Sunday, September 30, 2018

आयकर परतावा आणि स्वतःचा आयकर काढण्यासाठी फॉर्म link

Friday, September 28, 2018

                                  Practise test

                       First Term examination 2017
                            Subject - English

                                 Standard 11th


Q.1 Read the first activity read the extract and then do all the activities

A1) Complete

complete the following sentence by choosing information from the extract.

i) The writer felt the best when............

ii) The writer was barred from attending movies with her sister because..............

One of my teachers once asked my class what our favorite memory was.I vaguely remember that we were studying self esteem and as a discussion prompt my teacher ask for the moment in which you feel the best you feel that you had the world in the palm of your hand. some described prestigious awards, other describe winning a tournament .My answers however invited Giggles and hesitant Smiles .why ?because I feel the best when I first learned how to ride my bike at 13 I didn't mind my classmates stares and snickering because I knew there was more to the story .
            My sister and I shared a  sisterly   relationship we couldn't stand each other or to be honest she couldn't stand me I hero_worshiped her . Her test was the epitome of glamour or personality definition of cool my clothes wear mysteriously in client to look like her and you are my words tended to mimic those I heard from home many times I even wanted to literary follow my sister been praying every time I was barred from attending movies with her needless to say I was a brat and an annoyance to her any sort of conversation we had usually degraded 2 fighting and try as I might my sister had an extra 6 year work of insulting vocabulary which so usually own. after a while I stop trying to impress her and learn to be totally in different apps the silent treatment more approval I was wrong with that into a sad pattern I avoided her she ignore me and deep inside it hurt so that is how it was between us in different style only a sister in am I truly believe that we wouldn't want nothing more.
          I still remember that day I learn to ride a bike I had received that was great until I realised I had no idea how to ride it. My mum had long since abandoned any attempt.

A2) Order
Following sentences summarize the paragraph but they are jumbled up arrange them in the order of their occurrence .

i) I stop trying to impress her and learn to be totally indifferent.

ii) I still remember the day I learn to ride a bike.

iii) I know there was more to the story.

iv) I wanted to literary follow my sister.

 A 3) Guess

  The writer stop trying to impress her sister because.................

 A4 Vocabulary

Find and write words from the extract which means

I) perfect example

ii)  showing no interest

iii) self respect

iv) continuous uncontrolled laughter

A5) Personal response

Explain an unforgettable moment in your life.

 A6 ) Grammar

(do as directed)

 I was barred from the attending movies with her.

 (rewrite as a negative sentence ,)

ii) I learn to ride a bike

( rewrite using past perfect tense)

 B)  do as directed

 i)Driving ...... boat is not .....same as driving a car.
( rewrite the sentence using proper articles)

ii)The film finishes...... 10 o'clock ......the evening
(rewrite the sentence using appropriate prepositions)

iii)" Nobody will listen to me ",said Leela "even the judge will be on this side".

( change the narration)

Q.2 Read the first activity read the extract and do the activities that follow .

A1) complete

complete the table choosing the correct information from the extract .

A disciplined society is like a well oiled Machine .It functions effectively and smoothly .The components of society namely its people need to be disciplined.

        Discipline has been defined as "behavior according to established the rules" by the Oxford Dictionary. It involves control over one's mind and consequently confirm to prevent norms.selfish behavior is the stumbling block to discipline.
       Discipline behavior is important in the workplace in the family environment in public places such as roads and while waiting for a bus.A disciplined orderly society facilitates the achievement of an individual's needs in the long run.
       we need stricter law enforcement citizens are behind for spitting in public places for not following traffic Regulation and for not forming clothes they would automatically be more careful in observing rules .
     "Indiscipline" is not just an abstract noun. It is an attitude that is determined to the individual and to the society at large. By being discipline by raising our voices against discipline we can make our country a better place to live in.

  A2) Give reasons
 A disciplined society is like a well Oiled Machine. explain into two sentences

A3) True or false

State if the following statement are true or false

i) selfish behavior is the tumbling block to discipline.

 II) Indiscipline affects the individual not the society.

iii) disciplined applied behavior is an important in the workplace.

iv)  self discipline is the best discipline .

A4) write the opposite word from the extract which mean .

I) private

II) careless

III) ineffective

IV) worse

A5 ) Personal response

As a student note down the steps that you will take against indiscipline .

A6) Grammar
 Do as directed

I) Indiscipline is an attitude .(add a question tag )

II)we need stricter law enforcement.

( change The voice)

Section-B summary

write a summary of the above extract with the help of the points given below and suggest suitable title

A disciplined society a-well old machine -  selfish behavior -  indiscipline determenantal to the society.

 Section- B


 question 3
 Read the given extract and do the activities that follow.

 constantly dress in modern dresses,
 taking yesterday as a very old hag
 I am destined to pull on
among the  latest waves of Style.
 It has been long long since
 I have
 left my friendship behind in the village
 and come here.
 Ages past
I feel this day
 on the smile of my lips
 the lipstick of spam
painted bright.
 there is a motion but colorless is life.
 In this lane of din
 setup abolishing solitude
 I have built a Wall of Enigma
 around my own house
 against the pure affection of friendship.

A1) complete the web by  the words related to modern life in a city.

A2) Poetic devices.

" It has been long long since"
 name and explain the figures of speech used in the given line.

A3)  Personal response.

 According to you the advantages of city life are.

A4) Poetic creation

 Pick up the words expression from the extract which the speaker has used to describe life in a city.

             Section C Rapid Reading

 His life moved on smoothly. The pension together with his wife or buy washing and sweeping in a couple of houses was quite sufficient for him. He ate food went out and met his few friend slept and spend some evening sitting at a cigarette shop of cousin. This tenor of life was disturb on the first day of every month when he got his old khaki suit should walk to his old office and Salam the accountant at the counter and received his pension. sometimes if it has closing he waited on the roadside for the general manager to come down and saluted him has he got into his car. There was a lot of time all around him. an immense sea of leisure. in this state he made a new discovery about himself that she could make fascinating models out of clay and wood dust. The discovery came suddenly when one day a child in the neighborhood brought to him it's little doll for repair he not only repaired it but made a new thing out of it. This Discovery least him so much that he is very soon become absolved in it. His backyard give him a plentiful supply of plaint clay and the carpenter shop next to his cousin cigarette shop sawdust. He purchased paint for a few anna and low his found his hours gliding he said there in the front part of his home bent over his clay and brought into existence miniature Universe. All the colors of life were are all the forms and creature that of the size of. His middle finger whole village and towns where they are all the persons he had seen passing before his office. when he was  on coming at midday and that cucumber vendor he had the eye of an cartoonist of human faces everything went down into play it was a wonderful miniature reflection of the world and he mounted the neatly on clean wooden slices which enhance their effectiveness in his cousin shop and their attracted huge crowd everyday. and sold very briskly. more than from the sale sing felt failed and ecstasy when he was admiring crowds clustering around his hand work.

A1) Choose the most appropriate statement from the following and write them.

 i) This extract is  about the inservice life of Singh.
ii) This extract is about sings discovery about his ability to make fascinating clay models.
iii) This extract is about the sorrowful of Sing in his hard  work is criticized.
iv) this extra is about Sings fruitful use of his time after retirement by making varieties of miniature clay models using his experiences in life.

A2) write the gist of the extract in your own words.

Q.5A)letter  writing

Write a letter of application to the principal requesting him for the re- examination using the information given below.

Applicant : Ashish Patil 

College : M.R.College of Science, Pune

 Class :11 science ,division C, roll number 15

 Reason : suffering from viral fever not appeared for the first terminal examination allowing to re -examination.


The problem of indiscipline traffic in your city has become Grave. There are always traffic jams on major streets and at marketplaces so students and office goers suffers a lot .It has also caused many accidents write a letter to the RTO officer of your area pointing out the problem and suggest few solutions to overcome the problems.

Q.6 You are a TV reporter and you intend to interview a well-known singer who is visiting your city prepare a set of 8 questions to be asked to him or her

Model Answers Rayats Semister Exam.(11th)

11th                              1st semister

Q.1 A)

I ) The writer felt the best when the writer first learned how to ride her bike at thirteen.

II) the writer was barred from attending movies with her sister because  her sister probably felt that she was not only too young but also a brat and and annoyance to her.

A2 Order

I) I knew there was more to the story .

II) I wanted to literary follow my sister.

III) I stopped trying to impress her and learnt to be totally indifferent.

IV)  I still remember the day I learn to ride bike.

A3 Guess

The writer stop trying to impress her sister because when fighting and trying to draw attention did not work writer stop trying to impress her sister and learn to be totally in different she hoped that the silent treatment would get more approval.


I)Perfect example= Epitome
II) showing no interest = indifferent
III) self respect  = self esteem
IV) continuous uncontrolled laughter      = Giggles

A5 personal Response

I felt best when I brought  T.V. by working in sugar factory for 2 months in summer vacation.

  1. A6 Grammar

I) I was not allowed  to attending movies with her.

II) I had learnt to ride a bike.


I) Driving a Boat is not the same as driving a car.

II) the film finishes at 10 o'clock in the evening.

III) Leela said that nobody would listen to her and also added that even the judge would be on that side.

Q.2 a)

A1 Complete
  • Disciplined behavior
  1. In work place
  2. In a family environment
  3. In public places -such as roads and while waiting for bus.
A2 Give Reasons

  1. A disciplined society is like a well oiled machine because its functions effectively and smoothly and its people need to be disciplined.
A3  True or False

  1. Selfish behavior is the stumbling block to discipline.   =True
  2. Indiscipline affects the individual not the society. = False
  3. Disciplined behavior is important in the workplace.   =True
  4. Self discipline is the best discipline.  = True
A4 Opposite Words

  1. Private   =  public 
  2. careless  =  careful 
  3. Ineffective  =effective 
  4. Worse = Better
A6 Grammar

I) Indiscipline is an attitude, isn't it ?

II ) strict law enforcement is needed         
   to us.
Q.2 B



Discipline society is like oil machine. people must discipline .we  must follow discipline in workplace, in family, and in public places. for discipline society it needs stricter law By raising voice against indiscipline we can make our country greater.self discipline is the best discipline.



  • The words related to modern life
  1. Latest
  2. Style
  3. Bright
  4. Modern
  5. Lipstick
A2 poetic devices

 " It has been long -long since."

'Repetition', in this sentence the word long is repeated.


According to me City life provides us good facilities like road transportation education and more .

  • Modern dresses 
  • latest waves style 
  • lipstick 
  •  painted 
  • bright
Q4 Rapid Reading
  1. This extract is about sings discovery about his ability to make fascinating clay models.
  2. This extract is about sings fruitful use of his time after retirement by making varieties of miniature clay models .using his experiences in life.
II) this is a extract about a pensioner Govind Singh and his wife who lived happily with their small pension. She also develop he is ability to make fascinating clay models. He made by using clay and wood dust beautiful clay models and sale it in his cousins shop . Sing felt an ecstasy when he was admiring crowd clustering around his handiwork.

Q.5 A Letter writing

                                                                                                                                  Mr Ashish Patil,
                                                                                                                                  sai building,
                                                                                                                                Karve Nagar,

M.R. College of Science ,

Applicant- Ashish  PATIL,11th Sci-C
                      Roll no 15.

SUB.- application for requesting for the re-examination.

Dear sir,
            With the help of above mentioned subject I request you sir for allowing me to re examination for the first terminal examination.
           Sir I am Ashish Patil from 11 science, division C, my roll number is 15. For the last one month I am suffering from severe viral fever and that is why I can can't attend the first terminal exam. So I request you sir to please give me permission for Re exam for the first terminal examination.
      For your kind information I gave the medical certificate with this application letter. So please give me permission for the examination and avoid my future loss.

Thank you

                                         Yours faithfully
                                           Ashish Patil


                                                 Anant Kamble,
                                                     Radha plaza,

RTO(Regional Transport

Sub- About the problem of undisciplined               traffic.

Respected Sir,
                       With the help of subject given I want to draw your attention towards most important issue of our city ,traffic problem.
          Sir,our city is popular all over Maharashtra.Everyday many people visit our city for various reasons.but because of bad roads and undisciplined traffic people are facing many problems.
       There are always traffic jams on major street like station road,college road,and market road.So students and office goers are suffer a lot. The
se traffic jam and bad roads causes many accidents and many people lost their lives,many are injured.
  So I request on behalf of all the citizens kindly try to solve our problem.And regulate the traffic.

Thank you
                                               Yours faithfully

                                               Anant Kamble


Good morning Sir
Welcome in our city

  1. Who motivate you to come in this field?
  2. What hardships you face at the beginning?
  3.  Do you face any problems and difficulties at the beginning?
  4.  what was the most challenging situation in this singing field?
  5. Who is your idol in this field?
  6. What do you like other than singing?
  7.  what are your achievements in this field?
  8. What is your aim in life?
  9. What is your message to the new generation and new singer?

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