figures of speech ...Solve and give your suggestions...
[5/19, 08:31] Raut pramod: *Online Test No: 22*

Useful for Students and Teachers
*क्विझ सोडवा - नॉलेज वाढवा*

*Convert the Following Sentences into Past Perfect Continuous Tense.*

By: Dr. Sanjay Gaikwad 9422716677
[5/19, 08:31] Raut pramod:
Identify the future of speech....
[5/19, 08:31] Raut pramod:
[5/19, 08:31] Raut pramod: *Online Test No: 20*


Useful for Students and Teachers

*क्विझ सोडवा - नॉलेज वाढवा*

*Convert the Following Sentences into Future Perfect Tense.*

By: Dr. Sanjay Gaikwad 9422716677
[5/19, 08:31] Raut pramod: *Online Test No: 21*


Useful for Students and Teachers

*क्विझ सोडवा - नॉलेज वाढवा*

*Convert the Following Sentences into Present Perfect Continuous Tense.*
By: Dr. Sanjay Gaikwad 9422716677
[5/19, 08:31] Raut pramod: *Online Test No: 23*

Useful for Students and Teachers
*क्विझ सोडवा - नॉलेज वाढवा*

*Convert the Following Sentences into Future Perfect Continuous Tense.*

By: Dr. Sanjay Gaikwad 9422716677
[5/19, 08:31] Raut pramod: *Online Test No: 19*


Useful for Students and Teachers

*क्विझ सोडवा - नॉलेज वाढवा*

*Convert the Following Sentences into Past Perfect Tense.*

By: Dr. Sanjay Gaikwad 9422716677
[5/19, 08:31] Raut pramod: *Online Test No: 16*


Useful for Students and Teachers

*क्विझ सोडवा - नॉलेज वाढवा*

*Convert the Following Sentences into Past Continuous Tense.*

By: Dr. Sanjay Gaikwad
WhatsApp No: 9422716677
[5/19, 09:38] Raut pramod:
[5/19, 12:18] Raut pramod: *Online Test No: 23*

Useful for Students and Teachers
*क्विझ सोडवा - नॉलेज वाढवा*

*Convert the Following Sentences into Future Perfect Continuous Tense.*

By: Dr. Sanjay Gaikwad 9422716677
[5/19, 12:18] Raut pramod:
[5/19, 12:18] Raut pramod:
[5/19, 12:19] Raut pramod: काही छान वीडियो चा यूट्यूब वरचा संग्रह देत आहे 
सर्व 10 वी च्या विद्यार्थी वर्गाच्या मुलांपरेंत पोहचवू या .
चला त्याना मदत करुया ..करण या वर्षी प्रथमच 100 मर्कचा पेपर असुन सर्व syllabus नवीन आहे ,
मी तर फॉरवर्ड केला आपण ही करा .
धन्यवाद .

A ) Grammar 

1) simple present tense

2) continuous present tense

3) Simple past tense

4) continuois past tense

5) Perfect past tense

6) simple future tense

7 Continuous future tense

8) perfect future tense

12 वी च्या विद्यार्थि मित्रांनी नककीच पहा .
[5/19, 16:30] Raut pramod:
[5/20, 08:40] Raut pramod: *MHT-CET 2020 वेळापत्रक जाहीर*

*परीक्षा आता जिल्हा पातळीऐवजी तालुकास्तरावर घेण्यात येणार…*

*सविस्तर वाचा:*
[5/20, 12:51] Raut pramod:
[5/20, 21:13] Raut pramod:
  Myself *Ritika Vaibhav Shah* has participated in online elocution competition. Please do watch the video once, and do *Like* *Share* & *Comment*🙏🙏Your one like is really very valuable! ☺
[5/20, 21:15] Raut pramod: Everyone try to prepare such type of speches for the self presentation on diffrent examples 
Cleanliness its importance
Rumours on corona etc
[5/21, 14:04] Raut pramod:
[5/21, 14:04] Raut pramod: *12 वी सायन्स नंतर काय करावे?*
*नेमकी कोणती शाखा निवडावी?*
*कॉलेज प्रवेश आणि करिअरच्या विविध संधी*

*12 वी नवीन अभ्यासक्रम (2020)*
*परिचय_ 12th New syllabus 2020 introduction*

*अभ्यास कसा करावा? शालेय व महाविद्यालयीन विद्यार्थ्यांसाठी उपयुक्त टिप्स*

*इयत्ता 12 वी (2020) युवकभारती मराठी _अभ्यासक्रम विश्लेषण*

*१० वी१२ वी ची नवीन(2020) पाठ्यपुस्तके येथे मोफत उपलब्ध  आहेत*

*यावर्षी (2020) 12 बोर्ड परीक्षेमध्ये एकही विद्यार्थी नापास दिसणार नाही*

*बारावी आर्ट्स उत्तीर्ण झाल्यानंतर कला शाखेतील बहुविध पर्याय आणि  व्यवसायाच्या संधी*
[5/21, 16:32] Raut pramod: 🟣Dear Student, Parents and Teachers,
 👍I tried my best to compose a video on Section IV History Of Novel (HSC) New Syllabus
 & Others 👉
📌#History of English novel 
📌Specially 17/ 18 century novel
📌#Feminist novelist in the world.
 📌#Indian novelist
📌 #Immigrants novelist and 
📌#Modern novelist of our country & the world.
📍The first part of History of English novel 
I post today. 
📍Second part will be release soon on my channel
👍Pl Like, Share  & 
🔔Subscribe to my You tube Channel #
*Brilliant English Academy* 
by Prof.Sajjad Ahemad Khan
[5/23, 20:24] Raut pramod:
[5/23, 20:24] Raut pramod:
[5/28, 07:27] Raut pramod: *ऑनलाइन इंग्लिश ग्रामर टेस्टस*

*All Tests are about Identifying the Four Forms of the Verbs.*

*क्विझ सोडवा - नॉलेज वाढवा.*

*TEST NO: 25:*👇

*TEST NO: 26:*👇

*TEST NO: 27:*👇

*TEST NO: 28:*👇

*TEST NO: 29:*👇
*TEST NO: 30:*👇

*Please Visit My YouTube Channel: "Dr. Gaikwad's Spoken English".*👇

*खास आपके लिये एक कविता भेज रहा हु l कृपया देखकर लाईक और कमेंट कीजिए. धन्यवाद!*👇

*Regards: Dr. Sanjay Gaikwad (Author, Orator, YouTuber & College Teacher)*
[5/28, 07:27] Raut pramod: *Online Test No: 30*

Useful for Students and Teachers
*क्विझ सोडवा - नॉलेज वाढवा*

*Identify the Four Forms of the Following Verbs.*👇

*Plz Visit My YouTube Channel:*👇

*मेरे प्यारे दोस्तों इस टेस्ट के साथ मै एक कविता आपको भेज रहा हु l कृपया आप अवश्य देखीये l लाइक और कॉमेंट करना मत भुलिये l धन्यवाद l* 👇

*Dr. Sanjay Gaikwad (Author, Orator, YouTuber & College Teacher)*
[5/28, 08:06] Raut pramod:
[5/29, 07:24] Raut pramod:
[5/30, 09:30] Raut pramod:
[5/30, 09:30] Raut pramod:
[5/30, 09:30] Raut pramod:
[5/30, 09:30] Raut pramod:
[5/30, 09:30] Raut pramod:
[5/30, 09:30] Raut pramod:
[5/30, 09:30] Raut pramod:
[5/30, 09:30] Raut pramod:
[5/30, 09:30] Raut pramod:
[5/30, 09:30] Raut pramod:
[5/30, 09:30] Raut pramod:
[5/30, 15:02] Raut pramod:
[5/30, 15:04] Raut pramod: Chemistry is important in day to day life. The air we breathe, the gold we wear, the food from plant to human being, the medicine, each and every matter on the earth is part of chemistry (part of single atom). Chemistry has a reputation for being a complicated and boring science, but for the most part, that reputation is undeserved. Fireworks and explosions are based on chemistry, so it's definitely not a boring science. Chemistry is the center of number of branches. Let's see the revised syllabus of this subject
Prof Snehal Patil
Numbers of opportunity’s are waiting for chemistry students like Thermo Chemistry , Organic Chemistry , Biochemistry , Materials Chemistry, Nuclear Chemistry, Chemistry teacher, chemical safety , chemical packaging course, Agriculture, forensic officer  . All these goals are achieve through B.Sc chemistry or chemical engineering. Also after the B.Sc chemistry those how want to go higher study they can go for  M.Sc and Ph.D in particular specific topics/subject are beneficial for research purpose.

New syllabus and paper pattern 

The new and updated curriculum is based on disciplinary approach with rigour and depth taking care that the syllabus is not heavy and at the same time it is compatible to the international level. There is a need to provide the sufficient conceptual background of chemistry which will help the students to appear for different common entrance test at the state level and the national level. This new syllabus will make them competent to meet the challenges of academic and professional courses like medicine, engineering, technology etc, after the +2 stage. The syllabus is comparable to the international level.

According  to the H.S.C board the new paper pattern implemented from academic year 2019-2020.Total weightage for chemistry paper is 100 Marks (70 Mark theory + 30 Mark practical) .In this theoretical paper total marks with options are for 98 Marks which is 100% . The learning objectives are divided according to the percentage and requirement knowledge 30%, understanding 42%, application + Skill 28%.

The broad objectives of new syllabus and paper pattern of chemistry at Higher secondary stage are to help the learners as following:
To promote understanding of basic facts and concepts in chemistry while retaining the excitement of chemistry.
To make students capable of studying chemistry in academic and professional courses (such as medicine, engineering, technology).
To expose the students to various emerging new areas of chemistry and apprise them with their relevance in their future studies and their applications in various spheres of chemical sciences and technology.
To get knowledge of various changes related to health, environment, weather, industries and agriculture.
Develop the problem solving skills in students.

How to study and what to study?

As with any of the sciences, there is a lot of new information to learn and memorize in chemistry. In fact, there is so much new information you'll be presented with as you begin to study chemistry that you'll get bogged down quickly if you get caught up trying to memorize all the details. First focus on gaining understanding of fundamental concepts. Once you have a sound understanding of the fundamentals, you can spend time memorizing the details. Also, as you master the fundamentals of chemistry and gain understanding of the concepts, you'll find it much easier to memorize everything else.
Focus on Basic concept/knowledge: 
Before start the study keep faith and confidence on yourself. Start to read the std. 8,9,10 science book which are help to clear your basic concepts.

References online courses/video:  
Also refer the online video channels along with that join online courses. A key to learning and studying chemistry is ‘Practice’. Completing practice problems solving equations, working formulas, etc. should be a core feature of your daily study routine. 
Use Flashcards:
Flashcards are nothing new, but they work. They are particularly useful for studying chemistry. Chemistry is full of scientific symbols, formulas and vocabulary that must be memorized and interpreted correctly. Flashcards are ideal for organizing and studying chemical symbols, formulas, and vocabulary including the periodic table of elements.
Make group of student for discussion:
Which help to solve problem also the clear the concepts with other helps.

Make interesting learning Model:
If your mind is creative then you can make your own learning model which help to boost your knowledge and help to other student to remembering concept.

Make your own poem/sentence to remembering periodic table (for groups and column
Make the  small meaning full sentence that make help to remember the element in particular in group or column
Quiz competition.
Arrange the quiz competition among the friends.

Practice number of MCQ’s.

-Try above methods and see the transformation in your chemistry knowledge.
[5/31, 10:12] Raut pramod:
[5/31, 10:12] Raut pramod:
[6/1, 16:29] Raut pramod: 📚 Lokdown काळात  बारावी नवीन अभ्यासक्रमानुसार E-Digest एका क्लिक 👉🏻 👈🏻👈🏻 *वर TOPScorer अँप मध्ये उपलब्ध आहेत* 📚

📌 *नवनीत TOPScorer अँप इंस्टॉल/वापरण्याची पद्धत*📌

*1. प्ले स्टोअर मध्ये जाऊन TOPScorer हे App डाऊनलोड करून इंस्टॉल करा*

*2. त्यांनतर रजिस्टर करण्यासाठी Log in/ Sign in हा पर्याय निवडा.*

*3. Sign in पर्याय निवडल्यानंतर तुमची माहिती भरा आणि मोबाईल नंबर टाका आणि Submit करा.*

*4. Submit केल्यानंतर तुमच्या मोबाईल नंबर वर 4 अंकी OTP प्रदान करण्यात येईल तो OTP तुम्ही App मध्ये टाकावा.*

*5. वरील सर्व प्रक्रिया पूर्ण झाल्यावर तुमचे login यशस्वी होईल.*

*6. Log in केल्यानंतर तुम्ही options मध्ये जाऊन Marketplace हा पर्याय निवडा.*

*7. तुमचे राज्य , माध्यम आणि वर्ग XIIth निवडा.*

*8. Try now/buy now वरती क्लिक करून नवनीत E-Digest वापरायला सुरवात करा.*

*यामध्ये प्रत्येक विषयाचे E-digest तुम्हाला मोफत पहायला मिळेल.*

*लॉकडॉऊन काळात आपल्यासाठी e-Digests फक्त एका क्लीक वर*👉🏻👉🏻

*Stay 🏠 Stay Safe 🤝*

*Study with Navneet Top scorer application*
[6/1, 17:04] Raut pramod:
📌Summary in Marathi
📌 For daily updates please subscribe the channel Ashish Sir Ki Class & hit the🔔 
📌please like &Share the video.....
📌click the below link
[6/1, 17:04] Raut pramod: *Online English Grammar Tests*

*TEST NO: 33:* 

*Identify the Tense (Passive Voice Forms):*👇

*Please Visit My YouTube Channel: "Dr. Gaikwad's Spoken English".*👇

*खास आपके लिये एक कविता भेज रहा हु l कृपया देखकर लाईक और कमेंट कीजिए. धन्यवाद!*👇

*Regards: Dr. Sanjay Gaikwad (Author, Orator, YouTuber & College Teacher)*
[6/1, 17:04] Raut pramod:
[6/1, 17:04] Raut pramod:

📌 For daily updates please subscribe the channel Ashish Sir Ki Class & hit the🔔 
📌please like &Share the video.....
📌 For daily updates please subscribe the channel Ashish Sir Ki Class & hit the🔔 
📌please like &Share the video.....
📌click the above link
नवनीत TOPSCORER AAP चा वापर करून E -DIGEST कशी DOWNLOAD करावी . वीडियो बघा व आपली
[6/1, 17:04] Raut pramod: #jadhavonlineeducation #englishgrammar #spokenenglishcourse

Online Test Link या लिंकला click करून वरील video वर आधारित Online Test लगेच देवू शकता👇

PDF file Download करण्यासाठी येथे click करा 👇

Articles ( उपपदे  ) Video link  Part 1 👇

Active Voice to Passive Voice Part 1 👇

Active Voice to Passive Voice Part 2 👇

Active Voice to Passive Voice Part 3 👇

काळाचे मुख्य प्रकार व उपप्रकर सविस्तर 👇Link

मुख्य क्रियापदाची 187 अनियमित रुपे Irregular Main Verbs 187 👇Link

Direct Speech व Indirect Speech संपूर्ण सविस्तर  👇Link

Have to चे मराठीत उपयोग असणारे वाक्य 👇Link

Figure of Speech भाषेचे अलंकार 👇Link
[6/1, 17:04] Raut pramod:
[6/1, 17:04] Raut pramod: *TEST NO: 34:*

*Online English Grammar Tests*

*Identify the Tense (Passive Voice Forms):*👇

*Please Visit My YouTube Channel: "Dr. Gaikwad's Spoken English".*👇

*खास आपके लिये एक कविता भेज रहा हु l कृपया देखकर लाईक और कमेंट कीजिए. धन्यवाद!*👇

*Regards: Dr. Sanjay Gaikwad (Author, Orator, YouTuber & College Teacher)*
[6/1, 17:04] Raut pramod:
🟣Dear Student and Teachers,
 👍Watch My YouTube Presentation/ video on Section IV History Of Novel  Part II (HSC) New Syllabus
📌# Structure Of English Novel
 📌# Types Of Novel
📍The first part of History of English Novel Part 1
History Of English Novel Part 2
📍Solve Online Test By Prof.Sandip Chaudhari Sir on History of Novel Test No 1
Test No 2:
Test No: 3
👍Pl Like, Share  & 
🔔Subscribe to my You tube Channel #
*Brilliant English Academy* 
by Prof.Sajjad Ahemad Khan
[6/1, 17:04] Raut pramod: Free ! Free ! Free ! Free ! Free ! Free ! 

      30 Days Spoken English Course Part 3

    नमस्कार विद्यार्थी मित्रांनो । 25 March 2020 पासून आपण 30 Days Spoken English Course  चा अभ्यास करत आहोत । यामध्ये एकूण 30 भाग post केले जाणार आहेत  । आज आपण त्याचा तिसरा भाग पाहणार आहोत। तसेच या Course चे वैशिष्ट्य म्हणजे या course च्या प्रत्येक भागाची pdf फाईल तुम्हाला मिळणार आहे व हा video पाहिल्यावर त्याची online Test संपूर्ण Video पाहिल्यावर लगेचच देता येणार आहे आणि तुमचे गुण तुम्हाला लगेच पहायला मिळणार आहेत । Online Test ची link विडिओ च्या description मध्ये दिलेली आहे । तुम्ही त्या लिंकला click करून लगेच Online Test देऊ शकता । Online Test ला submit केल्यावर तुम्हाला View Score ला click केल्यावर तुम्हाला मिळालेले गुण तर दिसतीलच तसेच चुकलेल्या प्रश्नांची कोणती उत्तरे बरोबर आहेत ते सुद्धा दिसणार आहे । खाली दिलेल्या link ला click करा व संपूर्ण video पाहून झाल्यावर Online Test सुद्धा द्या ।

👉विषयशिक्षक : प्रा. श्री. जाधव टी. ए.
                     ( M.A.B.Ed. English & History )
 👉विषय            : इंग्रजी 
 शासकीय माध्यमिक व उच्च माध्यमिक आश्रम शाळा केळी कोतुळ , ता-अकोले , जि- अहमदनगर .
✔️जास्तीत जास्त विद्याथ्यापर्यंत हा विडिओ Share करा
             🙏🙏  धन्यवाद 🙏🙏
[6/1, 17:04] Raut pramod:
[6/4, 16:25] Raut pramod: शासनाने ईयत्ता १ली ते १२ पर्यंतची सर्व पुस्तके PDF स्वरूपात उपलब्ध करून दिली आहेत. 
जी हवी ती डाऊनलोड करा. आपल्या घरात कोणी विद्यार्थी असेल किंवा नातेवाईकांच्यात असेल तर त्यांना हि लिंक पाठवा...मुले अभ्यास तर करतील...
एक उत्तम पालक म्हणुन आपले कर्तव्य पार पाडा.
आपल्या मुलांचे भविष्य तुमच्या हातात आहे.
लिंक खाली दिलेली आहे.

तुमच्या गावातील ग्रुप वर शेअर करा🙏😊
[6/4, 17:52] Raut pramod: *HNCC, BBA Section* organising a National Level Competition on COVID-19 Awareness Competition, Where Junior & Senior college students can create a video presentation and create the awareness about Corona Pandemic among society. 
*Theme of the competition: Social Message, Slogan, Song or poetry*

Students are requested to participate in this competition by registering on following link:
[6/5, 20:36] Raut pramod:
[6/6, 20:10] Raut pramod:
[6/7, 08:48] Raut pramod: *Writing Skills for STD 12*

1. Summary
2. Note making/ Mind Mapping
3. Statement of purpose
4. Drafting virtual messages
5. Group Discussion. (Speaking Skill)
6. Dialogue Writing ( Speaking and Writing skills)
7. Expanding Ideas
8. Speech
9. View Counter-View 
10. Report Writing
11. Appeal/ Poster/Flyer/ Leaflet
12. Email/ Letter
13. Blog Writing
14. Script for Compering
15. Interview Questions
16. Film Review
[6/7, 08:50] Raut pramod: Above given all are writing skill every student prepare last year once again we need repet same question for more practuse please try to collection of same question again
[6/10, 21:42] Raut pramod: *युवकभारती मराठी इ.१२ वी*
*ज्युनिअर कॉलेज ऑनलाइन  अभ्यासमालिका* *12 वी नवीन अभ्यासक्रम  (2020)*

*मराठी इ१२ वी कविता क्र ३ : रोज मातीत -ऑनलाइन  अभ्यासमालिका*

*कथा : साहित्यप्रकार परिचय_                   इ.१२ वी मराठी_युवकभारती*

*इयत्ता_बारावी_मराठी : कविता  क्र-४_रे थांब जरा आषाढघना_ भाग-२*

*अर्थपूर्ण_म्हणी _विचार करायला भाग    पाडणाऱ्या  म्हणी*

*New_Syllabus 2020 Class 12th युवकभारती_मराठी :   कविता क्र-4*

*Yuvakbharti Marathi class 12th_ पाठ क्र-३_आयुष्य   आनंदाचा उत्सव-भाग-१*

*इ. बारावी ऑनलाइन शिक्षण_  मराठी युवकभारती पाठ-३*

[6/11, 08:14] Raut pramod: *TEST NO: 44:*

*Online English Grammar Tests*

*Convert into Passive Voice.*👇

*By: Dr. Sanjay Gaikwad (Author, Orator, YouTuber & College Teacher)*
[6/12, 16:10] Raut pramod:

१० वी च्या वर्गाचे VDO आहेत.

यात प्रत्येक विषयाचे पाठा नुसार विविध व्हिडिओ आणि स्पष्टीकरण देण्यात आलेले आहे.
सध्याच्या या काळात विद्यार्थी याचा उपयोग करून स्वयं अध्ययन करू शकतात.
अतिशय उत्तम व सोप्या पद्धतीने मांडणी केलेली आहे.

वर्गातील आपल्या मित्र-मैत्रिणींना सेंड करा🙏
[6/13, 05:35] Raut pramod: Prepared Online test for SYJC English 

Online Test*
Test Set by: Prof. Mrs. Premjit Sunil Gatigante, 
Shriniwas Bagarka Junior College, Andheri East, Mumbai

**Click on the link and solve the online test based* 

1.1 An Astrology's Day

2.1 Song of the open road

2.2 Indian Weavers

 2.4 'Have you earned your tomorrow?''
[6/13, 05:36] Raut pramod: 9 blogs for SYJC  Teachers and students all over Maharashtra
[6/13, 21:08] Raut pramod: *GRAMMAR*


Punctuation (derived from the Latin punctum, a point) means  the right use of putting in points or stops in writing.
The following are the principal stops :

1) Full Stop or period ( . )
2) Comma ( , )
3) Colon  (  : )
4) Question Mark  ( ? )
5) Exclamation Mark ( ! )
Other marks in common use are the 
Dash       ( _ )
Parentheses  ( )
Inverted Commas and Quotation Mark " ".

*1. Full Stop or period  ( . )*

The full stop represents the greatest pause and separation. It is used to mark the end of a declarative or an Iimperative sentence; as,
 For Example :

Dear, patient, gentle,  Nell was dead.
The full stop can be used in abbreviations,  but they are often omitted in modern style.
M.A or MA
M.P or MP 
U.N.O or UNO

*2-  Comma (,)*

The comma represents the shortest pause, and is used:
 1) To separate a series of words in the same construction ; as,
 For Example:

England, France and Italy formed an alliance. 
He lost lands, money, reputation and friends. 
It was a long, dull and wearisome journey.
A Comma is generally not placed before the word preceded by and ; as, 
2) To separate each pairs of words connected by and ; as, 
 For Example:

We should be devout and humble,  cheerful and serene.
High and low, rich and poor, wise and foolish,  must all die.
3) After a Nominative absolute ; as,
This done, she returned to the old man with a lovely smile on her face.
The wind being favourable, the squadron sailed.
4) To mark off a Noun or phrase in Apposition ; as,
Paul, the apostle, was beheaded in the reign of Nero
Milton, the great English poet, was blind.
5) To mark off words used in addressing people
Come into the garden, Maud
How are you, Mohan?
But when the words  are emphatic, we ought to use the note of Exclamation;  as,   
Monster ! By thee my child's devoured !
6)  To mark off two or more adverbs or adverbial phrases coming together ; as,
Then, at length , tardy justice was done to the memory of Oliver. 
7) Before and after a participial phrase,  provided that the phrase might be expanded into a sentence, and is not used in a merely qualifying sense; as,
Caeser, having conquered his enemies, returned to Rome.
8) Before and after words phrases or clauses, let into the body of a sentence; as,
it is mind, after all, which does the work of the world.
His behavior, to say the least, was very rude.
He didn't , however, gain his object. 
9) To indicate the omission of a word, especially a verb ; as,
He will succeed ; you, never.
He was a Brahmin ; She, a Rajput.

*4. Colon  (  : )*

The colon marks a still more complete pause than that expressed by the semi-colon. It is used ( Something with a dash after it)
1) To introduce a quotation ; as,
Bacon says : "Reading makes a full man, writing an exact man, speaking a ready man."
2) Before enumeration, example,  etc ; as, 
The principal parts of a verb in English are  : the present tense, the past tense, and the past participle.
3) Between sentences grammatically independent but closely connected in sense; 
Study to acquire a habit of thinking : no study is more important.

*3. Semicolon (;)*

The semicolon represents a pause of greater importance than that shown by the comma. It is used : 
1) To separate the clauses of compound sentence, when they contain a comma; as,
He was a brave, large-hearted man, and we all honoured him.
2) To separate a series of loosely related causes; as,
Her court was pure ; her life serene;
God gave her peace ; her land reposed.

*5. Question Mark  ( ? )*

The Question mark is used, instead of the full stop, after a direct question ; as,
Have you written your exercise? 
If you prick us, do we not bleed? 
And if you wrong us, shall we not have revenge?
If you trickle us, do we not laugh?
But Question Mark is not used after an indirect question ; as,
He asked me whether I had written my exercise. 

*6. Exclamation Mark  ( ! )*

The Exclamation mark is used after interjection and after phrases and sentences expressing sudden emotion or wish ; as,
Alas! Oh dear !
What a terrible fire this is!
O, what a fall was there, my countryman ! Long live the king !
When the interjection O is placed before the Nominative of Address, the Exclamation Mark, if employed at all, comes after the noun ; or it may be placed at the end of the sentence; as,
O father ! I hear the sound of guns. 
O Hamlet, speak no more!

*7. Inverted Commas  ( " " )*

Inverted commas are used to enclose the exact words of a speaker,  or a quotation; as,
" I would rather die, " he exclaimed, " than join the oppressors of my country. "
Babar is said by Elphinstone to have been " the most admirable prince that ever reigned in Asia."
If a quotation occurs within a quotation, it is marked by single inverted Commas; as,
" You might as well say," added the March Hare, "that 'I like what I get is the same thing as I get what I like."

*9.  Hyphen*

The Hyphen - a shorter line than the Dash - is used to connect the parts of a compound words ; as,
It is also used to connect parts of a word divided at the end of a line.

*8. Dash ( _ )*

The Dash is used:
1) To indicate an abrupt stop or change of thought ; as,
If my husband were alive_but why lament the past? 
2) To resume a scattered subject; as,
Friends,  Companions, relatives_all deserted him.

*10. Parentheses (  )*

Parentheses or Double Dashes are used to separate from the main parts of the sentence a phrase or clause which doesn't grammatically belong to it; as,
He gained from Heaven (it was all he wished) a friend.

*11.  Apostrophe (  ' )*

The Apostrophe is used:
1) To show the omission of a letter or letters; as,
Don't,  e'er , I've. 
2) In the Genitive Case of Nouns.
3) To form the plural of letters and figures.
Dot your i's and cross    your t's.
Add two 5's and four 2's.
[6/13, 21:57] Raut pramod: I Would like to share Gurukul Flipbook App with you. Here You Can Download This Application from PlayStore
[6/14, 20:26] Raut pramod: *आता इंग्लिश शिका घरबसल्या ते पण चक्क मोफत …*

*६००० विद्यार्थ्यांना मोफत Online प्रशिक्षित करण्याचे शर्वरी शैक्षणिक व सामाजिक महिला संस्था, बिदाल. ता. माण, जि. सातारा. चे उद्दिष्ट ..*

🎪  *हे उद्दिष्ट पुर्ण करण्यासाठी माण व खटाव तालुक्यातील संस्थेच्या शाखां माध्यमातून Online प्रशिक्षणाची सोय केलेली आहे.*

👩🏻🏫 *Online English Fluency Course*
Govt Authorised (6 Month duration)

आजच इंग्लिश शिकण्यासाठी सुरवात करा आणि *लॉकडाऊन* मध्ये *आपले इंग्लिश बोलणे 10 पटीने वाढवा...*

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Available at 4 levels of difficulty, *English Strokes will help you to*
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2) improve your *Grammar
3) improve your *Spoken English*
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5) develop your *pronunciation* of English
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7) Online *Group Discussion*
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या किंमतीचा कोर्स पुर्ण पणे मोफत

📚👫🏻  *आपण स्वत: शिका* आणि *आपल्या संपुर्ण परिवाराला देखील शिकवा..*  👨👩👧👦

टिप -: या कोर्स साठी कोणत्याही प्रकारची *फि नाही.* प्रशिक्षण पुर्ण झाल्यानंतर *गव्हर्नमेंट सर्टिफिकेट मिळेल*

*मोफत कोर्सचा फाॕर्म भरण्यासाठी  लिंक -:*

*LockDown संपल्यानंतर* वरील लिंक व्दारे *Online Admission Form भरलेल्या* विद्यार्थ्यांचे *प्रशिक्षण* सुरु होईल..
[6/16, 16:21] Raut pramod: Dear Students Teachers Enjoy my presentation on 1.2 On Saying Please By A.G.Gardiner

*Dear Students, parents, teachers and educators. During lockdown🔒*
 *I had completed first chapter of each section. It Covered the syllabus of first unit test so you can watch it and send it to your students do share your feedback*
 👍 Like 
✒️ Comments & Don't forget to 🔔 Subscribe my YouTube channel
👉 *Brilliant English Academy*
 📚 *By: Prof. Sajjad Ahmed Khan* 
#Shah Babu Junior College Patur Dist: Akola 📱
 94 2342 8924
📍Join Telegram Channel for more resources
📌4.1 History of English Novel :1
📌4.1 History of English Novel :2
📌3.1 Summary Writing
📌Introduction :
Know Thy Course Book
जानिए कक्षा १२ का अंग्रेजी का नया  Syllabus:
📌 1.1 An Astrologers Day
📌2.1 A Song Of The Open Road
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:

♦️👆🏻Imp📌Today’s Lecture 04/06/2020
Poetry Section 
Appreciation 4 Marks
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:

Uploaded Appreciation and Figures of speech in the poem 'Song of the Open Road' .
Please do  watch and share your valuable comments.
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod: 12th English
Page 25
*Speech on 'Courtesy is the light of life'*

*Courtesy costs nothing but pays a huge dividend” is an apt maxim which has been guiding mankind through all the stages of civilization.” A man without a sense of courtesy” says the great essayist and moral teacher, Francis Bacon, “is an animal with human form.”*

*Courtesy is a term which can be explained and interpreted in various ways. Courtesy, as a matter of fact, is a term that embraces every walk of life and concerns all of us. Each of us is normally bound with one or other forms of curtest. We have to show courtesy, on one part to elders while they, on their part too, maintain certain principles of courtesy to be extended to their young ones. That is why the cult of courtesy is governed by the principle of “give and take”*.

*There are numerous instances of showing courtesy to others very simple and easy causing you absolutely no difficulty on strain. For example, if you are traveling in a bus which is packed with people and you have got seat but a lady is standing. It is the principle of courtesy that you should offer her your seat, no matter whether she accepts your invitation or not.*

*Another form of courtesy which is generally ignored by us is that of “thanking” and saying “Please” If someone offers you a cup of tea, before you accept it, you should say “thank you.” Even if you do not want to drink it, you should say.” Thank you, but I do not drink tea.” Similarly people also refuse to useuseh the word “Please” which as a matter of fact costs nothing. It also has a tremendous impact on the other person*.

Source. Internet
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:

✍🏻📌Hereby I used some video effects and clip arts to explain the poem. Please go through it rectify if it has any lacuna. 🙏🏻
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod: Good morning Students This test is for all school and college students and it is  about Conditional Sentence 1 काल आपण पहिला प्रकार पाहिला [  Zero Conditional  ] आज दुसरा प्रकार अभ्यासा  उदा.  = जर मी तुला पाठींबा दिला तर तू मला पाठींबा देशील  [  If I support you, you will support me  ]  This type of sentence is called  First Conditional Sentence. Don't worry I know that you will solve this test happily ,but while solving examples you must read carefully. Some options have wrong verbs.
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:

The Students ll receive certificate after the test.
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:

📌Today’s Lecture 2.1 On Saying Please Icebreakers Activity Learn and write
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:

Stanza-wise explanation of 2.2 Indian Weavers
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod: *Page 28*
Topic - *The Cop and the Anthem*. 

A1 *Global Understanding*{2M}
i ] Soapy hadn't confidence in himself. 

ii ] Soapy stopped at a luxurious cafe. 

iii] Soapy had put on well pressed trousers and polished shoes. 

iv ] The lady missionary had presented Soapy a blue bow. 


Complete the web by listing the food items that Soapy desired to eat in the restaurant. 
       =  | Food items |
          |                      | =
A2 *Complex Factual*{2M}

Describe Soapy's appearance

A3 *Interpretation* {2M}
Soapy didn't satisfy his hunger in the restaurant. Give reason. 

A4 *Personal response* {2M}
Explain how you will react if you are not served properly in the restaurant. 

A5  *Language Study* {2M}
i ] As Soapy set foot inside the restaurant door, the head-waiter's eye fell upon his tattered trousers and decadent shoes. 
*{Use No sooner..... than}*

ii ] Soapy left his bench and strolled out of the square. 
*{Make it simple}*

A6  *Vocabulary* *{2M}*
Add *suffix* to make  *nouns*

i] extreme
ii ] happy

*Raju Sir*
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:

Ice breakers of 2.2 Indian Weavers
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod: 12th English page- 25
*Expand the idea*
*'Manners maketh man'*
A gentleman by gentle deeds is known,for a man by nothing is more bewrayed. As by his manners” said by Edmund Spencer.

Manners do not only constitute mere outward behaviour, but also construes good conduct and morality. It is the character which gives one a reputation by which he is known and recognised.

Manners are an essential prerequisite for a good character. This could be only possible if one has a wholesome education, that would enable him to differentiate between what is good , bad,noble or evil. Any form of education,which does not cater to imparting moral training, is incomplete, for it does not lead to a good moral character.

We know of Hitler,who because of his troubled childhood and bad experiences with Jews,became such a tyrant in history. The background of most hardened criminals also reveals an unhappy and sad childhood,that affects their character,and consequently their MANNERS. They may adorn themselves with the most expensive dresses, but their mannerism and action,betray them for what they actually are.

Manners thus play a significant role in a man's life,without which he can never be,a complete man in the true sense of the word. This has been apty summed up when we say,”MANNERS MAKETH A MAN

Source -Internet
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod: Hello, 
*_Reliable Series_* presents to you, New Syllabus *Std. 12th English*. The QR code and Manual code is sent to you above .

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[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:
[6/17, 21:55] Raut pramod: उद्या पासून दूरदर्शन वर सर्व विद्यार्थ्यांनसाठी आनंदाची बातमी या चॅनलवर *१ ली  ते १२ वी पर्यंतच्या अभ्यासक्रम* वर कार्यक्रम होणार आहे. 

*वेळ खालीलप्रमाणे:*
१०:३० ते ११.०० - पहिली ते पाचवी
११.०० ते १२.०० - ६ वी ते ९ वी व ११वी
१.०० ते २.००     - १० वी व १२ वी     

So Please forward your school students शासनाने ईयत्ता १ली ते १२ पर्यंतची सर्व पुस्तके PDF स्वरूपात उपलब्ध करून दिली आहेत. जी हवी ती डाऊनलोड करा. आपल्या घरात कोणी विद्यार्थी असेल किंवा नातेवाईकांच्यात असेल तर त्यांना हि लिंक पाठवा...मुले अभ्यास तर करतील...
एक उत्तम पालक म्हणुन आपले कर्तव्य पार पाडा.
आपल्या मुलांचे भविष्य तुमच्या हातात आहे.
लिंक खाली दिलेली आहे.
[6/19, 13:30] Raut pramod:
[6/19, 13:30] Raut pramod:
[6/19, 13:30] Raut pramod:
[6/19, 13:30] Raut pramod:
[6/26, 12:00] Raut pramod:
[7/2, 14:44] Raut pramod:

3.1 summary writing
[7/2, 14:44] Raut pramod:
[7/2, 14:44] Raut pramod:
[7/2, 14:44] Raut pramod:
[7/2, 14:44] Raut pramod:
[7/2, 14:44] Raut pramod:
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[6/16, 16:21] Raut pramod: Dear Students Teachers Enjoy my presentation on 1.2 On Saying Please By A.G.Gardiner

*Dear Students, parents, teachers and educators. During lockdown🔒*
 *I had completed first chapter of each section. It Covered the syllabus of first unit test so you can watch it and send it to your students do share your feedback*
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👉 *Brilliant English Academy*
 📚 *By: Prof. Sajjad Ahmed Khan* 
#Shah Babu Junior College Patur Dist: Akola 📱
 94 2342 8924
📍Join Telegram Channel for more resources
📌4.1 History of English Novel :1
📌4.1 History of English Novel :2
📌3.1 Summary Writing
📌Introduction :
Know Thy Course Book
जानिए कक्षा १२ का अंग्रेजी का नया  Syllabus:
📌 1.1 An Astrologers Day
📌2.1 A Song Of The Open Road
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:

♦️👆🏻Imp📌Today’s Lecture 04/06/2020
Poetry Section 
Appreciation 4 Marks
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:

Uploaded Appreciation and Figures of speech in the poem 'Song of the Open Road' .
Please do  watch and share your valuable comments.
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:
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[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:
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The Students ll receive certificate after the test.
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod: Good morning Students This test is for all school and college students and it is  about Conditional Sentence 1 काल आपण पहिला प्रकार पाहिला [  Zero Conditional  ] आज दुसरा प्रकार अभ्यासा  उदा.  = जर मी तुला पाठींबा दिला तर तू मला पाठींबा देशील  [  If I support you, you will support me  ]  This type of sentence is called  First Conditional Sentence. Don't worry I know that you will solve this test happily ,but while solving examples you must read carefully. Some options have wrong verbs.
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:

✍🏻📌Hereby I used some video effects and clip arts to explain the poem. Please go through it rectify if it has any lacuna. 🙏🏻
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:
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[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod: 12th English
Page 25
*Speech on 'Courtesy is the light of life'*

*Courtesy costs nothing but pays a huge dividend” is an apt maxim which has been guiding mankind through all the stages of civilization.” A man without a sense of courtesy” says the great essayist and moral teacher, Francis Bacon, “is an animal with human form.”*

*Courtesy is a term which can be explained and interpreted in various ways. Courtesy, as a matter of fact, is a term that embraces every walk of life and concerns all of us. Each of us is normally bound with one or other forms of curtest. We have to show courtesy, on one part to elders while they, on their part too, maintain certain principles of courtesy to be extended to their young ones. That is why the cult of courtesy is governed by the principle of “give and take”*.

*There are numerous instances of showing courtesy to others very simple and easy causing you absolutely no difficulty on strain. For example, if you are traveling in a bus which is packed with people and you have got seat but a lady is standing. It is the principle of courtesy that you should offer her your seat, no matter whether she accepts your invitation or not.*

*Another form of courtesy which is generally ignored by us is that of “thanking” and saying “Please” If someone offers you a cup of tea, before you accept it, you should say “thank you.” Even if you do not want to drink it, you should say.” Thank you, but I do not drink tea.” Similarly people also refuse to useuseh the word “Please” which as a matter of fact costs nothing. It also has a tremendous impact on the other person*.

Source. Internet
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:

📌Today’s Lecture 2.1 On Saying Please Icebreakers Activity Learn and write
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod: 12th English page- 25
*Expand the idea*
*'Manners maketh man'*
A gentleman by gentle deeds is known,for a man by nothing is more bewrayed. As by his manners” said by Edmund Spencer.

Manners do not only constitute mere outward behaviour, but also construes good conduct and morality. It is the character which gives one a reputation by which he is known and recognised.

Manners are an essential prerequisite for a good character. This could be only possible if one has a wholesome education, that would enable him to differentiate between what is good , bad,noble or evil. Any form of education,which does not cater to imparting moral training, is incomplete, for it does not lead to a good moral character.

We know of Hitler,who because of his troubled childhood and bad experiences with Jews,became such a tyrant in history. The background of most hardened criminals also reveals an unhappy and sad childhood,that affects their character,and consequently their MANNERS. They may adorn themselves with the most expensive dresses, but their mannerism and action,betray them for what they actually are.

Manners thus play a significant role in a man's life,without which he can never be,a complete man in the true sense of the word. This has been apty summed up when we say,”MANNERS MAKETH A MAN

Source -Internet
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:

Stanza-wise explanation of 2.2 Indian Weavers
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:

Ice breakers of 2.2 Indian Weavers
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod: *Page 28*
Topic - *The Cop and the Anthem*. 

A1 *Global Understanding*{2M}
i ] Soapy hadn't confidence in himself. 

ii ] Soapy stopped at a luxurious cafe. 

iii] Soapy had put on well pressed trousers and polished shoes. 

iv ] The lady missionary had presented Soapy a blue bow. 


Complete the web by listing the food items that Soapy desired to eat in the restaurant. 
       =  | Food items |
          |                      | =
A2 *Complex Factual*{2M}

Describe Soapy's appearance

A3 *Interpretation* {2M}
Soapy didn't satisfy his hunger in the restaurant. Give reason. 

A4 *Personal response* {2M}
Explain how you will react if you are not served properly in the restaurant. 

A5  *Language Study* {2M}
i ] As Soapy set foot inside the restaurant door, the head-waiter's eye fell upon his tattered trousers and decadent shoes. 
*{Use No sooner..... than}*

ii ] Soapy left his bench and strolled out of the square. 
*{Make it simple}*

A6  *Vocabulary* *{2M}*
Add *suffix* to make  *nouns*

i] extreme
ii ] happy

*Raju Sir*
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:
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[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod:
[6/16, 16:27] Raut pramod: Hello, 
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[6/16, 21:24] Raut pramod:
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[6/19, 13:30] Raut pramod:
[6/19, 13:30] Raut pramod:
[6/23, 08:41] Raut pramod: *Words which refer to ⏰Time* *and*  *A Period of Time*⏰

1) *Nano* second

2) 1 *micro* second-1000     nanoseconds

3)1 *millisecond* -1000 microseconds

4)1 *second*-1000  milliseconds

5)1 *minute*-60 seconds

6)1 *hour* - 60 minutes

7)1 *day*-24 hours

8)1 *week*-7 days

9) *Fortnight*_ 15 days

10)1 *month*- 30 days/4 weeks

11) *quarter*_ 3 months

12) *half year* -6 months

13)1 *year*-12 months/365 days

14) 1 *decade*-10 years

15) 1 *Century*-100 years

16) *age*_ a period of time

17) *eon*-billion of years/ 1 billion means 100 crore years

18) *super eon*-several billion years

19) *era*- long period of time regarding history

20) *period*- length or portion of time

21) *epoch*-a particular period of time in history .


*Words which refer to figures*.👇

 *Million*-  10 lakhs,lacs

*Billion*-100 crore

*Crore*-100 lacs

*Lakh*-100 thousand

*Thousand*- 10 hundred

*Hundred*- 100
[6/25, 14:05] Raut pramod:
[7/2, 14:44] Raut pramod:

3.1 summary writing
[7/2, 14:44] Raut pramod:
[7/2, 14:44] Raut pramod:
[7/2, 14:44] Raut pramod:
[7/2, 14:44] Raut pramod:
[7/2, 14:44] Raut pramod:
[7/2, 15:00] Raut pramod:
[7/2, 15:00] Raut pramod:

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