Sunday, July 26, 2015

I AM THE WITNESS ! I am not this body. I am not the planet earth. I am not the solar system. I am not the galaxy "Milky Way." I am not the universe. It was i who created this universe. It was i who created these galaxies. It was i who created this solar system. It was i who created the planet earth. It was i who created my body. I am the observer of all these. I created all these "just for fun." Somehow I forget about myself, and became one with my creations. It was a matter of remembrance. It was a short trip to the world which i created. I will return,i will return,i will return to myself. Until then,i want to play,i want to love, i want to fight,i want to work, i want to do all sort of things. But i am the witness,i am the witness,i am the witness. By Sankar Gopalakrishnan Nair

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