Monday, February 25, 2019

MHT CET Preparation Tips and Tricks | Check Out Last Minute Preparation

MH CET Preparation Tips & Tricks 2019

MHT CET Preparation 2019 | Every year lakhs of aspirants appear for the MHT CET Exams. Maharashtra Common Entrance Test (MHT-CET) is an annual entrance exam conducted by the Government of Maharashtra for admission for Engineering, University Managed, University Departments and Unaided Institutes in the state of Maharashtra, India. State Common Entrance Test Cell, Maharashtra will conduct MHT CET 2019 from May 02 to May 13, 2019. Application forms of MHT CET 2019 are available in online mode for aspirants from the January 01 to March 23, 2019. With a late fee of INR 500/- candidates can fill the form between March 24 to March 31, 2019. Today we will be discussing the MHT CET Preparation Plan for MHT CET 2019 exam to help you score better in all sections.

MHT CET Preparation | An overview

Details of the ExamSpecifications
Exam NameMaharashtra Common Entrance Test
Commonly Known asMHT CET
Exam TypeState Level
Exam CategoryUndergraduate (UG)
Conducting AuthorityState Common Entrance Test Cell, Mumbai
No of MHT CET Applications / ApplicantsOver 4 lakh per year
Application AvailabilityJanuary 01, 2019 to March 23, 2019 (With INR 500/- late fee the fee can be submitted between March 24 to March 31, 2019)
Mode of MHT CET 2019Online

MHT CET Exam Pattern

The entrance test will be held for 2 papers – Paper I for Mathematics (1.30 hours) and Paper II (1.30 hours) for Physics and Chemistry in online (CBT) mode. Candidates need to study the whole class 12th syllabus along with only some portions of class 11 syllabus. The exam pattern of MHT CET 2019 is determined by State common entrance test cell authorities, which is the exam conducting body for the state level engineering entrance test. MHT CET exam pattern 2019 includes various important aspects of the test like marking scheme, the total number of questions and marks, nature of the questions, mode of the test, etc. The approximate number of questions based on the 11th standard will be 10 and from the 12th standard will be 40.The questions will be application based.

SubjectTotal Marks
Physics & Chemistry100

MHT CET Preparation 2019 – Know syllabus

The first step towards MHT CET Preparation is to understand the MHT CET Syllabus completely. As per the latest MHT CET Syllabus mentions that the questions will be application base. The MHT CET exam questions will be based on State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary education. 20% weightage will be given to standard XI curriculum and 80% weightage will be given to standard XII curriculum in the question paper of MH CET Exam. Candidates will have to answer questions from Physics, Maths, and Chemistry from the class XII syllabus.

Latest MHT CET paper pattern:

Paper 1:- Physics and Chemistry = 50marks each.
(One and a half hour)

Paper 2:- Mathematics = 100
(One and a half hour)

Total Duration: 3 Hours
There is no negative marking for wrong answers.

Important tips for MHT CET Preparation Plan

  1. Notes
  2. Make a proper Time Table
  3. Seek Guidance
  4. Practice Mock tests
  5. Time management
  6. Previous Year Question papers
  7. Revision
  8. Negative Marking

1. MHT CET Preparation | Notes

Making short notes has always been a smart way to study and has always helped in revising quickly. These notes can be in the form of flash cards or micro note. Whenever you come across with a new formula while MHT CET Preparation, note down in these notes and also to revise these at end of each day. It is very important that with each covered topic and chapter you make small notes or a comprehensive list of formulas which will come in handy at the time of revision. This will require you to be regular with your work but will surely make things easy at the time of revision.

2. MHT CET Preparation | Make a proper Time Table

Aspirants in order to make their MHT CET Preparation more organized and disciplines should prepare a time-table. The first and most prominent is that you make a timetable and stick to it. Make a time-table with both short-term and long-term goals that would help you in timely MHT CET Preparation for the exam. The key point here is to make it completely sure that you remember all the things that you’ve prepared. Since you are preparing for entrance exams you will be required to put in six to eight hours of study time, followed by a 15-20 minute break. Take frequent breaks in between studies so that you are fresh every time you get back to your study routine.

3. MHT CET Preparation | Seek Guidance

In order to save valuable time and attempts, students should seek quality guidance from the best online/offline coaching available. They will provide coaching in all subjects of the MHT CET Exam.
To know which books to read, coaching to join and what strategy to adopt for MHT CET preparation. It is necessary that you clear your doubts at regular intervals and don’t prolong things for long. Getting into a good coaching class is nothing to be ashamed of.

4. MHT CET Preparation | Practice Mock tests

Mock Tests plays an important role in MHT CET Preparation. Mock tests are trial exams that students take before appearing for the final exam so that they can assess their level of preparation. Mock tests are important because of the practice they provide. Students can appear for a series of mock tests and can track their scores in these tests. Furthermore, they can improve their performance to get an extra edge in actual exams. Practice mock test to boost your MHT CET Preparation. By practicing the mock test, analyze your performance, time management as well as weak points or subjects. Find out your weak points and work on them. Practice, practice, and practice. There is no shortcut for MHT CET Preparation.

5. MHT CET Preparation | Time management
Manage your time in such a way that you are able to go through all the questions at least once in the exam. Divide the available time equally among all subjects. The reason behind it is there are many questions which are deliberately designed to be complex and end up grabbing the lion’s share of time. A good time management strategy helps you identify questions which are easier and hence, can be solved in less time.

6. MHT CET Preparation | Previous Year Question papers

Previous Year Question papers are the most authentic source of information for exam pattern. Solving these papers give some kind of self-evaluation about speed and time management. It also helps to gain confidence. It helps us to achieve an idea of the latest exam pattern plus important questions, and figure out how much time one needs to spend on each topic in MHT CET Preparation.

7. MHT CET Preparation | Revision

As per the latest, MHT CET Syllabus exam questions will be based on State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary education. MHT CET Preparation is only successful if it gives you the result. The result is possible only when you have a solid and concrete plan. Utilize every resource well. Do not pick up new topics in the last few days. It might leave you clueless. When it comes to MHT CET Preparation, more than anything it is essential that you have a clear idea of the formulas and concepts rather than rote learning of things for the papers. While you might require it for memorizing formulas it is important that for other stuff you make sure you clear your basis and concepts before moving on. Last fifteen days before the examination should be used only for revision. At the time of revision, you should be more focused on the main exam and refreshing topics. Practice all the topics during the time of revision. The key point here is to make it completely sure that you remember all the things that you’ve prepared.

8. MHT CET Preparation | Negative Marking

As per the latest MHT CET Syllabus, there is no negative marking and the difficulty level of the exam will be on par with JEE Main. Students will have to study the syllabus of both class XI and XII just like JEE.


MHT CET Preparation | Chemistry

Here as per research, we are providing the easy but important chapters in Chemistry for MHT CET Preparation. It is true that it is impossible to predict 100% accurately.

  1. Organic Compounds containing Nitrogen
  2. Surface Chemistry
  3. Redox Reactions
  4. Nature of Chemical Bond
  5. Hydrogen
  6. p-Block elements Group 15 elements
  7. s-Block Elements (Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals)
  8. Basic Principles and Techniques in Organic Chemistry
  9. Alkane
  10. Electrochemistry

Chemistry is one of the easiest subjects if you study it with full concentration and consistency. Learning Inorganic Chemistry equations and reactions by heart can prove to be really helpful. Direct questions based on equations and reactions are bound to be asked, and this to be something that you will continue to remember in your mind will help you save a lot of time during the exam. It is better that, while preparation, you maintain a handbook that contains all the formulae and equations. Most importantly, don’t forget to take mock test/sample papers regularly to improve your time management. It will give you the extra needed mileage to the successfully clear competitive exam.


MHT CET Preparation | Physics

Here as per research, we are providing the easy but important chapters in Physics for MHT CET Preparation. It is true that it is impossible to predict 100% accurately.

  1. Semiconductors
  2. Gravitation
  3. Wave Motion
  4. Inductions
  5. Electrons and Photons
  6. Interference and Diffraction
  7. Electrostatics
  8. Ray Optics
  9. Magnetism
  10. Measurements

Physics is an important and tricky subject to crack in MHT CET Exam. Go through the NCERT books for Physics. NCERT books cover all the topics in the syllabus of the exam. However, the chapters mentioned above require comparatively less effort and time to understand completely. Make a complete list of derivations, formulae,and experiments in your syllabus and keep that list it will be handy later during the revision. Revise all the concepts regularly. Particularly in the case of Physics, one finds that topics like Semiconductors, Interference, and Waves have some extra theory that should be prepared separately.


MHT CET Preparation | Mathematics

Here as per research, we are providing the easy but important chapters in Mathematics for MHT CET Preparation. It is true that it is impossible to predict 100% accurately.

  1. Matrices
  2. Differential Equations
  3. Integral Calculus
  4. Trigonometric Functions
  5. Continuity and Differentiability
  6. Vectors and 3D Geometry
  7. Three Dimensional Geometry

Mathematics exam has been found to be lengthy many a time. Many challenging integration problems can be solved surprisingly quickly by simply knowing the right technique to apply. While finding the right technique can be a matter of ingenuity, there are a dozen or so techniques that permit a more comprehensive approach to solving definite integrals.General Solution for Trigonometric equation brings the equation in one of the standard forms. This can be done by using factorization formula (i.e. to convert from addition to multiplication). If an equation is asked then substitute the values in the option in the equation. Use Trial and Error Method / Elimination method. For co-ordinate geometry, draw graphs according to equations given and predict the answer. For matrices Do adjoint first or transpose/ square/ other operation first, the answer is the same. Try to use the options for finding the answer, rather than solving the entire sum. Use properties of determinants to simplify a given matrix. It is important that you improve your speed-solving skills. Solve as many questions as possible before the exam, and make sure to progressively enhance your speed by timing the working time for each problem.

MHT CET Preparation| General Tips

MHT CET Preparation Tips – 1

Focus on Concepts

Aspirants should focus on concepts rather than adopting the rote learning technique. Focus on understanding the concepts throughout your MHT CET Preparation. Understanding helps you to remember the concepts for a very long period of time. Moreover, with a clear understanding of the concepts, you can comfortably handle questions related to those concepts.
MHT CET Preparation –Tips 2

Self – Assessment

Aspirants must evaluate themselves time-to-time for MHT CET Preparation. Evaluate and analyse your answer sheet well. Quickly scan through the questions for which you gave incorrect answers or couldn’t answer. Do not forget to revise those topics quickly. Check your speed and accuracy while writing sample papers. Sample papers help you to gain confidence and also help you to get used to writing exams. It also helps you to come up with your own strategy of attempting the questions.
MHT CET Preparation Tips – 3

Stay positive and confident

‘Belief’ is a very powerful tool. You must believe in yourself and your MHT CET Preparation. Spend 10-15 minutes before going off to sleep to quickly recap all that you learned throughout the day. A bit of physical activity and meditation helps to improve concentration. Do not take stress throughout the entire MHT CET Preparation, in fact, stay away from stressful people. Each and every moment you must tell yourself ” I Can, I Will” and trust me you will do it!
MHT CET Preparation Tips – 4

Importance of good health

Prepare for your MHT CET Exam with a healthy body and mind. With better health, you can prepare well for your exam. It is always important to maintain your health during MHT CET Preparation. Stay calm and do your best in MHT CET preparation. Take healthy and nutritious foods and try to avoid greasy and unwanted foods. A varied diet with vegetables and fresh fruits is good for the brain. Also, take time off for meals. Do not take stress and tension on your MHT CET Preparation. Practicing yoga and meditation will help calm your mind. Set a time for sleep and create a routine. Good sleep is very important for your brain to function adequately.

MHT CET Notification | Tips During the Exam

1. If you find any particular question difficult, make sure that you don’t waste your time trying to solve it. Instead, you should move to the next question and if time permits come back to this question later.
2. One thing that is crucial is that you have to clear the sectional cut-off of each section an also the overall cut-off.
3. So, if in the Exam, you find any particular section a bit challenging, attempt the minimum number of questions that are required to clear the sectional cut-off of the section.
4. Sometimes, the questions can be very tricky. We advise you to read them very carefully before answering.
5. In the Exam, avoid using any shortcut that you are not completely sure about.
6. Avoid Guesswork in the Exam.


MHT CET Preparation – Subjectwise Preparation

MHT CET Preparation – Physics

Class 11 syllabus:

1. Unit, Dimension & Measurement

Study Now

2. Kinematics

Study Now

3. Newton’s Law of Motion

Study Now

4. Circular Motion

Study Now

5. Work, Power & Energy

Study Now

6. Momentum & Collision

Study Now

7. Center of Mass & Inertia

Study Now

8. Rotational Dynamics

Study Now

9. Elasticity, Calorimetry, Thermal Expansion

Study Now

10. Ktg & Thermodynamics

Study Now

11. Simple Harmonics Motion

Study Now

12. Mechanical Waves

Study Now

13. Fluid Mechanics

Study Now

Class 12 syllabus:

1. Geometrical Optics

Study Now

2. Wave Optics

Study Now

3. Electrostatics

Study Now

4. Capacitance

Study Now

5. Current Electricity

Study Now

6. Gravitation

Study Now

7. Magnetic Effects of Current & Magnetism

Study Now

8. Nuclear Physics & Radioactivity

Study Now

9. Communication Systems

Study Now

10. Electromagnetic Induction & AC

Study Now

11. Electronics Devices

Study Now

12. Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation

Study Now

13. Error in Measurement & Instruments

Study Now

MHT CET Preparation – Chemistry

Class 11 syllabus:

1. Periodic Table & Properties

Study Now

2. Mole Concept

Study Now

3. Nomenclature of Organic Compounds

Study Now

4. Chemical Bonding

Study Now

5. Gaseous States

Study Now

6. Electronic Displacement Effect

Study Now

7. Atomic Structure

Study Now

8. Isomerism

Study Now

9. Redox & Equivalent Concept

Study Now

10. Chemical & Ionic Equilibrium

Study Now

11. Chemical Kinetics

Study Now

12. Radioactivity (Nuclear Chemistry)

Study Now

Class 12 syllabus:

1. Halogen Derivative

Study Now

2. Co-ordination Compound

Study Now

3. Aromatic Hydrocarbons

Study Now

4. Aliphatic Hydrocarbons

Study Now

5. Liquid Solution & Surface Chemistry

Study Now

6. Metallurgy

Study Now

7. Phenol

Study Now

8. Alcohol

Study Now

9. Ether

Study Now

10. Solid State

Study Now

11. Carbonyl Compound

Study Now

12. Qualitative Analysis

Study Now

13. S, P, D & F block element

Study Now

14. Thermodynamic, Thermochemistry & Electrochemistry

Study Now

15. Biomolecules

Study Now

16. Polymers

Study Now

17. Carboxylic Acids & Its Derivatives

Study Now

18. Amines

Study Now

19. Practical Organic Chemistry

Study Now

MHT CET Preparation – Maths

Class 11 syllabus:

1. Logarithms & Related Expressions

Study Now

2. Quadratic Equations & Expressions

Study Now

3. Sequence & Progressions

Study Now

4. Compound Angles

Study Now

5. Trigonometric Function, Equations & Inequations

Study Now

6. Solutions of Triangles

Study Now

7. Circles

Study Now

8. Straight Lines & Pair of Lines

Study Now

9. Binomial Theorems

Study Now

10. Permutations & Combinations

Study Now

11. Sets, Relations & Functions

Study Now

12. Mathematical Inductions & Reasoning

Study Now

Class 12 syllabus:

1. Limits, Continuity & Derivebilities

Study Now

2. Method of differentiation

Study Now

3. Indefinite Integration

Study Now

4. Definite Integration

Study Now

5. Application of Derivatives

Study Now

6. Determinants and Matrices

Study Now

7. Vectors

Study Now

8. 3 Dimensional Geometry

Study Now

9. Probability

Study Now

10. Differential Equations

Study Now

11. Area Under Curve

Study Now

12. Parabola, Ellipse, Hyperbola

Study Now

13. Complex Number

Study Now

14. Statistics

Study Now

So we have explained about MHT CET Preparation. Now that you have these tips on how to prepare for MHT CET Exam, you need to get going with your practice!

That’s not even the best part! You can even avail test analysis after every test which will pinpoint your weaknesses and tell you exactly where you need to improve. Furthermore, it will help you improve your test-taking skills by helping you improve your time management skills and question selection. Improve your score now! Start by taking a JEE mock test.

Watch out for the latest updates that we share regularly on Embibe.

All the best for your exams..!

Chelsa Riyan :

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